4-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May 15, 2001 Notice of Liquor Licence Application vj The following establishment has applied to the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario for*a tiquor licence under the Liquor Licence Act: Application for Additional Facilities Steakyard and Seafood House 377 Main Street, Milton (outdoor ares) Any resident of the municipality may make written submission as te wbether the issuance of the licence is in the public interest having regard to the needs and wishes of the residents. Submissions must be received no later than June 16, 2001. Please include your name, address and telephone number. If a petition is submitted to the Commission, please identify the dcsignated contact person. Note: The AGCO gives the applicant copies of ail objections. Submissions te be sent te: Licensing and Registration Department Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario 20 Dundas St. W, 7th Floor, Toronto ON M5G 2N6 Fax: (416)326-5555 E-mail at icensing@agco.on.ca Preparing for space walk took almost four hours: astronaut *from HADFIELD on page 1 Preparing for the space walk itself took close 10 four tours, so Col. Hadfield had 50 contain his excitemeut. "You have to get dressed, wtich akes a while. I had t0 guard my emotions in case somcthiug happened to delay the walk. When the haSch opencd, ttat's wteu I kucw it was a go-atead." Col. Hadfield comparcd stcppiug out of ttc stuttie and into orbit as "comiug out of the womb to be bom." "It was incredible, te brigtt- ness of teecatit,'te recalled. "Africa goes by in ttc blink of an eye. It was stuuuiugly visu- al in content. It was so cntranc- ing 10 sec tte world ttrougt my visor. Lookiug at ttc catit throughthet shuttle windows wasn't ttc saine. It would be like looking ttrough te bath- room window at the outdoors; it's so différent wteu you're actually outside."' Col. -Hadtield only allowed timself a few moments to "soak in te vicw'" before te tad 50 get down t0 business. Because of computer prot- lems, te testiug of ttc newly- installed Canadarm2 was dclayed, forcing te astronauts to spend an extra day in space. 'I tclpcd repair a few ttings around ttc station," Col. Hadtield said. I înstalled an oxygen hune and fixcd a urinal." Ttc stuttle Endeavour land- cd May 1 at Edwards Air Force Base in souttcm Califomnia duc to stormy wcattcr at tce Kennedy Space Centre in Cape Canaveral, Florida. Soon aller landing back ou Ertit, Col. Hadield received a phone eaul from Prime Minister Jean Chretién congratulating te astronaut on tis sccom- plistments. "I'm looking forward to comiug back tome 50 Canada - it was Canada's fligtt," Col. - Hadtield said. "I know wtat (ttc fligtt) meant to me sud my family, but I want to know tow Canadiaus feel. I taven't talked 10 many Canadians since land- ing."1 So tas it now sunk in tat te bears te itle of te irst Canadian to walk iu space? "I guets so. It was te irst time I've walked (in space) sud ttat's almost secondary 10 beiug tte tirst Canadisu 50 do il. Ttc lacs Stat I'm thc tirst Canadian (10 wslk in space) is rcally a Canadian thing. I ueed 10 be told by Canadiaus wtat it meaus." After s Canadian coast-to- cos speaking tour sud a well- deserved vacation wittis wife sud tree ctildren, Col. Hadlield will likely work as te director of operations for NASA in Russa in ttc faîl. "Ttc space walk was ttc most amazing sud ttrilling tting I've doue lu my life," Col. Hadfield ssid. "I'm look- iug forward t0 coming back to Milton, slttougt I do't kuow yet wten I will be. I'm lookiug forward 50 meeting ttc people and staring my experieuce." TtceI 7-metre, '1641 kg Cauadsrm2 will propel itself aroud te station structure like au iuctworm, pesfofmiug con- struction tasks beyoud ttc react of ttc amaller original Canadarm on tte space sht- tdcs. NOTICE TAXI LICENSING BY-LAW REVIEW TAKE NOTICE THAT in accordance wt Section 257* 2 (5) of The Municipal Act, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Milton bas authonized a review of the current By-law No. 52- 89, being a by-law 10 liceuse, govem and regulate the owners and drivers of cabs, motor or other vehicles for hire. AccordingLy, iadividuals înterested in receiving a copy of the 'draft' Taxi By-law (upon comnple- tion and/or beiag kepi apprised of the progress of ibis marter, may regisser their naine and for- warding address with the Clerks Office hy no later tan 4:30 p.m. on Friday, lune 11h, 2001. An opportunity wilI be provided for public review and commients prior to te proposed by-law being presenîed to Milton Council for consideration aud approval. Taxi Owners, Taxi Drivers and resideuts of tbe Town of Milton are encouraged to provîde input m tte above noted review. Milton Council bas further directed that ttc Town Clerk/Liceucing Comînîssioner provide a peri- od of opportunity wbereby individuals interested in taviug their naines included ou the Taxi Plaie Waiiing List may do so by msking application 10 tbe Clerk's Office and, paymnenî of the appro- priate fée, until 4:30 p.os. on Friday, June 118, 2001. Subsequeut 10 Ibis date. Milton Council has resolved that no furtter naines shaîl te added 1 te list. DATED at e Town of Milton, this t day of May, 2001. Helen Lisi, Town Clerk sud Licencing Commrissioner Town of Milton belen.lisi@town.milton.on.ca (905) 878-7252, Exi 2132 EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY CREW PERSON Il, Tte Community Services Department requires 3 Fulîtîme Crew Person Il positions, reporting directly10 tce Operatiolis Crew Supervisors. As a member of the Operations teain, you will ensure that proper safety procedures are followed, perform manual labour requiring lifting over 60 Ibs, and operate a variety of equipinent. Qualifications include: * Grade 12 Diploma * Possession of a valid DZ Drivers Licence * Mectanical aptitude and knowledge of the Occupational Health and safety Act * 2 years previous experience in a municipal environment involving parkslhorticultur- ai maintenance and roada maintenance is preferred. lnterested applicants should submit a resume by May 30, 2001 10: Coordinator, Human Resources, Town of Milton, 43 Brown St., Milton, Ont, L9T 4H2 or by fax 10 (905) 878-423 1. You mnay check our webite for this and other employment opportunities at www.town milon.on ç.a In accordance with the Freedom of Information andi Privacy Legîslation, applicant information is collected under the auttority of the Municipal Act and will be used strictly for candidate selection. Whîle we appreciate ail applications received, only those invited for an interview will be contacted. NOTICE 0F A PUBLIC MEETING REGARDING ANAPPLICATION TO CHANGE THE OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING BY-LAW 0F THE TOWN 0F MILTON DUFFERIN AGGREGATES PROPOSAL FOR AN EXPANSION TO THIEIR MILTON QUARRY TAKE NOTICE THAT Town of Milton Council will hold a Public Meeting on: Date: Monday, May 28, 2001 Time: 7:30 p.m. Place- Council Chambers, Town Hall, Victoria Park Square, Milton 10 receive information sud public tnput on su application for ameudiments t0 tte Town of Milton OfficiaI Plsu sud Zoning By- law pursuant te Sections 17 sud 34 of the Plsuning Act, as amnended. Ttc property affecîed by the ameudimenîs is located wittin part of Lots 12-14, Concession 7 (Nassagaweya), ix coinposed of approximaîely 35.37 ta, sout of No. 15 Sideroad between 6t Line sud Miltoul-lalton, tilîs Townline, Town of Milton. The expsusion plans aiso involve lands witbin ttc Town of Halton HuIs (su additional 47.17 ta). The applicsuts bave requested bast tce OfficiaI Plan bectanged te replace thc Rural Area designation, currently applicable te ttc propcrty, te a Minerai Resource Extraction Area designation. lu addition, ttc spplicsuss bave requested tat ttc Zoning By- law tecbauged t0 replace ttc Rural (A2) zone witb su Extractive Industrial (MX) zone. The purpose sud effect of ttc officiai plsu sud zoning ameudments ix to peristtch property 1 te uscd for minerai extraction. A draft Official Plsu Ameudiment sud draft Amending By-law will bc available witb the Initiai Report discussed betow. A key map illustrating the area affected by Ibis application follows. This propcrty sud adjacent lands in Halton Hilîs are aiso the subject of applications for a Niagara Escarpmnent Plan Ameudment sud Dcvelopment Penuit, Haiton Region Officiai Plan Amendinent, Town or Halton Hilîs Officiai Plan Ameudment, sudsa pro- posed Ministry of Natural Resources Clasa A Aggregate Licence. 9 '> 16 Any interested person may malte a written submission, prier to thc public meeting, sud stould direct ttc submissionroethe Ditector of Planning sud 17 Development. Z ~ '6 ANY PERSON MAY attend the public meeting to obtain information and 15 make a verbal presentasion sud/or writteu submiasion, to identify issues of o ..~4 concer and/or express views lu support of, or in opposition to, the proposed 8 amendments. A copy of su Initial Report prepared by ttc Planning sud L "evelopment Depafiment, outlining thc application in more detail. s copy of __ the draft OfficiaI Plan Ameudment and Zonîng By-law Ameudiment sud any -10 otter background information will be available on the Friday afternoon imtne- 02 diately prier to ttc public meeting, a copy of wbich înay te reviewed or j5 50-e0P0s -2 ottained by contacting the Planning sud Developmens lepartment, Town - I i Hall, Victoria Park Square. Ttc public meeting ixsua information meeting sud a staff recomamendation 0 OSiD RO on wtetter te approve or refuse Ste application will nlot te nade at titis public meeting. Recommendations from staff ou ttc application will te made at a future date wbeu a full review of ttc application ix complcsed by ttc Town's Planning sud Dcvelopment Department lu conjunction witb associat- cd ageucy reviews. At tat time, a Tectuical Report witt recommendations wîll. te brougt forward for cousideration by Milton Council. Persoos wito aIgu the register at lthe public meeting, or wto request te be notlfied in writing to tite Towo of Milton Planning and Developnaent, Departunent, wlll receive notification of when the matter las t cornte befoère Council for finai consideration. IT SHOULD BE NOTED tatiIf a pelson or public body tat files aa appeal of a declalon of te Town of MiSon in respect of te proposed offcIa plan ameadment or by.law dites not otake a verbal presntatlon aS Site public meeting or make a written subotlsslon tSte Towo of Milton before te proposed arnodosents are adopted, the Onatario Municipal Biord rnay disaias the appeal. DATED astthe Town 0f NMilton, this St day of May. 2001. IH. Lisi. Town Clerk Town of Milton Victorila Purt Square 43 Brown Street Milton ON L9T 5H2 -1 4 .., 1- m