à-ieCanadian Ch ampion, Tuesday, May 22, 2001 CET THE TRUCK DEAL 0F THE YEAR 1! WIT NOCAG :u:[i : a I i i T RANSM ; IS ~ION [] 93M=U 2001 SIERRA WRANGLER EDITION UiMM b &Mi Mim1 - - B -sa ealmle -W VOiles4M 0VODMa *4-SOMd alMal TnaMOMM em tOnleaM »maiMas0eMk kamaiiwut Mole k lUuaMSM m*4-UNiMca a4-Uhai I-hat -Uule * 0/0I0lii o SiIU Bum Cii iN*VUlelumulOm bsu. $318* 3m9% $269998 hm Lama Tom1 $0 $457 $2,189 32.575 SmiS $4,084 $4.000 1$335 1$6,524 - ~3MC 2001 SIERRA REGULAR CAB 2"0IFVoiles8UNVO ks a 4-SOi Mdumai TaaMimleU iMntiO aà"-Md YMwIMo MM e Ab1 ConigMUMMul.k flhuaUuSDI..a*4-Whsii Oiesa 4-WUsiM-ILM9U i' WMu 4101U E Rt itMut culem CiM flN0*MVU bs ilum uhb ale mu, MM MU~ kM la MvMmai. à-ha - UM uU $3O8* 3m9%$23498 $4,000 $276 $68 EINIC2001 SONOMA 4.3 LOua V M 1180-WVIaMMe *4-SUd IubtsmUcTruiUsabsm* k BOMMU.iu *MM. Ulem M 0 Fbai.e4-WM AIha-LOst imffl SUvle *TWd lDm &%M --UM 0 u-W$§ a Cde0u«d $299 1.9% $23288 Dm Loue 101 PaYn ayam at fluao $0 $350 $1.759 $1,710 Sm $3s,sM $3.500 1 $248 1$5.542 Fo h aetinom to ,s it u s a mc n d .c m do . . . rlo a P nic uik-GNCDale o * :uuu 18 0 a-RIE *Offens based on Sierra Ext. Cab R7U/Siarra Rg. Cab R7RJSonnma 2WD Ext. Ceb SLS AiL Annuel cant etborraang 6.4%/ 6 /.4 % tSerre Est. Cab R7U/Simx R. Cab R7RlSonoma 2WD Ext. Cab SLS AiL> pet annum- Annuel Iilometre limit et120,000 km. $0.12 per ecess kilomefre. Option f0, parcltase atlase end sa $6,037.501$14.îs.15 13,6e5.o (Siee Ext. Cab R7U/Sierra Reg.%bCaRi7RSonnrna 2WD EXt. Cab SLS AiL) plansppicable blues. Otterlease optons avaitable. efTotal due on signing indaudes doran puyment, reght. securlty deposit, int month's payment pus taxes. Ucance, insurance, P.PSA. and administration tees not lncluded. *fFrelglnt (00$t9Gi$al - Sienne Ext. Cab R7UISierra Reg. Ceb RiRlSonoma 2W0 Ext. Cab 010 R7L). licence, insunance, P.P.S.A., administration fats and taxes ont included. Dealers are irae ta Set indvidus] pnceS. tThe SMARTLEASE monthl payment and te GMAC purchaeafinance rate ara net avaitable aîth and are net calcalated on the "Cesh Prcase Pdce" shoan. The differnce betnean the price for thre SsssnnLEAsE/GMAC Pardonne Finance offer and the "Cent Parcllase" offen is deemed ander provincial disclosare aws to ex a c000 f nbolonaing, ahattier or flot te sainereprenants actuel interent, ond la raqslred te Ire exprBssad as an annuel parcanfage, rateefidhi s t.20%t.t4%(4.68% f(Sienne Ext. Cabx R7UlSiernx Rag. Cab R7RlSonoma 2WD Ext, Cab SLS R7L). $Finxncing on apprened G MAC credit oiy. Exemple: St0OSEtil 1.9% APR, Oie monthly papinent is $285.99 for 36 mentis. Cent e ofenaoving sa $296.64. Ttal oblig- alon la $10.295.64. $10.000 et 3.9% APR, Oe monthly papinent is $225.34 for 48 menthn. Cent of borrealng is $89tt.32. Tal obligation ix $10,816.32. Down pepinentlf rada andfer securtly daposit may bE requirad. Monthly pay- ment and cent tfbtrrtoning avlîl vary depending on amoant bEnrowed and down papinantlf rade. fltOffams apply an indicafed fa select 200f new orndemonstrater modals eqaippad an descrlbed andIn qeelîted rtait customers le the Ontanio Pontiac aicli GM C Dealer Makieting Assoiton aieonly. Umifed Orne ciefen ach may nef 0e oomnledMalO Cher offats. Dealer erdar oentrade may bexneoessary. Oaa penn dealen foren eadls. <o 113110K