Senior Iechnology Consultant $1 ,072 - $1 ,304 per week The Ministry of Transportation seeks a results-oriented, self-motivated, experienced« information technology professional with strong leadershi p/ proj ect- management skills and outstanding technical skil s. You will : provide proj ect-ma nage ment/adva nced technical support for technology proî ects/plaeforms; participate in aligning the ministry with government tec hnoloey standards; provide technical expertise/consulting ta senior mlnistry executives and application solution offices. Location: St. Cathsarines. Qualifications: extensive demonstrated experience managi ng multiple! large concurrent fechnolog infrastructure projects; strong issues- management skills; expert demonstrated ana lytical skills; experience provi ding l eaders hip to multidisciplinary teams; excellent interpersonal and communication skills; demonstrated experience implemenli ng/ supporting technologies in large distribuled environments, >5000 nodes; demonstrated technical experience/operational support of Windows NT 4 Domains, Exchange 5.5, SMS 2.0, Windows 95/2000, Solaris 2.6, Lotus Notes 4.6/R5, LAN/WAN architectures. Resume and covering letter must be received by lune 4, 2001. Quoting file MT/SC-62/P, send to: Ministry of Tranýsportation, Human Resources Branch, 301 St. Paul St., 51h F., St. Catharines, ON L2R MR. Fax: 905-704-2590. E-mail: Collection Officers $1 9.45 - $21 .56 per hour Take one of these two opporlunities to join the Ministry of Finance, regional fax office, collections and compliance section, to conduct debt- collection activities. You will colleet provincial fax arrears and returns by: investigating and resolving non-compliant/delinquent taxpayer accounts;- ne gotiating payment arrangements; initiafing appropriafe legal action. Location: Mississauga. Qualifications: good knowledge/understanding of collection techniques/ prcies =akrpc administration, deht-security instruments; goo understanding of ccuntin& methods/principl es; strong interpersona and communication skills; effective research n d negofiation skills; experience with personalI/mai nframe comp uters, related software, i.e. WordPerfect, Lotus; ability ta work accurate [y, meet deadlines. Resume and covering letter must be received b y lune 4, 2001. Quofing file 1115, send f0: Ministry of Finance, Human Resources Branch, 33 King Sf. W., 2nd F., Oshawa, ON LlH 8H5. Fax: 905-433-6588. IAn equal opportunity employer Ontario -7 EDWARDS, Canadas largest manufacturer/supplier of ire detection. is the fastest growing sprinkler cantractor in the country. With over 70 years as an industry leader. we are able to demonstrate customer commitment and technological leadership wvith the necessary experience Io back it up. Our Detection Division designs, manufactures. and services a wide variety of ire detection. emergency lighting. and signalling equipment. The Sprinkler Division specializes in the design, fabrication. and installation/maintenance of sprinkler systemai. As the resuit of continued growth. we have several opportunîties available throughout our 25 sales and service locations across Canada and at our head office and manufacturing facility in Owen Sound. Ontario. " Branch Managers " Sprinkler Service Managers " Design Build Sprinkler Sales Specialists " Smali Contract Sprinkler Estimators " Inspection Sales Representatives - Sprinkler Et Fire Detection " Sprinkler Designers " Detection Service Representatives " Sprinkler Inspection Technicians " Fire Alarmn Designers " Fire Alarm Training/Iechnical Support Specialist Please apply in writing. specîfyîng your preferred location, ta: Human Resourcea EDWARDS, A Unit of SPX Canada Inc. 625-Sth Street East, Owen Sound, Ontario N4K SF8 Fax: (519) 376-2066 a-mail: hradw@edwards.spx.COm Visit our web-site at: We thank ait appficants howvever anly candidates to be interviewed wiff be contacred. 1k-. T.~iYîL)~ -. - ~*~'~- ,0>~ 1' -nud inn ko a dtforoi1 liesi driver training program in Te counîry. We leach Collisionfree!m Driving and we're Iooking for drivers wtt shart ver passiva lforexcllenct. Il yox love la drivt, enoay people, wattfleitile tours and the opparlooîlty for advancemesl 8hev Driver Training is lihe carttr for you. Tht minimum requrre- menîs are 5 years driving experience wilh a cleat dri- viog record. Candidates must also te avalable la lake a 4 week YD lsiraclor Traning Course telore tecoming liceosed. Ail graduales are hiredi Your career coold as involve classrovm leaching, Collisionfreelm Driver Improvemenl Prgas or your vwo YD franchise. New onsurasco dscounts for bth YD and CollisionfraooFm gradoales will citaitevota more growfh iv 2001. Please drap iv btween 10 a.m. and 330 p.mý Mooduy lu Frday t l lauivoapplîcalion. 77 James Street, North, Suite 118 Hamilton, Lawer level Eatnns Centre. Enter trom James St.IYort. Over 160 classruoms acrous Cavada YOUNG DRI VERS@of Canada ' JYour licence to survive. 12 J.0 wwyoungdrivers .como Generl Help Wanttd Oakville's Premier Salon/ Spa requires an EXPERIENCED, FtI!LITIME 1Make-up Artist/ Esihetician Cati Judy et 905-617-5737 Skli.4IHel Auto Body Person Eoperrenced body repaîr person for tosy Collision Ceutre. Fu unibody toperreoce mandilvry. Excellent sages and tenelil cal 905-577-3171 Sk1ld el JUNIOR I INTERMEDIATE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER A position for a Structural Engîneer, regîs- tered in the Province otf Ontario, having 5 fa 10 years experience in deaign ix aveul- able. Knowledge of building design and restoration, project management and AutoCAO are also required. n addition, effective communication and report writing skiffs will be a vaiued aaset. Written replies received by mail only will be considered. THE SPG ENGINEERING GROUP 110. c/o Office Manager 34 Rebecca Street Oakville, Ontario L6K l CHEM SYSTEMS INC. s acceptîtg applicaions for the position of MECHANICAL DESIGN ENGINEER JOB SUMMARYe " Etgiteer & design of chemrcal feed systems iscluditg the development of P&l drawîngo atd preparation of equipment till of maferial. " Size and selectiotf mechanical compoteots including pumpo, valves, mixers, heat tochangers atd other associated equipment. " Structural design analysix for balk material handling & sapport oytems, trames and tanks. *Prepare quttations tased on customer specificaf lots. The successful candidate wiii posses strong organizafiors, commutication & finit management skills. Yoa iii abs tbe a seif-moti- oated team player committed to meeting dead- lites. QUALI FICATIONS: Post-stcondary degret in mechanical engineer- ing. Two years mînîmaum experience of systems design. Addiional skills reqaired- Autocad R14, Solid Works-2000", Microsoft Office, Windows NT. Knowle.qge of pipitg & pump systems, liquid chemical feed & balk handling eqsipmenf, insrumentatio and electrical confrols will te a defiaife asset. Please send resume f0: General Manager, Chem Systems Imc. Fax @ 905-336-9443 OR E-mail: 1 j1.: iv S -z j r ' .- iE - 1 ý The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, ùay 26Ô1 -2i ON SITE Magazine, a new and exciting Metroland publication focusinq on new home and condo sitea in Southweatern Ontario has an immediate opening for an I~DFRISN(SAL.ES REPRFSENTATIVF RICHARDSON CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE Part Time Receptionist, Cashier & Customer Relations Representative Muste have excellent communications skills and be avoulable eveningo and Saturdays Please fax resume ta 878-4443 or con- tact Morley Richardson 878-2393 for interview appointment Chief Accountant/Contoller 0ur client, a matual insurance company local- cd is sout-central Ontario has an opening for a Chief Accoaniant/Controller. Reporting ta ttc General Manager, thîs position is responsi- hie for ail aspects of the organizations accoanting, badgeting and financial reportine reqairemnents. If yoa are a qaalitied accouritant (CG.A., C.M.A., C.A.) a tearn player. comnputer literate with strong comnanication sklls this would te an attractive career opporîaniîy for you. While noi essential, expenience in ttc insarance industry waald te a definite asset. The position allers a comrpetitive salary and coreprehensive benefits package. Please reply ty Jane t, 2001 ta: File # HR-0125 Cewan Wright Limited COWNAN' Fax: 519-886-0829 er- Email: Administration- AP/AR Person required b y a transportation management and logistics company in Oakville. Transportation and bookkeeping knowledge would be heipful. Please fax your resume to: (905> 842-8689 PURCHASINO ASSISTANT Corporate office in Burlington seeka mndi- vidual for entry level position in busy purchasing department. Highly orga- nized and able ta multi task. Exceptional praficiency with Microsoft Excel required. Please fax resumes fa : 905-632-2964 Afin: Office Manager Or email ta: Go Green. This Week. Every Week. JWhen Ibuynq oroeilIng a vehicle, reneml'er ~Ibe Canabian PLEA5E RECYLE TH15 PAPER 1 Respanaibilities Include: " Prospecting for and acquiring new accounts throughouf South-western Ontario " Servicing and enhancing existing accounts " Effectively presenting advertising opportunifies f0 bath new and existing accaunts " Preparing formai wriften and visual presentations Qualifications: " Excellent wriffen and oral communication skilîs " A keen dexire ta succeed and advance in a fasf-paced, deadline-driven environment " Proven sales experience, preferably in the newapaper or magazine industry "Abilify ta, manage multiple projecta concurrently " Sfrong organizationaf and time management okilîs with a keen attention fa defail "Must be a team player " Acceos ta a reliable vehicle ix necexsary Be a part af thia award-winning sales tears with a highly attractive compensation package, including salary, commission and automo- bile allowance. Pisas forward your resume in Confidence by June 4, 2001 ta: Kim Siessor, General Manager f O'N Site Magazine c/o Burington Pose 22 ariwSt., Burlington, ON, L7R 2E3 ai: k05-632-1 on121 cco te Ema905432-1121toseachc No telephone ca//s please. We fhank ai applicants for applying, however, on/y those se/ected for an interview wl/I be confacted.