Tr 2-The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 18, 2001 Go VChamber against proposed changes to GTSB scoop? ýK.fANNIESUNSHINE tivL's and( we've consuhced wilh major ei love Vters and taxpayers in the Wc see the potential l'or lar-reaching, neg- GTNs905 egins soul be or_ ative financial and economic impacts to hear GAs95rgossoi ewr throughout the OTA if the Province grants yor ried about the impact of proposed the GTSB broader goveming powers for yor changes to the Greater Toronto transportation, growth management and stoty Services Board (GTSB), say water and waste management." ideas. Milton ChamÎ.er of Commerce The GTSB was originally estahlished two years ago by the Province as a co-ordi- Ca/i officiais. nating body to deal with transportation 878- "We've been watching the power strug- issues and 10 manage the operation of GO gles and the political i-plays carefully," Transit. 2341, said Dawn Case, Chamber vice-president. The GTSB is comprised of 41 council- ext. 234. "We've had discussions with our munic- lors, mayors and regional chairs with 110 ipal, regional and provincial representa- weighted votes. Toronto has 50 per cent of the votes. authority including co-ordination of al transportation planning in the GTA with allocated federal and provincial funding for capital investment in transportation, plus mandated responsibility of gmowth management and development of a growth management strategy for the GTA and the ability to engage in 'non-transportation service delivery' if desired. The Chamber is in favour of a central- ized co-ordinating body for much-needed transportation management but opposes wider-ranging powers that would create, in effect, a tifth layer of govemment but one Instant Shade Trees up to 20 ft. fresbly dug -' From the CR0 WER to You! COLOURFUL ANNUALS ALL IMPATIENS 0F48 PLANT that isn't accountable to the electorate. and mîore împortantly, no inancial analy- sis," said Carol McDonald, chair of the Chamber's govemment relations commit- tee. "Furthermore, we will always be opposed to a controlling agency where Toronto has 50 per cent of the votes. We're talking GTA amalgamation on a grand scale when Toronto's amalgamation prob- lems have yet to be sorted out. We don't want the 905 region to bear the burden for Toronto's debt Ioad." Halton Regional Chair Joyce Savoline said a GTA-wide transportation service would he a great opportunity for the region. It would be a huge opportunity for the transportation agency to see capital fund- ing for the partners." But according to residential developers, any new govemning body that slows down or re-thinks approved regional growth plans could have a devastating economic impact on housing starts throughout the GTA, she added. Endorsement of the new powers for the GTSB was defeated at the recent Ontario Chamber of Commerce (OCC) convention after the Milton Chamber and others spoke against it. The OCC passed a resolution stating, "the OCC immediately write the Province requesting they proceed without delay and provide the GTSB with whatev- er it takes to make the GTSB work or dis- band it post hate, no later than June 30." "We strongly questioned the ambiguity of the phrase 'whatever it takes' when we opposed this motion," Ms Case said. "We're looking at the provincial govemn- ment to think this through logically; to move forward with a funded GTA-wide transportation-only agency. Transportation alone is a huge issue. We helieve this is the only reasonable and responsible course of action" St & Sm. 1-4:30 pi Gary Thomas in aftendance 5 km N. of 401 on Guelph Lini 23kNw Exoc utivoHoinh S. 2-4Pm Buit by 'Carson Reid Homes' en Cmi cm. (oni MurtiliSL) Lloyd Moore in aftendanoe Re/Max Blue Springs ReaIlty (Corp.) Sin.2-4 lm 2034 trnosSt, Kibrls Gladys Crantord in atendance Re/Max Rlue Springs Realty (Corp.)