Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 May 2001, p. 6

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.11 Please, don't drive drunkthis weekendj Another long weekend is upon us - a chance to do more work on the spring cleaning, head to the cottage or just simply relax. Most of us enjoy holiday weekends, but every year many people are affected by tragedies in the form of collisions on our roads. And every year, senseless impaired drving î', a factor in some of these tragedies. The solution is simple. It just requires common sense and responsi- bility. If you're planning to drink, also plan to avoid getting behind the wheel of a car. If you know you'll be driving, don't drink. If you're one of those people who don't take the issue of impaired driving seriously, but haven't yet hurt anyone or been caught by police - there are still many of them out there from ail walks of life and pro-w fessions - know that in aIl likelihood you and others wiIl eventually pay for your actions. Or, you can stop now before it's too late. As the Halton chapter of Mothers Against Drunk Driving states, 'Avoid the Mourning After, Drive Sober'. _________________________________ O UR READERS WRITE Reader concerned water carcinogenic Comparison of Cuba and Canada outra geous (Thefoliowing letter was addressed to Halton MPP Ted Chudleigh and a copy wasfiied with The Champion.) Dear Editor: You will see by last Friday's edition of 'Me Champion that the polluted drinking water poblemn we have liad for more than two years isn't going away, and will lie witli us for at least another year. I think you wili agree witli me tliat this malter siould lie referred to the provin- cial*government, not Halton Region, as you did my Iast letter of lune 14, 2000. We're stili being told that we're receiving safe drinking water, when, in fact, no health authority lias ever tested water with sucli a high pollution of met- aIs as our drinking water contains. The situation hasn't improved since the lune 14, 2000 photograplis I sent you. My main concem is that a high pollu- tion of manganese and iron may lie car- cinogenic, especially as the water con- tains granular manganes as welI as manganese-oxude. None of us want can- cer, especially among out younger Miltonians. Rodoy Tr Ramsden Ontaro $tr.t South (The following letter was sent ro Haiton MPP Ted Chudleigh and a cop), was filed with Thse Chanmpion.) Dear ditor: In 10 years of reading the letters section of The Champion. 1 have neyer read so despicable a sugges- tion as that of Peter D. Haight's public letter to you ('It appears there's stili much work to be done, Mr. Chudleigh." - May 15). Mr. Haight likes the orderliness and cleanliness of Cuban society and fands our society too disorderly. Oppressive dictators love an order- ly looking society! Mr. Haight likes the happiness and courtesy in Cuban society. Weil, no one dates frown or complain about the gov- emment in an oppressive dictator- After presenting lis admiration for coercive govemment. Mr. 1-aiglit complains about the taxa- tion of lis business. By lis ideal, lie would own lis businesses in namne only, if at ail. As long as lie smiles politely and appears happy, like the cubans lie admidres, lie will be able to keep it. As long as lie pays the riglit bribes or lias family members in the relevant govemment offices, lie may be able to get past thse "red tape" to run lis business as lie pleases - 50 long as lie does not ".go too far." If lie oversteps, lie will find himself in a prison camp. Canada's crazy mix of freedom, stifling taxation and legislation, produced by our ridiculous left- right tug-of-war between socialism Mr. Haîglit. He apparently prefers the outriglit, gunpoint, oppression of a Fidel Castro. Such a view should enrage anyone who knows what our war veterans fought. Mr. Chudleigh, our lives and our children's lives depend on our politician's grasp of the difference between individual rights under capitalism and the whole or partial slavery that occurs when individual rights are muddled or disregarded. Few aduits are unaware of the hun- dreds of millions of lives that fas- cism and communismlsocialism destroyed in the 2th century. To advocate either systemn is simply evil. Richard Bramwel RR3, Milton Box 248, 191 Man St.E, Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 (905) 878-2341 Editorial Fax:, 878-4943 1 Advertising Fax: 876-2364 Classified: 875-3300 Ian Oliver Publisher Nil Oliver Associate Publisher Wendy McNab Advertising manager KrnSmith Editor Ciprulatuean Manager Office Manager decine. praductienn Manager The Cnaian Champion, publisfled every Tuesday and Fiday at 191 Main St. t., Mlon. Ont.. L9T 4N9 (Box 248), s on 01 The Metroland Prnting, Publisting & Ostributing Ltd. group oi suburban companies wtaîcl incindes: Aa/Pckering News Aderiser, Aliston Herali/Courier, Barrie Adance, Barrys Bay This Week, Boter totenpise, Brampton Guardian, Burlingono Post, BurlingîoShopping News, Cty Parent, City oi Yorik Guardian, CollingwoodlWasaga Connection, East Yrk Mirror, trio Advocate/Coutry Routes, ttotarcoke Guardian, Flamborougit Post, Foreer Young, Georgetown ndependenV/Acon Free Press, Halton Business Times, Huronia Bsiness Tmes, Kigston Tis Week, Lindsay This Week, Markham tconomist & Sun, MidanitlPenetangulstaene Mirrer, Miton Shopping News, Mississaoga Business Times, Mississauga News, Napanen Goide, Nassagaweya News, NewmarketlAurora tra-Banner, Northunmberland News, Nort York Mirror, Oakille Beaver, Oakvilie Shopping News, Oldimers Hockey News, Oritia Today, OsiawalWiitbyCaringtonnPort erry Thins Wee, Peterborougha This Week, Picton County Guide, Richlmond Hiii/TflnotiIiNaogtan Lberai, Scarbornugit Mirror, Stouioitile/Snitnidge Triitune. Adverising is accepted on Ohe condition Oai, in the event et a typo- grapticai error, tiat portion ni the adeertising space ccupied by tan erro- neons item, togetiter witta a reanonaitie aiiowancn tor signature, wittnot tan ctarged tor, tat the balance ni the advertinement wiii tan pid tor at ite appli- cabe rate. The pubisher aeos0 te git te categonizn adeertisements or l'hn aeCanadien Ctampbiolàa %Rcycable Podndaa Do have something to say about a local issue? This is the place to do it. Send us a letter to the editor either by dropping into our office, by faxing to -878-4943, or e-maillng to mitoned@haltonseach.com. Pud by Steve Nease 6 - The Canadian Champion, Fniday, May 18, 2001 +COMMENT +THE CANADIAN CHAMPION Steve Crozier Terî Casaaa Tlm Coles wr ..; 'l . . ', 1 . -

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