CHICKEN CURRY WITH RICE AND ROTI VECETABLE CURRY WITI4 RICE AND ROTI BEEF SAMOSA. VEGE SAMOSA. PAKORA WESTERN, FRIED £GO A POACHED E00 SANDWICHES. BREAKFAST AND 1NORTU AMERICAN FOOD. DINE IN OR TAKE OUT Qk5 (905) 876-2559 ke MILTON CAFE (formely known as Sandy's Donuts)7 (7 88 ONTARIO ST. NORTH, MILTON (f 31 (across from Spokes 'N'Sîooes5 4IN/T WORK SApartment 1 House ~Business Seniors Discounts! Sevi Mirton atown A A.ton 2ý : àd1 LP] L11i 1ilIIIII SEPTIC rTANK PUMPING Robert Noble Ltd. *1 80 ft of hose for crossing Iawns *3 rdio dspatched trucks to serve you Don't walt for trouble - Pump befor. its too laCe! (Should pump at east every 3 years) Neyer use coloured or double ply toilet paper (519) 853-0500 Açton Answering Service 878-6869 OVER 20 VEARS EXPERIENCE' v Comamit Tles Hardwood ReC RoDomSsteel Studs Bathrooms rop CeIings 876-4023 Stan1 M.A.R.C.H. MECHANICAL Parts fer Washers -, Dryers a Ranges a Freezers - Refrlgeraters a Dlshwashers 785 Main Street East l76-1 138 Acrosfrnm the fGo Station1 [_ROUWE WINDOW FASHIONS ji *Honizontals Vertcals Shadow Magc Shadngs *Pleaed & Cellular Shades Woven Woods M *Roler Shades- Wood Blinds Shutters (905) 804-9559 Shop at Home Service VAR Down Landscaping Consultant & Lawn Maintenance SmaII tree & shrub pruning, fertiizing & mulching Lawn Maintenance FaIl & Spring clean-ups ALISHAR ILECTRIKAL SERVCES INC. ('atpbellville, Ontario, LOP IBO0 Metro license for over 35 years Industrial, Commercial, Residential 1-800-461-6098 Far, Answering Machine 1-416-806-6290 Cel! 1-)-2-04Home NO JOB TOO SMALL OR TOO LARGE concept CaMmieo $5InKtchu & Valj CaL*ete FREE ~ Cbnt Accessorles Over 50 Years Experience Commercial & Residential - j. HARDIMAN ROOFING CO. LTD. Tel: (905) 876-0958 4252 Henderson Roud RR. Ne. 1, Mlton LOT 2X5 Res: (905) 878-3447 Fax: (905;). 876-0936 Fre 4: 1-877-667-4958 *WaerFurac Syte e*Gas, Prpae nd ffHeat Pumps - Air, round Electrlc Fumaces & Water Sources * HIgh Efflciency Air eCentral & Room Air ilters à Humîdieirs 785 Main Street East 376- 1138 (SERVICE) 875-2700 (SALES> BOOKKEEPING SERVICE Accepting new clients Reliable and trustworthy Competitive rates Phone: 905-875-4091 NG GOOD LANDSCAPING Ponds, Waterfalls Interlock, Retaining WaIIs, Steps Lawn Maintenance, Landscape Design Tree Trimming, Bohcat Service 1 and more à Dave Cook 905-330-13301 R.E,.SINDUSTRIES HOME RENOVATIONS VINYL WINDOWS ENTRANCE DOORS fY MAYER 05) 334-1145 MILTON, The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May 22, 2001-23 À002 L Sealies nlnum TI'ugh ail -18775383 between 9am & 9pm amw 5 FE&R WRIITTN WARRANTY ON WORKMANSIIP '~ Ser rvj ing Milton & Area for over 40 years unmion, Air Conditioners, Gas Fireplaces HEATING & COOLING LTD. 905) 878-4821 i03 steeles Ave., Unit #7, Milton Rwe Room -* aaestc pe lesed 878-8625 Referetlne Waler Wi se Protessionai Lawn Sprinkler Design a Ingtatlon & SerNlCe :gepaIm- to byeteme & Upradae *Syotem etart Up & Wlterlzaom For aualhty & 5ervle cail 1-800-511-1212 1e - [N Core's WeUl Drilling & Pump Service " WeII Rehabjlitation " WeII Cleaning " FIow Rates " Water Treatment " Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water Sytema " UV Stenlization Systema Telephone (905) 8 7 8-4515 (Ask for Rod or Jerry) 264 Bronte St. S., Unit 10, Milton ON JR PROFESSIGNAL PAINTINO' Residential, Intorior & Exterior Driveway Sealîng & Dock Staunung James 7Ross Affordable & Roliable RFis: (905) 878-0895 ION Special Discounts for Seniors Peler: (416) 608-09076 Serving Milton & Surrounding Area :7 à j LiaiL£ tt