start Track 2000 BMX gets a heiping hand from Mattamny Homes in prepa- ration for the Maple Leaf Nationale June 22, 23 and 24. The local builider ls loaning earth-movlng equlpment and clean flil to build up the lumps. Prom loft are BMX racer Alex Brancier, Track 2000 pesident Mark Brancier, Mattamy Homes con- struction manager Bilan McEnaney and BMX racer Natasha Brancier. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Colec orML 'il'90)87-42 NO SWEAT!I 10 YEAR ý-43@M-& LABOUR maintenance packages. 24 hour emergencY sr and fully trained instollers. m Ail of aur units are desigrîed for your total home comfort. Caîl now for a FREE iN-HCME ES[IMATF take onatort and details on aur summer specials. jo CALL TOIL FREE energy 1-888-718-6466 A Name You've Grown To Trust, The Canadian Champion, Fruday, May 18, 2001 -5 VACATION PICTURE_ WILL YOD BE IN THIS SUMMER? It may be tîme for a coolîng system check-up! '" 4~~.thisVictoria Day long ~ -" .~wekend, but please go -~safely! If unsure, have 1 ~ ~ u : \sserviceour vehicIe t1\\N~ 7-'before you go! 4sumJier's here SCANADIAN CHILDREN'S READING FESTIVAL May 26 & 27, 2001 Bring the whole family and celebrate the joy of reading this summer at Ontario Place with some of Canada's most popular children's writers and illustrators. SATURAY MAY 26 11l:OOam .... Kenneth Oppel Festival Stage) i 2:3Opm .. Loris Lesynski Festival Stage) 2:OOpm..Performers for Literacy (Festival Stage) 2:OOpm..Barbara Reid Cinesphere) 3 3Opm ..ean Little (Festival Stage) S$MAX, MAY 27 il Oam .... Kenneth Oppel (Festival Stage) 12:3Opm ... Sheree Fitch (Festival Stage) 2:OOpm..Performers for Literacy (Festival Stage) 2:OOpm..Barbara Reid (Cinesphere) 3:3Opm..Richard Scrimger (Festival Stage) 5:OOpm..Dini Petty (Festival Stage) Mare auioimmaid tertahumftMt UMOYulw Dot Stag PLUS A WUOL LOT MOULE. Book Signings, Interactive Exhibits, Literacy Marketplace, Family Frendly Exhibits, Entertainment, and Contests! vIstu n CItY p~r FuIU Am SOJ 1 * ervlidunMl une 5, 2001, 01 et ssd sun ssdsoning Union E=enwnoT pxdeiitgo t yss, n natmg u »W I, Caonnbe ser edeiWhtisys s fer. montSI ymts ukuktd eu b « kMcga ée nedwol e n010COt W1e 16,9%/, nnrest per nnuer sssumng n deerred pymnet.GS.T exs Subjct u O toeDW a* obn sxta.Teteewterxttt-eoW a