30-The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 18, 2001 ON SITE Magazine, a nom and onciing Mtroland publicatiýon focusing on nom home and condo nîtesnin Southmestern Ontario ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATIVE Respoflsibtîgties Inctude: *Prospecîing for and acquiring nem accounts throughout South- mestern Ontario *Servicing and enhancing existing accounts *Effectively presenting advertising opportunities to both nom and existinq accounts *Preparîng format mritten and visual presentations Qualifications: " Excellent mritten and oral communication ukilîs " A keen desire f0 succeed and advance in a fast-pacod, dead- line-driven environment " Proven sales experience, preferably in the nevspaper or maga- zine îndustry *AbUiyf manage multiple projocts concurrently * tong organizational and time management sil ihake attention to dotait *Must be a team player *Access f0 a reliable vehicle is necessary Be a part of this amard-minning sales team mith a highly attractive compensation package, including satary, commission and auto- mobile allomance, Please forward your resume in confidence by June 4, 2001 ta: Kim Stessor, General Manager ON S/te Magazine c/o Burlington Post 2321 Fairviem St.,, Burington, ON, L7R 2E3 ,e Fax: 905-632-1121 Notluphonu calls please. We thank ail applicants for applying, howe ver, only fhose selecteci for an interview wil bu confacted. I CHHMPUDN BRAMPTON RECEPTIONIST Enjoy worting in a fast-paced environment? Have a senso of humour? We have just the position for youf Champion Road Machinery Sales is a leading distributor of quality road building and maintenance equipment in Ontario. Our Brampton location is looking for a bright, self-motivated individual to be our Receptionist. Along with the usual tasks associated wvith Reception, duties wilI include preparation of incoming and outgoing mail, courier packages and faxes; data entry; personnel attendance records. The successfuf candidate will have a minimum of three years rlated experience, be organized, and have a working knowledge of Microsoft Word and Excel. Champion offers competitive wages and a fulfy-paid benefits package. Fax resumne to: Sharron Buchanan - 905-791-8885 B3ffiI Worldf JOIN THE WINNING TEAM BELL WORLD and ophorlon oîkiarce archi- tects have jined forces ta ettectiveiy change tht may Canada tires. BELL WORLD is curreafiy seekîng hîghiy mot ivated professînnai individuais n their Dakoie and Hamilton locations for Suies Associafes. Dur asanciates are among tht hîgtesi N1efl 1buyln paid in t/rt teiecommunîcatîons iadasfry relii We offer atone uverage remuneratîon, tenefîts, o eIn tonuses, incentives, paid training & fectoicai aup- a vehlcle, port. If you are not just innking for a job, tut a carter, me invite you f0 fake tht f irsi step by fax- rmmLe îng your resume fa: g tjeQanabiatl spheTriôn* cbampon. Spherion Workforce Architects Caif 905-387-0504 or 1-888-851-8494 Fao 905-387-1579 or e-mail: mhause@spherian.ca Wetaîte: wwsyherionca GERRY LUSH GENTIEMANS CLOTHIER Permanent Pari-time Retail Sales Associate Position Quifications: retaîf suies taperience. People skilsw and computer knowiedge. Fuif-tîme tours durîng sommer wilh teitiiity la mark varied tours during taif, inIer and spring. Suituti e for student.0sf y appticants selected iii te contact ed for an interview. FLEA5E Nophono oeils pleas. E L Fax resume t0 905-637-0244 E CL - 11-15 PAPER Field Inspection/Technicians/ Sales Representatives 1 iiiiei SUdelit 1 ùSd;ùiiS dISO ,)ViIdii,) immediate openîngs iv the Hamlion-Brioak aiea. Full-lime fempnrury positions which muy iead ta per- manent empinyment. Responsitiliies incinde Feld Inspection of cutie fines and tht suie rot catie prnd- octo. Appt icants stouid te seif-studters wtn are iiing ta mork oldoors under imited supervision. A refiabie nehîcie and citan driving record are reqnîred. pieuse mail or fan resume f0: Regianal Support Manager INTEGRATED MARKET SOLUTIONS INC. Fax: (905) 331-8411, 99 Bronte RD. Suife 530, OakviIIe, Ontario L6L 387 On/y f/rose se/ected for an interview wi/f/rt confacfed Nu p/rone ca//s p/euse. Coyle Packaging Group Corne loin Our learnI bue ta uoprecedlented rowth me have an opening for an uggressive gALES REPRESE NIATIVE for unr Brown PackagingDivision In Buringlon. Candidate mustabe organized, selt-motivated and have a proven abitity to generate new sales. This s u key position in a growing company. We offer competitive remuneration, benetit package and car allomunce. Please fax reoumne f0 905-335-8911 Class A E, 5th yr. apprentice for our Burllngton location 3030 New St. Cuit us for more loto JoIf Wlaic(M)ih 632-7172 ow Mike Allure 1-888-220-2229 We aiso have locations in: Dukvif le Mississaugu & Hamilton. ©WEARE THE /NDUSTRY LEA4DERý 05AND WE HA VFA LO0T TO OFFER. ls The Auto Service Experts ELECTRICIAN Graham Packaging Canada Limited, is seeking un On- tarin Certîlîed Industriai Efectrician for ifs Bort rngtun facîiîty. Duties incinde trnutieshootîng varions types nf mîcroprncessîng contrais, efectronîca, plastic pro- ceas machines and relied equipment. Dur seven day canfînunus shift operation, allers a campetitîve hauriy rate, camprehensîve tenetits package and tht oppar- tunîty ta appiy ynur technîcaity advanced skiis wfth ove oftte morida premier manufacturer oft custam- made blow maaided plastic containers, Pieuse appty in confidence ta: GRAIIAM PACKAGING CANADA LIMITED 4041 Naith Service Rd.,Burliion, ON, L7L 4X6 E-maîf tbrîan.resch@grahampackagîng com Na phone caifs pieuse. JUNIOR I INTERMEDIATE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER A position for a Structural Engîneer, regis- terod in the Province of Ontario, having 5 f0 10 years experience in design ix avait- able. Knowledge of building design and restoration, project management and AutoÇAO are also roquirod. In addition, effective communication and report wvriting skilîs milI be a valuod asset. Written replies received by mail onty will be considered. THE SPG ENGINEERING GROUP 110. c/o Office Manager 34 Rebecca Street Oakville, Ontario L6K l Job Opportunities Wfîotcsafe D/str/butionî Cornrpuny nom /hiringfnr f/îefoffonving positions: MATERIAL HANDLERS Monday-TInursday- 8:OOam-6:30Ipm REPLENISHER React Truck Cert., an assef, btfwîiimtrin Mnnday-Frîday 8:OOam-4:3Opm Ali apyfîcants must have gond Engiîsh r eadîng and wrîting skiffs. PROFIT SHARîNG COMPANY, BENEFîT PACKAGE Pleaso appîy In person or by fax (905)825-9709 2226 South Service Rd., W., GakviIIe. Fax 876-2364 to 11st purs MAPLE GROVE CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC Required Immediattrly for Thursday/ Friday evenings and Saturday Momnings. Reception! Computer experience an asset. Please hand deliver resumes ici: 511 Maple Grove Drive, Oakville 7ORRUDS We are currently seeking an experienced service advisor. Reynolds & Reynolds experience an asser. Competitive compensation & benefits Please forward your resumne to [arr>' Gibson 400 Steeles Ave. Milton, Ontario L9T 1Y4 Fax: 905-875-1516 Email: info@miltontoyota.com RICHARDSON CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE Part Turne Receptionist, Cashier l& Customer Relations Representatlve Must have excellent communications skills and be avoulable evenings and Saturdays Please fox resumne to 878-4443 or contact Morley Richardson 878-2393 for interview appointiment Purchaslng Data Entry Analyst Sodexho MarrofiServces is Nort Americas largesi pravider nf tood & facility contracting. As our Purctrasing Department expands so do are needs. We are presently recraîting for a Purchasing Data En- try Analysti wirrilii e responsibie for maintaining te integrity of the Purcfrasing datatase, compiing all distribtor informaaionoin order ta prodoce reports and invoces. Essentiai qualifications: Very gnod knowledge af Datatase Management Systems (SOL version 7 & 2000), Excel and Seagate Software Cystai Reports wonid te ao assef, good finanîcai skilis aod knowiedge ni te tond service indnsfry an asset. Forward 000 resume IvoD. MacMillan, Recrnîfiog Manager at 905-632-7114 Fan or emait ai dmacmiianl@sodexhomarrinff com Administration~ AP/AR Person required by a transportation management and logîstics company n Oakville. Transportation and bookkeeping knowledge would be heiptul. Please fax your resume ta: (905) 842-8689 NURSES! NURSES! NURSES! Halton & Peel Regions As an emloyer of chotte we oifer: *Very low stress envirooment *Visiting or shifi commonity nursing *Pay byetht isif (VN) *Eofremeiy compefîfîve pay rates *Paîd Mîfeage *Most weekends oRf *Primary client caseioad ParaMed is ookine orf.iRs and RPNs ~ualty care oriented " acfive nursing skiffs " acceso fa refiatie vehicie for transporfaftion Please mail/fax resuimes ta Roberfa Ounn 1515 Rebecca Sf., Ste 301 Oakville, On L6L 5G8, Fax: 905-847.;1038 or cati 905-847-1025 for more mbf. A fleader in cummueily heufth & sapport services Sfl:AOt'. P/i WORI<AVA1LAQLE As an employer of choice we aifer: " Regniar, part-urne tours " very competitve puy rates " Consisfency nf clients " Day & evening shitts, nci W/ES " Benetîts for qualiiying hours of work " Supportive team environment " Milton tsousing taciiity ParaMed lis looko for PSW's-emin. HSW Il " dedicated, carîng, mature people " Commilmeol fa mort schedufe Please mailtfax resumnes Io Roberta Dunn 1515 Rebecca Sf., Ste 301 OakviIIe, On L6L 5G8, Fax: 905-847-1038 or calt 905-847-1025 for more info. A leader je community heafth & support services Cas bike MV, atoDmasve , as lectibes, bhoinefuisig, jewqysporin geosmusicà instîume nproniser- bhvd - lempqeM t n mns oppfunfes, pesonispublknotice Pick up your copy toa, 191 Main Street East, Milto ADdI'glt Now you can C»tanpion CLASSIFIED LISTINGS ON-LUNE. Whether you're buying or selling, you'II click with success when you use the on-uine Classifieds. n.amption 1 luluplio1w - 875-3300 ( ii-lfWý1 výi\ - 876-2364