Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 May 2001, p. 28

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28-The Onadian Champion, Frfdmy, May 1 8, 2001 I CLSIIDBONUS! HOURS Am lssfe d MONDAY TO FRIDÀY Ca siMd d ýýuüAjm - .5uû m ~ ~ s~r MEDELA PRODUCTS - SALES & RENTAIS Better Living Home Healtil Care Inc. Also specializing in Wheelchairs, Walkers, Sports Medicine, Bathroom Safety Equipment, Compression Stockings & more, ___ 905-875-2458 DEVUN - Ben and Jen (McHugh) are thrilled t0 amnourice the saaie amoval of their son Regan Avery on Apnl 131h, 2001 at 7:15p.m. Weighing 5lbs, 11ioz. Proud granriparens FRussell & Dons McHiugh and Dae & Mary Devlin. Great granriparents Sanley & Maron McHugh, the laie Glber & Norma Wriggleswortfr, Lndsay & Mary Love, the laie John Devlin, Elvira & th laie Edward Parchem. Special thanks t10 Dr. Sirarma, Dr 1. Hunier andi the nurses t Mihon Disrit Hospital. DONEY - lina ami Andrere Doney are pieased 10 announce lthe sale arrivai o iheir daugirter, Elizabeth Marie, on Api 27,2001. Elizabeth meigirer ixs pounds, 12 ounces andi mas 20 3/4 inches long. Prouri grand- parents are Jackr ami Marie Doney of Missseauga, and Bob andi Betty Grynol of Fort Frances, Ontaro. 'ins and Andrew wouid like to thaek the nursing staff ai Dakoile Trafalgar Hospit ai, as cefi as Dr. Lieke, for lireir excel- ceni care durng our siay. GALLANT (nee Rizzo) Jney & Sandra along mth bg sier Emily are thried Io annouince tire safe ami heafiry early arrivai of tmin boys .Jacob Josephr ami Justin Set-gi hors April 30, 2001 ai 234 AM & 2:41 AM and ceigtring in ai 5.2 ibe ami 5.7 has et Mount 5mnai Hospéfai. Speciaf thsrrks t0 Joan ami Ruir ai tire Higir Risk Ciinic aI Crecil Valey Hospital aiong mth Dms Leone & Doyle for their intaI care To Loruise, Diane & Lindsay ai the Speciai Pregnancy ChoNc ai Mount Sinai To tire nursing staff on 7 Sourth ea MSH chore toofi speasi cars of Mares durnng ber hospifai siay... To Dr. Farine & Dr. Lare and the antire delivery tear e fr binging our lie miracles mbt this corir safely. To Dr. Widnm...cords cerinot expresa our irearfef gratiude for yorir exceptiona] amideper cara To ail our family, friands, neigirbours, & co-workers for al your phrone calas, good thougiris ami prayers during the pasi monlhs...Thank Vouf To Daddy for visitng us everyday chule iethe irospitli itiroutflait & f0Mana for àperservening throgh this sf0! SCAIANO Rironda, Gus andi big sier Taia célcomeri Trfniiy Ester 10 our lsmily on April 13, 2001. Prouri Granripareefs are Elda and Tio Scsiaeo of Ottawa, Marilyn Hou 0of Barrie, and Harry' Matheme cof Cambridige. Great Granriparents are Claude and Forence Hot of Barrie, Ricard Maiece cf Torono, anri Elida and Domingo Scaarno of Beeroe Aires, Argenitins. Specasi tianka 10 midmife Wendy Murco. Thanks aise 10 tire staff ai OTMH: AMe Marie, Jennie, andi Lisn lire Prenafal Clinrc; 0B Dr. Morroc; end tire nursrng sif, BURGIN, Verea Peacefuliy, surrourrded by her famiy on Tuesday, May 15, 2001, Vemna Burgie in her 86th year. Wfe 0f the tle Wrfred Burgin. Lovieg moirer uf Ken Burgin and Gayle arrd her huabanri Zigurds (Zeke) Grnsleins. Dear granrimother of LUnda andi her ires- bandi Bob Soper, Jeerey Sachiko and Kryomîi Burgin and great-grandchildren Chelsea arrr Breanna. Wrll aise be misseri by her sisler-in-law Kathleen Despard of Sept-lies. QJeetec. Friends ciii be reoeived et lire J. Scott Early Fuserai Home. 21 James St., MîCon on Saiurday, May 131h irors 10 Am until lire ime of the Feneral Servrce bcbng held irors lie Funeral Home Chapel ai 11.00 AM. interreeni 10 10110w ai Evergreen Cemetery, Mifon. Il desireri, donatirons Io the Mifton Disirct Hospial Foundatlir on wori be greafly appreci- aled by lire iamily. COLE, Edwn "Ted" Peaceilully on Tuesday, May 151h, 2001 aI Fergus, Onaaio. Ted cas the son of tire laie thon ami Kate Cole. He cas thre dear brother of Ruih Wood, Lena Masos, Diriberi and iis %vile Margarel Cole and Doreen and her husbanri Rosa Auliffe. Ted mas predeoeased by iis brolirers Jack and Waier He cas a specai Inenri and undie lu Jack and Lois Wood ami cr11 be sadly mosseri by hie many rieces and nepiecs.lThe iamiy receiver f rienris aI lire MacKinnon Family Ferrerai Home, 55 Miii Sreet East, Acon on Thumsday from r 2104 p.m. andi 710o9 p.m. The Frrersi Service to celebrate Tes Uf e ii be held in the 'Sioemnaker Chaper Frkday May 131h ai 1:30 p.mý cfth tire Rev. Errrys Janirins officiating. Inermeni mil fo110w itire iamify plot ai Churchrill Cerneiery. The fars- ily couid appreoiate renrembrances t0 a charity of your choice. Macinnon Fareiiy FuneralHome'Siroemaker chaper 853-0350 RAYNER, Gordon Chauls Surrounder by iis iamiiy ire arrereri ino Heaven on Monday, May 14, 2001 . Bcioveri irnsbanri of Muriel (mee Curtiel. He miii be remenrbereri lorever by is four daugiriers, Debbie ami ber busbaed Don Cragg, Helen ami ber panner Sbeify Urquhari, Susan and ber irusband Kevin Reid ami Cafthy. Lovingiy chenished by iis grandchiidren Stepiranie, Jonathan and Nicholas Cragg andi Garret, Colin andi Ge Reid. He MiU be dearfy misseri by iis brother Wliamn andi iis 'fie Marie and is siser Jane endi ber irusbarrd Bit Preeri. His spirfit il ivbo on through the bearls of ail miro lover i m. Frienris were recolveri aIi e J. Scott Earfy Funerai Home, 21 James St., Miton on Thursday rom 2-4 and 7-9 PM. A Funerai Service ciii be ireir from Grace Anglican Churdi, 317 Main Sreet, Milon on Friday, May 181h ai i:00 P.M. Intermeni le 10110w ai Omagh Presbylerian Cemnefery. Dry your eyes anrd reereber me, Not as i am nom Buasi1esed fobe. Because, 1 remomber you ail Ami look on ilir a sreiie. Undersian i n your beari l'oc only gone t0 rest a lttie chlle As long as i have the love 0f each of you Foreverlve Dey iser n0 ioving menory of a ariedIemr passe away a o31,13n Vor ree ceds, Vor eory me Iesue adclays rememberd. HUSBND ND avCiLdRn CARLO LOI Our sincere thanks to ail our frzends ,~neighbours &famzly for your best wishesk and support during Marg's briefzillness. tove and appreciation, Magand Dave Moford) Dedicrrged imeetig'o ur neiir edo rrvte 1953 * 24 Hour Service * Pre-arrangment Options * Grief Counseling Services * Cremation Services 114 Main St. Milton 878-4452 CARPET f have several 1,000 yrds. of nere Sfainmester & 100%/ ny- lon cet-pcf. Wiii do living- roors & halfl for $349. le- dludes carpef, pari & in- stallation (30 yards) Slave, 905-639-2902 FREE Esfimetes... Gof cobbiy or broken chairs? Weak sofa or chair aptogs? So boars? 'fred ooking coori finishas? ...fthen cail Fields for AU fumi- lure repaira and cuafors mood refinishing, 9-9 daily. 905)875-4427 PIANO Inventory Olearance Sale... Over 100 pianos... Niemey- er-Vamaha-Kawai May 24-26 Tir. 4-9, Fr. 9-9, Sel 10-6. Cail 905-631- 9259. No reasonable offer releseci' SUPER Specisi . Gave up 10 30%/.on decorator fabrica! Psy no GST' Love your furnilure... haie your colours? Sofa & matciring chair frors $788. Loveseais frors $448. Chairs f rors $199. Free Estirsafes. Senior Discounts. Fields Qeali- ty Custom Upholsiering, 9-9, (905)875-4427 Fax us ypur Classifieds 876-2364 GARAGE SALE Sat., Sun., & Mon. May 19,20, & 21 8 arn- 4 pre 10391 NASSAGAWEYA Esquesing Town Line (wesf on 15 Sida Rd. lt-rn Speyside, firsf tut-n la leIf) 905-639-1327 Air Condtionet Somnefhing for evet-yone PRNILPLANT I SALE I I .Sacri gs & Divisions 1 Sun Mayr 20th 9 AM -l11AM orwhieI 8649 Appiehy Lne fAppleby & 401) Greai Pricesi GARGSALE1 ISo.Mayl I807 Cedat-bre Ave. 100f r, oos, ofri ['AI ARAGE' I SALE I Sat-rday Mayl9 8AM -11:30 AMI 71RobertsonI Toys, Clothes, Nousehofd Items, etc. Meadoce. Over 2000 e. Many upgrades! Fie. Base- ment. Asling $244.000. 905-878-4647 (Iv. mes- sge) MATrAMY Home, 2 eîorey semi-delacheri, 3 bed- roome, 2 1/2 haire, single garage. Many upgrades. $198.000. g05-876-0678, agents meicome. SERVICE loi for sale in Mii- ion. Suitable for mireelcirair accesa. Wilh 60' drive. 905- 878-9250 4 bdrr home, large loi. 377 McNabb, Milfon. May l9fir, 201h, 10:30 ams - 4:30 pm. Barry. 1- 905-455-6386 COMMERCIAL Und on Bronfe Sftreet, Milon. 3,500 sol. fi. 6 bsy unit, on 1/2 acre cil h fenceri- in yard. 875-1150. REASONABLE Indus- trial Unifs for t-cff. 650 - 1600 sq. fI. Loading docks & drive-in.. 1-905- 277-9347 or 1-905-275- 634. MRONTE VILLAGE MAL Well eslablisbed indoor shopping mll ie cesi Dakville cilh 35 stores incl. Sobeys, Pharma Plus, TO Baok. Relail space for (case suilable for discount depl. store, hardware or medical offices. Tel: 905-825-0719 COUNTRY YARD SALE Fr1, May 18 10Oam -7 pm Set. May 19 7 am - 3pm 5256 lai Une, Miton, 5 km soutir of haspita Landscaing rock, ceder raifs, shop equipreent, cedar cance,entilque Écupboard, mie. GAAESALE I5636 Bell Scirool UneI Salut-day, May 19 192prn1 ILiiitle Tykes plus I moral GARAGE SALE 8Sam-l2 pmI SetMay 19 360Marin StreeI I Sometilng for WveyJn GARAGE SALE 917 Bit-ch Ave. IMilton, Ot SetMayl19,7-lpmI IWe houe everylhfng or needed, greaft for 8,rsf ime mover. ISL May9I 661lChikidaDrveI IUnts 66à671 8Sam -Nooel I Su. May 19 I 7AM -Noonl 88aleAve. IFumiture, toy,I GARAGE SALE SLMarl1l 40 onanvfew I Drive I everyone GARAGE SALE StMay 9 am - Noonl 82BrhAve. $$ GOVERNMENT - Funds $$ Grants and boans informeltion f0 sterf and expand your business or ferre 1-800- 505-8866. MILLSIDE TOWERS - 82 MILLSIDE DR., MILTON NOW LEASING 1 Bedroors avait- able on bus route, lreshfy decoratei, 2 eppliances, on-site laundrr, ncledes ail ublîbes (excepf phone & cable.) No pets. References requirei. Avaîlable May 1. Sterling frors $940. Office Hours are 9am-Spre 905-876-1249 By eppeinimant orgy 1 Bachelor basersent eparimeef for ranti n 12- pico, neer domnioce Milton. 5575/monir. Aveilebie immedietey. Cai 05-r691-1448. MODERN Ico bedroore country aparimeni. Central- ly locaei 519-853-1669 ONE & fr0 bedrooms, ail inclusive, in Milton, No pela. Cali 905-875- 4989. SCENI C Rockmood, i bcd- roors, sunny, oocdlooking park. Small building. Aveu-. able June 1519 856-4900 SPACIOfJS 1, 2, & 3 bcd- roome. Frcshly peinieri, brigiri. Compeliliva rani. Burtingion high rise. Wel meinteineri. Coneeniant lo- cation. 905-333-9846 Noon ACTON, 3 bedroom, semi, Imo siory, corser ravine loi. Finished basemeni, $1,100.00 /1db., + uitlilfies, appliances, garage. Avi. July 1sf. Firs0uasi, referenc- es requireri. (905) 854- 3228, ceave message. FURNISHED or unfiJr- nisfed room. Availebie June 1. Oeil Val, 905- 876-1938 ROOM & Board eveahibe. Must like pets. Phrone effer 6 prs. 905-876-3168 ROAST Bcdf dinner, Fri- day, May 25, et 6 p.m., St. Join's Churcir, Stewart- tome. Arifses$10, childrcn 50.00. For fickets picase cal PWryhetai905-877-5091, Joan 905-877-5797. Take mtils eveilabie, by 001cr. LOST - Back maie cal, chite creet sari pace. Narne - Spats. Oelil905- 878-1454 CARING home environ- recel iras space for fui-lime prescirooler. Recelpis. 876- 4415 HOME Osycare for 2-5 year aide. Nulriious lunch- e/snacus. Lots of eitras. References receipts. 905- 876-0257 LOVING, caring mothar of onre couiri like bo care for your chiri, rey home. Refer- onces. 905-693-1044 QUALITY daycarc eveileble. Play oentre, W- brary, crefis, caike. Babies reelcome.COei Carol et 876-0620. RAINBOW Village Day Care ires saespeces availeble now. QOeeiiy progrars for clilidren 18 rsontfis bo 6 yesrs. Aise feking regiafrations for Seplember. 905-878- 7552 DIRECTV Complefe Sysfema c il h pro- 'a ramed HU card 9350, Virgin HU pro- grammýing Î$75. HU/Football and H Card repair and installations available. Cali 416-991- 2761 or 905-867-7277 ATTENTION INTERNET USERS Unlimited Accesa only $15.95, great local service and support from SURF THE NET. 905-873-2602 par L- IL .,- A Classified OFMCE spacefrt-rent. 1 50 Steeles Ave. 905- 272-0648 mi" 1 ý kifl

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