,v Chris Hadfield band set to perform Iin fundraising concert next month rhi or/wî undpîends mill round out the show ai E.C. Drury June 9 Canadian Astronaut Chris Hadtieid will step out of his space suit and put on a show for Milton next month. Col. Hadfield - who just became the fn-st Canadian to performn a space waik - bis brother David and friends will provide a night of entertainment at E.C. Dmury High Schooi June 9 when their band, Astronique, wili take f0 the stage for a speciai concert. 'Me band specializes in CanLadian folk-type music. Most of the songs have been written by Chris and David. The concert, Songs of Canadian Space, wili include two songs David wrote about his brother's trip - 'Big Smoke' and 'A Great New Starin the Sky'. The concert wiil support the Chris Hadfieid Bursary Fund. The bursary, which was originally just for students attending Milton District High Schooi, has been expanded to ail three high schools, making it a truly ali-Milton scholarship. The bursary is given to, the besi ali-around student who, although excelling in schoiastic achievement, may not be the top student in any one discipline. The concert wili begin ai 8 p.m. in the schooi gymnasium. Tickets will be availabie starting May 22 at Northend Nissan, Mike's Barber Shop, the lottery booth at Zeilers and lime Zone Travel Agency at Lobiaws as well as at the door. Tickets cost $15 for aduits or $5 for children 12 years of age and under. This will likely be the town's only chance to see, hear, congrat- ulate and possibly meet Col. Hadfield until his retumn from Russia next year. ,,Local business fined for Workplace Safety and Insurance Board violation A Campbellville business bas been fined for a Workplace Safety and Insurance Act violation. Fine Oak Things of Campbeflville was ordered to pay $1,500 April 23 after the company's proprietor pied guilty to a charge of failing to register as an employer. A related charge against owner Daniel Walter Gosse was withdrawn. "People who fai to comply wirli the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act are undermining the effective operation of Ontario's wodcplace safety and insurance system," said Linda Lamoureux, director of the Workpiace Safety and Insurance Board's Special Investigations Brandi. "By prosecuting these offences, thie WSIB is helping to ensure a fair and effective compensation system anti safe and healthy workplaces for ail Ontarians." The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May 22, 2001--ý5 Gat a hot scoop? We love ta hear your stary ideas. Cail ur news department at 878-234 1, ext 234. *Canadian Red Cross - Milton Branch Council Members Volunteer + Opportunity The Milton Branch of the Canadian Red Cross is seek- ing individuals living in the Milton area, for appointment f0 their Branch Council. We invite individuals with a background or interest in: " fund-raising " international/global education " disaster/emergency services -, first aid f0 consider joining our international organization. lime commitment: 2-5 hours per month for a one year period. If you are interested in this volunteer opportunity, Please forward your application to the Canadian Red Cross including name, address, telephone/fax, email address and a brief description of why you would like to be a member of the CRC Milton Branch Council. For more information please contact Donna McDermott, Coordinator Volunteer Resources, East Halton at 905- 845-5241. Please send letters of interest to: Red Cross - Milton Branch 142 Bronte St. South, Milton, Ontario L9T 5A8 Fax: 905-875-1460 E-mail: donna. mcdermott@ redcross.ca Safety First With FREE* Hands Free NOKIA 515 . 3 hr taIktitme & 5 days of stand by time ,.2-way text messaging capable , 30 distinctive ring tones e 3 games é 225 daytime minutes monthly'* After 175 Rebate* Expires May 312001 3 months* Unlîmîted Local Callîng Unlmted* Evenîng & Weekend Callîng Bring in this ad and receive a Value $4995 wîth the activation of any phone 100 minutes at Fabutan* (Mlton) Lunch or Dînner for 2 at Swîss Chalet* (Mlton) Or Special cash purchase, +c of 20999Fregi moiTae 155-HP 2.4-ltre DOHC engine AM/FM wth CD audio system *e 4-speed automatic transmission Air conditioning* Power windows and locks e Power heated mirrors SPECIAL LEASE RATE ALSO AVAILABLE - SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS. 'CHOOSE FII4JA 1C38%JIl. ýtso.8%FINANCINO ON 2001 SENTRAS & MAXIMAS 1.8% FINANCINO ON 2001 PATHFINDERS LIMITED TIME OFFER - SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS, OAC O ROGERS- îAIIT INTEC ÇELLULAR INC. E3 j MLO 439 Main St. E. 875-1446c 'mRogers communictins nc. Used under ucense. OAT&T corp. Used under License. S$ee stor for more detals. *Actaff on a $45 monrthY service Plan based on a 2 yr. terni Mc or PAR. Abco* Mnersavallable ut t c Celur onir. rNOFRTH END Nism 610 MARTIN ST W.MILTON Uè05m878rn4137fML I~jj LB iffl