Seminar on postpartum disorders May 24 Families are invited to attend a free scm- inar entitled 'Postpartum Mood Disorders - What You Didn't Expect Wher' You Were Expecting' May 24 at the 1-laton Regional Administration Building in Oakville. The seminar, organized by the Halton Coalition for Matemal/Infant Care, wil begin at 7 p.m. 'Me purpose of the seminar is ta educate families about postpartum disorders sa they can be identitied and treated earlier and ta educate individuals affected by postpartum mood disorders of treatments and support available. Dr. Gail Erlick Robinson, psychiatrist and director of women's health at Toronto General Hospital, will pravide information on early identification, diagnosis and treat- ment options. Other speakers will include Dr. Mary Lees, psychologist, and Christine Long, executive director of Postpartum Adjustment Support Services - Canada. They will speak about types of posipar- tumn mood disorders, prevalence. risk fac- tors, affect on families and available com- munity support. A women's personal account of her jour- ney to recovery will also be presented. Postpartum mood disorders include a range of conditions that differ in terms of bath symptoms and severity. At the mildest end of the spectrum lies the well-known maternity blues. This con- dition, whicb typically begins in the third or fourth day af postpartum, may include symptams as tearfuiness, anxiety, imrtabili- ty, insamnia and poor concentration. Estimated ta affect some 50 ta 80 per cent of women, it usually resalves itself within twa weeks. In general, when symptams of the blues last beyond twa weeks and interfere witb daily functianing, the presence of a more seriaus disturbance sbould be investigated. Pastpartumn Depression is estimated ta affect 10 ta 15 per cent of postpartum women. Typically, these disorders begin within tbree ta six montbs of delivery, but may begin at any time up ta the end of the first year. These disorders may develop gradually fram the blues or may appear without any previaus symptoms. Symptams include tearfulness, bopeless- ness, sleep and appetite disturbances, phys- ical complaints, scary tboughts and an unusual degree of irritability. Witb early detection and apprapriate referral, postpartum mood disorders bave excellent autcomes. Ta reserve a seat for the seminar, caîl (905) 338-4379. Awards night for auxiliary The annual meeting and awards nght for the Milton District Hospital Auxiliary will be held Thursday at the Milton Curling Club. The meeting will follow a 6 p.m. pot luck dinner. Ail volunteers and junior volunteers are invited ta attend. The guest speaker will be comedian and motivational speaker Gord Paynter. For mare information, caîl (905) 878- 23831 -vBurger anyone? M&M Meat Shops held its annual charlty barbecue in support of the Crohn's and Colitis Faundation Saturday. Here, M&M franchise owner Scot Schlotzhauer (rlght) and Miton Fire Chief Harold Penson have somo fun while helping out. NASR VLLE NORTH SU0 GUELPHI STREEt NOMAIOA TICKETS MN0WQ*%'ALE FOR OUR SUMMER ROCK CONCERT SERIE.% PR. HOOI< - JUNE 14 $20 ADV. $15 DOOR NAZARETH - JULY 12 $25 AVV. $30 DOOR LADIES GET REAPY! THURS., MAY 31/01 "THUNDER FROM POWN UNDERM HOTER THAN AMY CHIP ' PALE SHOW! FOR HNOIMTIO ON ME mm LT S11NGS u AU (905>)702-0777 Ot VISIT OUR W!lS1!AT: I ïï Il ihr' ni %= sqL4)O Starnos Special guests Director Accompanist 1he Milton District High School Glenda Crawford John Govedas Senior Concert Band Saturday, June 2,7:30 p.m. Gambrel Barn, Country Heritage Park, Milton Tickets at Peggys (Milton Mail), Delacourts (Main Street) or by calling 905-876-3307 Adulte $15 Seniors/students $13 children 12 & under $FREE but muai have a ticket Admission price includes two sices of pizza and complmentary popcom The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, May 15, 2001-7 SWHICH __ VACATION wILL YOD BE IN THIS SUMMER? It may be tîme for a cooling system check-up! ... this Victoria Day long weekend, but please go ~ Q*~?Ysafely! If unsure, have us service your vehicle before you go! ALTON HILLS TR4 UNDEI OWNI " Public Fis "*2 spningA " No fishiný " No lîmits " Rentai ro( We w ail you haw 38 ldRO OUT FARM R NEW MANAGEMENT IER: HOWIE SCANNELL ihing for Rainbow Trout fed ponds 7g licence required ;-Cash only - Fish Price $5.50/lb ds available vili cean your lish, <e to do Us catch themV OPEN THIS LONG WEEKEND Sat. 8-6 Sun. 8-6 Mon. 8-6 10541 Forth Line Between 1lOth & l5th Sideroad ~LargestFlh &3 ,Most FlshCaugti Ut ~ l.A Sun..r