C~ Fiil r'd'T%-9 ~iri'r ,17~ 8-The Canadian Champion, Friday May 18, 2001 GRADE "1A" 'NEWS *flp ATELINE DRURT MILTON HIGE SCHOOL ~ EC RR lUSMG DISTRICT LfabiePn Royal Report Michelle Merkley EmiIy Wlloughby By Mark Laframboise and Ryan Pyne Wtth the school year slowly comîng to an end. students Bsoaeigîuctaec inun ohcm îvlc ste Joanne Gunding Lindsey Harrold MDHS have been as busy as ever Our girls soîthal eam wo schooI year winds down. their game agaînst White Oaks on their turf in a 19- 10 victory. Lasi Thursday, the annual "Write Now"Iiersry competition Anoîher week has corne and gone. Wtth a long weekend on the hori Ail the girls played very well. On Monday and Tuesday, the awards ceremony was held. We would like to extend our congratu- zon, many students and teachers are finding it hard to eoncentrate on Prfcsdi or frgaeeih tdet rmtedrshol. ltin ote olwngwnys the remaining four weeks left of school. This week's highlights con- Prfcsdi or frgae ih tuet rVaedr col. l FazioJuniorfoloPoetrynrs:sisted of Drurys musical Spring concert and il was a huge success! The younger students had a chance to see students in classes LiealmsialnoesanipopeJromaIioerfilePte udtoiu and get a small sample of what they can look forward to nexi Natasha Bryson-Ram Senioîr Poetry Wedemscalnt.aWtt peolfoma ernglom the adnriu year Drw Bosseue Jnio NonFiciongrade nine band members to, the OAC veterans perfonning their very On Wednesday, stu dents from MDHS helped ai the Tim J.J. Byrne Junior Fiction final concert, the packed house was dazzled. Special performances Horions Day Car Wash. The money they raised is heing used Michelle Szafer Senior Fiction and included solos by Noah Hicks, Juli Heinz and Amanda Branch. The to help send kids to camp. A special thanks goes out to the fol- Senior Non-Fiction highlight of the night came ai the finale when the Jazz Band rocked lowing students who donated their urne and car washing talents Special thanks goes 10 the O.A.C. Wriîers Crafi Class for organiz- the house wiîh their talent and spirit! This enthusiasîje group of to the car wash: Josh Suter, Justin Stanly, Jeremy Smith, Jenny ing this yea's contest. musicians sure showed us that they live 10, entertain! Smith, Toni Carleten, Alex George, Alex Rundle, Katie 'Me Varsiiy Girls Sofîbal eam had a season high fourteen runs in Prior lu ihe great musical performance on Wednesday evening, Tompsll, onhMarkePaDie Roke. lo, aanh their 14-2 vicîory over Acion recently. The entire teamn had a terrif- Dury's infamous tennis îeam headed to the Senior Halton Tennis Thompsn, Mar P, an Debbi Rorke ic efort wih everone inthe lie-upChampionships. oneKeepingmpiupsapslongpistandingog st nning w traditionitioJenny Also on Wednesday during TAP classes, studenis from the î fotwî vroei h eu ann ilaioebt Gleed and Lindsey Nemeth came oui on top wînning gold. ibis sim- The Senior Boys Basehaîl îeam had a strong final inning wiîh six ;_-: - --- - _L-.ý Anti-Violence Commutter askrd the grades nine and tens lu fil] oui their perceptions of safety in the school and what they thought could be done îo solve il. Thr resulis from this survey will bc presented 10 al TAP classes in about two weeks. The answers from the students will help the sehool understand the students' concerns and their ideas on how the violence and van- dalism can be stopped. During TAP, ail studenîs were gîven information on the "Lock-UP" thai will occur sometime nexi week. This is a practice routine thati s done each year ai ail High Schools to practice what should be donc in case an inîrud- er eniers the school. On May 23rd OAC students wil be coming around iii houses wiîhîn the school area lor their Boutle Drive heiween the hours of 6:0O-8:OOpm. Ail proceeds collecied will go iowards the MDHS prom. On May 26ih, the Anti-Violence Commîîîee will be holding a car wash ai Canadian Tire and on the 27ih they will he having a B-B-Q ai Loblaws. Ail proceeds will gsi îowards the Spring Fling that they are planning. Attention ail studenîs!!! Have you bought your yearbook yei'??? There are now only 22 li!!! Make sure ysîu gel yours before they go! Also, do you have a band'? Do you want 10 com- pete in MDHS' "Batile of the Bands"? If you do, make sure you look ai one of the many posters around the school and contact students in charge so you can compete. Finally,jusi a reminder 10, aIl parents ihat Letiers of Concern are being mailed oui today. Wr hope you ail have a safe and happy long weekrnd. runs to defeat Blakelosk 15-14. Liam Tennaiii struck oui ihree bat- ters 10 earn his Oirsi victory of his high sehool carrer. The Senior Boy's Soccer ieam had an amazîng 6-0 win over Georgetown [o conclude iheir regular season play. Allan Laurenco had a strong game in net, earning the shutout. Special mention goes 10 B.R.'s top scorer Onel Martîno with îhree goals. The Senior Girls Soccer ieam had iheir season corne 10 a sudden end agaînsi Si. Thomas Aquinas this pasi week. Unfortunaîely the ladies finished one point oulside of the playoffs. AIl graduating players are wished the besi of luck in the future. Following iheir Oirsi defeat in iwo years agaînsi Loyola, the Junior Boys Soccer ieam played a strong game earning a convîncing 6-I wîn over Acion last Thursday. Fînishing in second place in iheir division, ihey are wished the besti n the posi-seasîîn. The Junior Girl's Soccer îeam also faced Si. Thomas Aquinas in iheir last game ol hie regular seasonThe teain played greai offen- sîvely defeaîing ihein 4-1. Good luck as you advance to the play- ofs nexi week. A reminder 10 ail graduaiing studenis ihai the deadline for the essay coîttesi dealîng wîîh The Responsibilîîy of the Caiholîc Citizen in a Free Society is Friday, May 251h. Three cash prizes will be awardrd. Furiher details can be obtained from Mr. Edwards or Studeni Services. The annual Bishop Rrding Used Uniform Sale, operaîing sepa- rately ihis year from MeCarihy's, is occurring on May 23-24 fromn 3:45 [o 7:30 PM. Everyone ai B.R. wishes the public a safe long weekend. ing pair nas aiways beem a great asset 10 mheir tram, as ttiey flave won every single Hallon championship for the pasi Oive years! Another pair baîîling Oierce competition was Grahamn Carroll and Lori Wollaston who also went on 10 the championships for mixed doubles. Following their teammaies great performance, Carroll and Wollâston won anoîher Ballon Championship for Drury! ibis crrtainly leaves a lasîing mrmory on the careers of these fine players. Congratulations everyone! Whether ibry're wînning or losing, Spartan players always go oui îrying. During iheir final game agaînsi Oakville Trafalgar our girls soccer tram got knocked oui of the playoffs Monday nighî. By the firsi haîf O.T. was leading wiîh a score of 2-0. In the second half goalie Tara Jukes wouldn't let anything go by ber while Margit Poliz took a shot ihat bit the crossbar. Oîher graduaîing senior players end- îng iheir seasons were Jen McFadden, Heather Arbuekle and Michelle Lemmon. Your skills and leadership will greaîly be missed nexi year, however coaches are antîcipaîing another great season. Speaking of nexi year, Student Governmenî elections were also held ihis week 10 determine nexi year's representatives. As posters lined the walls of te Locker Bay and student voices wrre heard over the PA tension rose as to who would be Drury's 2001-2001 studeni gov- ernmenî reps. Today voîing will take place 10 determine who nexi yrar's group of leaders will be. This certainly has hemn a great week 10 take us mbt our long week- e. Afier ail the bard work, practices and performances you ail deserve [o enjoy your nier break! Wr hope you ail have a safe and wonderful long weekend! In the words of a brilliant man: "There is a ripe and delicious beauty in the occasional bout of idie- ness." Wr'll ser you nexi werk!