Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 May 2001, p. 20

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.20«-Tho Cenadîpn Champion, Tuesday, Mey 22, 2001 Classitîed CLASSIFIED BNS HOURSJ CI AA MONDAY TO FRIDAY Ciassifieu ,-dS YIJG AM -Ô5.0 PMNour at...;:z1 SCAIANO Rhonda, Gus and big sister Tatia wecomed Trfnlty Ester fa aour family on April 13. 2001. Prauri Grandparents are Brie and Tio Sciana af Otawa, Marlyn Haft af Barie, andi Harry Mathews af Cambridige. Great <ranriparerris are Claude and Florence Hat of Barrie, Recard Mahews of Tronto, andi Eida and Doringa Scalana of Buerca Aires, Argentina. Spedial Ihlsfia reld Wle Wendy Murfia. Thanks aisa f0 die staff et OTMH: Ann Marie, Jenrae, and iUsa in the Prenatal Cfinlc; GB Dr. Mrraw; andi the nursig staff, 387 a in t.v., CM lto 87828e SUMMRSESIN0 Cornuenthose heases yBonzeoul lke 10 ply e e feragod eerioso pit in uplesîcun M'sibu les -NOTI&CEod In Memoriam Orlando Sonsogno -May 24, 2000 Forever in eur hearts Love Mom, Dad and ister Maria Donations can be made on behaîf of the Orlando Sonsogno Trust Fund ut Milton District Hospital for a future Psychiatric Ward. IAJtaCOME~ O.ttg ,a.Md ln3 ,,,eeih Communylc WIcemS Linda ...... 4-15e3 Ta L. ......87"3a0 Doss...332-479 shm 11riai prueumicI Diane..a* 7-4859 pat........e7-4040 Noc NOICE O CREDITORS AND OTHERS Att ctaîmns againat tht estate offIris Elten Kniapmnan, latt of tht Town 0f Campbetîvitfe, in tht Regional Municipality of Haton, who died on or about tht 3rd day 0f May, 1999 must be filed with tht under- signed personal reprtstntative(s) on or before tht 7th day of Jane, 2001, aller which date tht estate wiî t be distrlbuted having regard only to tht dlaims of whlch tht Estate Trustees then shahl have notice. DATED ai Hamilon., Onaaio this 4th day ai May. 2001 Margeaiet VanRyn and trace Owen, Esiaie Tusees by tha,, Solicitors OtBrien & Skrtich tarrisiers & Soiciors 2t Kin SirEaias SianeygCreef,ON tL8G iJa Fenîlly Resaurce Centre a Mondey May 28th 917 Nîpîssînig Rd Sîgni up for your nere 22002 mentershi Rtgister for Paygoc Pat*ages wabe avadable en May 2 st 2001 9054t76-1244 est. 15 eheryit merc.on.ee CARPET I have several 1,000 yrds. of nein Stainniaster & 100% ny- lon carpel. Will do living- room & hall for $349. tin- durits carpet, pad & in- stallation (30 yards) Steve, 905-639-2902 PIANO lnventory Clearance Sale... Over 100 pianos... Niemey- er-Yamaha-Kawai May 24-26 Th. 4-9, Fr. 9-9, Sat 10-6. Caîl 905-631- 9259. No reasonable offer refused! BED,-Ki-ng -thick pllow.- top, orthopedic mattress set. New, in plastic. CosI $1700, sait $650. 416- 766-9885 BED, pillowtop mattress, boxspring, head/foot board. Unased, sti11 pkgd. Cost $1175, sacri- fice, $525. 416-521-9635 IN Milton, 1 btdrooin, large apartinent, quiet building, ntwty decorat- td. $670. 905-875-4989 MILLSIDE TOWERS - 82 MILLSIDE DR., MILTON NOW LEASING 1 Bedrooin avail- able on bus route, freshty dtcorated, 2 appliances, on-site laundry, includes al utilitits (tsctpt phone & cable.> No pets. References required. Available May 1. Starting f rom $940. Office Hours are 9am-5pm 905-876-1249 By appoistinent only 185 Fo en ACTON, 3 bedroom, semi, two story, comer ravine lot. Finished basement, $1,100.00 /mth., + utilities,' ap- pliances, garage. Avail. July lst. Fi1rstulast, refer- ences required. (905) 854-3228, teave mes- sage. Iiidutrial FURNISHED or unfur- Propertynîshed room. Available Jane 1. Caîl Val, 905- COMMERCIAL Unit on 876-1938 Bronte Street, Milon. ROOM & Board avaiabie. 3,500 sq. f. 6 bay unit, Mus like pets. Phone aller on 1/2 acre with fenced- 6 pm. 905-876-3168 in yard. 875-1150. ~. . - REASONABLE Indus- trial Units for rent. 650 - 1600 sq. ft. Loading docks & drive-in. 1-905-Ae, W 277-9347 or 1-905-275- 6834. ROOMMATE ta share new 1800 sq. foot Matamy p r Juty. 905-876-2388 Classifieds 1876-23641 ECCL RAI tar oî nner P.t., à n's hurch, Stewarttown. Adulfs $10, childrtn $6.00. For tickets please caît Phylis af 905-877-5091, Joan 905-877-5797. Take outs available, by order. SUMMER Fashioni Sale Wholesalt Prices. 2420 - 8th Lina (S. HWY 5) Oakville 905-257-1346 May 25 - 12-7 pin, May 26, 27 - 12-5 pm white chest and paws. Naine - Spats. Caf 905- 878-1454 LOST: Orange tabby caf, malt neutertd, dt- clawtd. ýïIme Satum. Laurier /Woodlawn arts 905-878-4700 CARING home environ- ment has space for full- lime prtschooler. Rt- ceipts. 876-4415 HOME Daycare for 2-5 Y ear olds. Nutrifious anches/snacks. Lots of extras. References /receipts. 905-876-0257 RAINBOW Village Day Care has a few spaces available now. Ouality prograins for childrtn 18 months to 6 years. Also taking registrations for September. 905-878- 7552 CHARFTY GARAGE SALE Saturday May 26th 632 Ehllot Creacent 8 AM. ta 12 Noon Procteda to Miton District Hospital andi Childrens Asatament& Treatinent Centre (CATC) Something for evtryone - Bargains Gaforet Herd bv Xi Zeta Upsilon Chapter of Bats Sigma Phi Sorormty GARAE SAL 8 -1 PM Sa.May 2 t24 Cedsrbrae Ave GARE SALEl i Set. May 26 59 CampbellI I Ave. East GIA ARD ALEI ISait.May 2thI I123 Main St. E. I I St. Pauft andi Paer7 nite J Churches Mi se. Items Rein or Shine I GARAGE SALE IMs, 261 8-.12 pr AUCTION SALE THURSDAY, MAY 24 AT 5 P.M. For the estate of the late Bernard & Irene Jackson To be held et Humnes Auction Farrn, 9313 4th lie, 3 miles northeast of Mil- ton. To include antique furniture, crys- tai, Carnival and Depression glass, paintinga, camping equip. and more. Sherwood & Cordon Hume, Auctioneers Ph: 905-878-2341O Fax: 905-878-7647 ATTENTION INTERNET USERS Unlimittd Accas only $1595, great local ser- vice and support f rom SURF TH-E NET. 90"-73-2602 CLEANERS PRequired for risyshift. Faîl-time, experience. Caîl 905- 306-7811. Milton area, Main & Ontario streets. DRIVER neederi for wood work shop, knowf- Mre 0fGTA an asset. Mst sapply abstract. Some heavylfting. Also neederi latheinen for woodtuming. Cali 877- 6757, or apply f0 9 Aca- deiny Road, George- town FREE training. Drive 4 Us. School Bus Drivers Wanted. Caîl 905-877- 4448. Ladlaw is an equal opportunity company. LIFEGUARDS PPL offers best wages aI pools in Brampton, Mississauga, andi GTA. 416-213-0111 or lepeiie.co PPL allers certification courses. G & Dz drivers for Mil- ton produce company. Fast paced environ- ment, top wages, com-i petitive package. Fas resame 905-878-9010 Att: Guy Ramsay GARDEN Centre re- qies yard person. MuIb aable of op- erating loader and skîd steer machinery. Please HAN DVPE RSON Wanted. Lawn and house maintenance for several properties. Ap- pros. 30 hrs/mk. $10- $l3/hr. Must have own transportation. Caîl 905- 876-0402 ROOFING sub-contrac- tors, and hourly shin- 2 lers wanled. AIl work in oronto. Best rates p aid. Caîl Peter 416-785- 5129 SEARS Appliance Dealer Store in Mlton 110w hiring part-tint Ap- pliance Sales Asso- ciates. Must be avail- able evenings and wtt- kenda. LDrop off resurnes, Attention John, aI 1-100 Nipissing Rd., Milton UNIVERSITY Student requireri for Summer Einployment 401 & Mis- sissauga Road ares for stock contrat, white prints & bindery. Fax resumes to 905-858- 3025 or tminal ta iaan ciandIn III p>I[ ullui- standing of plot configu- ration and print quality control using AutoCAD, Cadkey & Microstation. Expenience in wide for- mat, scan 10 file or print, trimming & binding an asset. Confidential fax: 905-858-3025 or e-mail: iananders@ oaraaond- LOOKING for mot ivated people fo worfc 5 f0 10 hirs. a week in sales. No esperience required. Full traininig provided.' Caîl Dave 519-780- 0049 after 6 pi. SALES Representative. A progressive print inig/copy centre in Mis- sissauga needs a self- starter for Mississauga Brampton, & Mlton. We aller state of the art digi- 1tal Prntn services, ink let(ie format) & CAD DIEngineering 1services. Base salary, commission & benefils.1 Fax 905-858-3025 or e-j mail: iananders@osra- gondoi.com Teaçchina, COME Teach in the Country. Teacher re- quired for Junior Inter- mediate position. Please send or fax re- sume to: Hitherfitld School, 2439 Tenth Side Rd., Campbellvillt, On- tario , LP iBO Fax #905-854-3155, as soon as possible. Domestic COME home t10 dean professionsi, esperi- enced cleaning service. Personalized attention, detailed oriented. Fret estimates. Lesley, 905- 693-1349 PATIERSON Cleaning services, reasonable prices, satisfaction guarantttd. Caîl Louis- elle for fret estimate ai 905-702-3764 9:005:00 Make iR ICHADSN amuN To ease or purchase your Curor truck Hw25 .atDM yRd. 878-2393 SALES & LEASIN NEW & USED 410 STEELES AVE. A FAMILY BUSINESS WITM FAIIILY VALUES WE - 8lY- SELL - LEASE LAIGEST SELECTION OF USEU VEHICLES IN MILTONI 975-2277 MOUY MAfI Provides a Ual residential cleaning service. Letu take rare of ail your spring deaning necds. For a no cou,. no obligation, in hoine etimare, please rail 877-3443 Mort .ffirdable than y.. rhink., uitnpitiuti.s.cusIlJuIlyseekiny flexible, energetic and reijable individual ta fi11 th e position of Fccility Manager. Duties include reception, customer service, order entry, invoicing, shippin9 and receiving. The position requires the ability ta perform warehouse work in addition to office and sales support funictions. To inquire about this position, please caîl 905-693-8952 between the hours of 4 pm-8 pin Full Time, Mature Sales clerk/Service counter persan wanted. Positions available immediately ut Sargent Farms Retail Store. Includes some early evening and/or atternate weekend work. Mast be reliable, trastworthy, have good math skills and excellent interper- sonal skills. Please raol for an interview. Tresa Drew, Store Superviser 878-4401 x-18 Building supply yard requires *DZ DRIVERS *GENERAL LABOUR HELPERS Heavy lifting involved. Drivers must prnvide carrent drivers license with boom truck experience an asset. We provide a competitive storting wage and company benefits. Patene Building Supplies Ltd. 7449 Trafalgar Road (soutb of 401) Hornby (905) 875-0279 NOTH.MRIA' OS NAICCHI OF ALNS E*IRE xeine HAIS Y IT OakviIIe a Buringion a* Wedown We aller: Sfarfing bonus $250-$500; Great commis- sions; Carter advancemenl lhroughoul North America; Flet. wortt haurs; Soliri benef if pragrare TO ARRANGE FOR AN INTERVIEW, PLEASE CALL KYM (905) 849-8808 - ;l. - 1 - - - 11- «-ý--. .. - ý uýj . m6m

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