The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 18, 2001-3 Lots of heart J.M. Denyes School stu- dents recently raised more than $10,000 through their Jump Rope for Heart event. About 250 students took part ln the fundraiser for the Heart and Stroke Foundation. Here, Brandon Borisavllevic, 7, and Nicole Pealow, 9, hold the letters te speil heart. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE ?esearch shows that people who work with a financial plan- ner are more likely to reach their goals than those who receive little or no advice. A financial planner can help you to set your goals, as well as develop a diversifled plan including mutual hindi, that will get you there. More importantly, a financial advisor can keep you on track through uncertain mar- kets around the world and uncertain times in your own life. Whetber you want te retire te the cottage, te Arizona, or to your garden, 1 can help you get there. My namne is Melissa DeBrouwer, and I'm a Certifled Financial Planner. Financial Planning is ail 1 do, full time, year round. 1 understand that everyone has a unique vision. That's why each plan & portfolio I prepare is customized to reflect that individual or family's situation and goals. A compre- hensive financial plan Addresses ail possible contingencies, se that when life throws you a curve hall, you're ready. A well-structured portfolio including CI mutual hindi may be part of the implementation of that plan. Mutual Funds provide diversification and the potential fer superior growth over the long term to meet the needs of your long-term goals. They aise are a goed way to invest in the steck market. Befere mutual hindi were invented in the 1930's, the small investor couldn't afferd to buy enough stecks te diversify and spread risk. Buying shares in a mutual fund that owns dozens of stocks in different industries and countries lessens that risk censiderably. Mutual hindi give the average investor a chance to earn high returns with an acceptable level of risk. Mutual hindi are designed as long-terni investments and over the long terni most of them make money. Caîl jackie or Alison today to book your initial consultation. We look forward to meeting you. Corne visit us at Showcase Milton, lune 1, 2, and 3. Sponsored un part by GOFunds- MoUssa Denuwer CFP LBICK FINANCIAL IR SECURITY CORPORATION 575 Ontario Street South, Milton (905) 875-1000 Please read a Mutual Fund's simplified prospectus carefully andi consult a Certied Ftnancîal Planner before investing» Mutual funds are ruot guaran- teed; their values change frequently. Investrs may experience a gain or loss when they sali eir unils ianymLtual**id Sporin pattby C i& i