4-The Canadian CJhampion, Friday. May 18, 2001 1Concllrsfacing truck route dilemma Due to the long weekend, Tuesday's Champion wl/I go to press thîs evening. VEHICLE SYSTEMS Multon's Choice For ,@ Trailer Hitches e Ail your Trailer Hitch and Towing Needs -- authorized dealer vedtadnwm o 348 Bronte St. S. Units il & 12 Milton, ON L9T 5B36 By FANNIE SUNSHINE The Champion ýIIheu l iInî îuPk.îcmlIt ,anoiLok k ignation' near First Line and No. 30 Sideroad, it may cause problenris for local haulers, a town councillor said. "Thse problems ouI there are primarily tractor-trailers passing Guelph," Councillor Barry Lee said at Isce a problem with local owners and contractors who will try 10 travel that way. There must he some way of accommodating themn but we still have to avoid that area tuming mbt a truck by-pass for Guelph." Staff recommended a 'no-truck designation' be applied 10 No. 30 Sideroad west of First Line and at First Lune north of No. 30 Sideroad. LaIe last year, staff conducted a vehicle classil-ica- ion study on FinIt Line north of No. 30 Sideroad. Thse sudy showed an average of 115 trucks per day travel- ling in tIsaI area. Roads unsuitable for tractor-trailers Although the number of trucks may appear 10 be low compared 10 other roads, staff concluded the geomet- rics of the roads make them unsuitable for tractor-trail- er vehicles. Advance signage within Wellington County will be provided indicating an alternative truck route. TIse altemnate route would be located at Arkell and Wason roads for eastbound traffie and County Road 29 and Hwy. 7 for southbound îraffic. Phil Antnniow, co-ordinator of engineering and tran- sit for the Town, said il would he difficuli 10 permit exemptions for certain vehicles. Request for Bids Tree Removal, 01-062-Q - no fée 2001 Sidewalk Program, 01-075-T Sealed Bids on forms supplied by the Town of Milton will be receivcd by the Corporate Services Department until il1:00 amn local time on: TREE REMOVAL, 01-062-Q, MAY 30,2001 2001 SIDEWALK PROGRAM, 01-075-T, JUNE 6,2001 Specifications and forms may be obtained at the Town Hall, 43 Brown Street, Milton, Ontauio, Corporate Services Deparlment, Second floor, during normal business hours, Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. There is a bid document fee of- $26.00 ($24.30 + $1.70 GST). Payment can be made with cash, cheque, Interac or Visa/Masîercard. Any inquiries regarding this tender may be directed to thse Corporate Services Department, at (905) 875-5404. If you would prefer tbat this bid be couriered to you please complete the'Request for Bid Document foron on the Town's website: www.town.milton.on.ca. Plan takers and current and upcoming bids are also posted on the web site. EMPLOYMENT-OPPORTUNITY C»EREW PERSON Il The Community Services Departmnent requires 3 Fultime Crew Person Il positions, reporting dreccly to the Operations Crew Supervisors. As a member of the Operations teamn, you will ensure that proper safeîy procedures are followved, perform mnanual labour requiring lifting over 60 lbs, and operate a variety of equipment. * Grade 12 Diploma * Possession of a valid DZ Driver's Licence * Mechanical aptitude and knowvedge of the Occupational Health and Safety Act * 2 years previous experience in a municipal environment invotving parks/horticul- tural maintenance and roads maintenance is preferred. lnterestcd applicants should submit a resume by May 30, 2001 10: Coordinator, Human Rlesources. Town of Milton, 43 Brown St., Milton, Ont. L9T 4H2 or by fax to (905) 878-4231. You may check our website for this and other employment opportunities at WWMtownia&a#aaOILO c Is accordance with Uic Freedom of information and Privacy Legisation, applicant information is collected under thse authority of the Municipal Act and will be used stricty for candidate selection. Whie we appreciate aIl applications received, only thoSe isvited for an interview will be contacted. a IMILTN TRILS MASTER PLANI Tise Town of Milton is un thc process of fin alizing the Trails Master Plan. Prior to completion of thse final report and routing plans, the Town of Milton and their consultants, Marshall Macklin Monagisan, request your attendance at an Open House. The purpose of the Open House is to obtain feedback from the publie on thse draft routing plans and the Traits recommendations. Based on the approved recommendations, the first stage of Trails implementation will begin this sumnier. The Open House will be held on: TIursday, May 24,2001 Lions Hall @ Memorlal Arena 77 Thompson Road 5:00 p.sn to 9:00 p.. Various panels witb background information and routig plans will be on display. The consultants will provide an overview of their flndings to date. There will be opportunities for feedback at the samne tume, We value your input and hope that you can-join us. Please contact Ken McAlpine at 878-7252 ext.2160 for furtiser information. Tie Town of Milton is in thc process of finalizing thc Centra Business District Streetscape Study. Prior to completing the report and concept design recommendations, thc Town of Milton and their consultants, Arcbitects Alliance, request your attendance at\, an Open House. Tise purpose of thc Open House is to solicit feedback on design concept drawings for the Main street corridor. between Bronte St. and T'hornpson Road. The Open House will be held on: Tflesday, May 22,2001 Lions Hall @~ Memorlal Arena 77 Thonipson Road 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Various panels with background informnation will be on display at thse open house. Thse consultants will provide an overview of their flndings to date. There will be opportunities for feedback at Uic saniedtne. We value your input and hope that you can joi nus. Please contact Ken McAlpine at 878-7252 ext.2160 for further, information. -Wc would be showing favouritism for différent individuals," he said. Mr !J(- uisii h Towrn ht. t find ai wî ob sitive to people whlo use trucks t0 sericie thie il)i. "We have to tind a way 10 accommodate local busi- ness people," he said. 'There's going to be serious accidents involving those tractors. We have lu îry t0 separate (classify) tractor trailers from non-tractor trailers." Mayor Gord Krantz said he's been aware for some lime of the safeîy issues involving tractor-trailers and inadequate roads. 'They (truck drivers) have every right to be in that area if they have a reason to be, flot just for passing through" The routing of Town trucks can be controlled, added Jennifer Reynolds, the Town's director of community services. Mr. Lee said he didn't have the answer but knew local residents would be penalized due 10 the designa- lion. "I'm in favour of getting tractor-trailers off the road," he said. "But some of the local amaller haulers will be affect- ed by Iis (designation)." Staff will report back 10 counicil in six months after completing a study 10 assess the size of trucks and the small haulers that use that specific area. 905875048 Fa:90-7598 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF MILTON TTY: 878-1657 878-72111 MILTON ONaLINE 1