24Th Caada ChmioFnaMa ,20 Rie l tus ev> DirctI On May 22nd, Haifa, Israel will be the focus of world-wide attention as thousands of people from around the globe gather at the foot of Mount Carmel. They will celebrate the opening of a series of majestic garden terraces that have transformed the face of this mountain in a land sacred throughout history to Jews, Christians, Muslims and Baha'is. For all who believe that mankind is one- (regardless of race) and that all religions invoke the same God (regardless of name), these terraces symbolize the many paths to God. The kilometre-long terrace gardens surround the Canadian- designed, gold-domed Shrine - the second most sacred spot in the world for Baha'is. They cascade from the top to the bottom of the mountain, and employ a variety of flowing fountains and flowering and environmentally appropriate plants, as well as inspiring ornamentation to create a stunning effect. The terraces are connected to a series of classically designed buildings that constitute the world-wide spiritual and administrative heart of the international Baha'i community. Through the efforts of Baha'is everywhere, this historic mountain has been transformed into a paradise of formaI and natural gardens, inviting walkways and paths, and fountains and pools - a metaphor of the Baha'i teaching of unity in diversity. The opening ceremonies on May 22 will involve a cross- section of world citizens, including Bahais from virtually every country of the globe - many from less developed nations. For a significant number, it will be their first time away from home, their first time outside their region or country, their first time in an airpiane or ship, and their first visit to the centre of their world-embracing Faith. The ceremonies begin at dusk and feature an original oratorio and symphony by award-winning composers from Norway and Tajikistan performed hy artists from Austria, Canada, lsrael, Romania, and the U.S.A. The orchestral music will climax with the spectacular inaugural lighting of the Terraces, building light upon light like strings of pearîs draped around the illuminated Shrine. On the morning of the next day, indigenous musicians will perform and thousands of celebrants, many in national dress, will walk up the terraces for the first time. Following the week's festivities, visitors and tourists from everywhere will be able to enjoy the gardens - open to all, every day, free of charge. Vision TV will broadcast highlights of this landmark event in two one-hour programs on Tuesday May 22 and Wednesday May 23 at 9 pm. Both programns wil be repeated again the following day at l:OOpm. Live satellite transmissions will also occur several hours earlier via Telstar 6. A photo gallery is on the Web at: www.bahaiworldnews.orglterraces. WatchVlslon TV-. May 22 & 23 9p.nM. Pleose join Milton Baha'is durtng these two evenings, For info coul: (905) 878-0011 GLOBAL: ........................... www.bahai.org L.JU i t IYJ[. NtSUIUJSWRougew Worshlp Mr*..aster Kessler Vouth Rov. Bord Clark 9 arn - Early Worshi'p Service 9:30 - Sunday School 10:-45 arn - Second Worship Service Paster Dan Ragge pr.aching SThe Book of Reveation MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. * 878-3873 10:00 arn. - The Lords.Supper il1:45 s.m. - Sundsy School 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study I give unto my sheep eternal ite; they shall neyer penish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. John 10.28 HOLY ROSARY PARISH httpilwwwgolden.net-wtslnlttsslp hoyssary-m.hat b878-6535 (T.T.Y. 878-9044) rHOLY ROSARY CHURCH 139 Martin Street Mass at 5:30 p.m. Saturday 9:00 arn., 10:30 arn. & noon Siînday ST. PETER CHURCH 9th Lie ôFBWana Mass at 9:00 a.m.Sunday ~~Rev. Earl Talbot, P SOUTHSIDE COMNM YCHURCH of The Chrisian & Mfissionary Alliance (formerly known as Milton Aliance Church) 2850 DERRY RD. - Phone 878-5664 - Fax 878-6676 Paster Greg McCombs 11:00 A.M. SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE Join us May 6th.June 24th for a series on the Fandly (Nursery care provided> 'ADVENTUREL'IND (for kids age 3-gr.6) For more info on our regular weekly ministries, please eail the church office. we weicome you ro... ST. PAU L'S UNITED CHURCH 123 Main St. E., Milton This Sunday - SIXTH SLJNDAY 0F EASTER Worship 10:30 a.m. e Nursery & Church School Sat. May 26, 8 ar.m.- Annual Outreach Garage Sale& 10 arn. - 2 p.m. - Marathon Hymn Sing-A-Iong Rev. John Benham JuyHunter, Director of Music Curch office: (905) 878-8895 b ý www.stpaulsmilton.org VIOTORY BIBLE CHURON In todays~ worl4, there are many pressures that pull us in various directions. VBC is a church focused on learning how to apply the Bible ta ail aspects of lfe. loin us for our services so you and yourfamily can have victory in your lufe. But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Corinthians 15:57) 10:00 A.M. - Sunday Moming Worship Milton Leisure Centre (Boardroom) (separate services for children 9 years and under) Wednesday Bible Study 7-8:30 pm Milton Leisure Centre Boardroom <child care pmovided) "LI-vingA VictoriousLifefy iy e Word0f God" Pastor Charles Boyce (905) 875-2162 1 riFma,1 puuyu-,-,.,.00.4-,. MILTON Grace Anglican Church SEVENTH-DAY 317 Main St. E., Milton The Salvation Ab the Church on the Hill CHURCH Tel. 878-2411 Fax 878-3005 A ryC uc ÀOÇ raV& ~www.welcome.to/Cr-ace. Milton Mlo Invites you t ur weekly 'vtlbbitlt services ai Rev. Dr. Mark McDermott Hugh Foster Hall, 43 Brown st. Milton 1:0a onn osi Sat. 9:30 a. ni. - Sahbatlt Sdtool SUNDAY SERVICES1:0 ar-Mon gWosp Sat. 1 1:00 ai.n Divine Service 8:00 arn - Holy Communion 11:00 amn Sunday School FREE BIBLE SCHOOL 10:00 arn - Stung Euclîarist Discover theiteanazing Bible aswers to lites Chiurchi School & Coffee Hour 100 Nlpissing Road, Unit 3 perplexing questi<)ns, and thte secret to a ltappy life. A.V .t V..iCru Pastors: For FREE BIIBLE LESSONS, Write: 1.. Box 23012, 4:00> - 5:30pin- Yul GoMUsttants Shaldon à Clare Feetur 55 Ontirio S., Milton, Ont., L9T 5l14. THURSDAY For more information about our services, and On thte INTERNET, lttp://www.vop.com,.tnd 10:00 amn Holy Communion other programming pissas cali 876-2420 www.aim,.zitrgfacts.or,ç,/Iil)lescliool/sclioolîmiin.iisp PASTOR: Carlt<mn O. Rtulston, 416-821-4610 Ei W'heelcltair Access Tlinsgh Parking Lo)t Donni m 1 1 ---t- i