28-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May 15, 2001 CiltomerServYard HsF positions o AZpy Prsav8eMre rv Bosor lsneoc a deliversttr apr cnstgarutian)sites. Nlo thares are welombitngpt. Cali (905)6878-341ext. 1 Naia7 ircuato Pf CnaIan iapo - AM Shftns ChoiED/sine 860 Harveyis on 8 Mrke Driveknfri Bokys o isny'De o ou hvegoth epe seae kii n o aesi the abiîy 0 learnw inas? Wouf you lei 10 artacoliliv wag03 I AbU desares au, please tappiixpraywi resume(a05a)ve78-2341MarextDr2ve Fulitmnhalth counllor poitons availae inM18ton. aroduct in arke Dineicsettoing.r Exelle neait oportunt for Phoune tHa9y' 05-693-9594ve ofa 905-693-9596 roitsume forban interview. PRovdeies Imeanagemen cusloin -sad cerifiedta Pleacsin Ca licstig Ai BaneceM nager (hne905-845-654 ofax905-257-918 PARTS MANAGYSER Mus, ae trn uoiv e andmangemen Plasedap of r a eum a tr AIUBanks/ Service/PMCaSngr 400enly metng daîly SobjE tves abealgar)ze and computer Lîtmat3 Fa r a x: wl 905-257-9et2t18 sta PAU.RTPS MANAGERCS NC 905-331-8804 gauto oradmngmn emalls.P i: Cc amlll i@fhleplyerCeIlIamut " li besi pcagu *-iepent priad " tuvmte n#M riaul nu/ - N diulde r.quWed tny éduatio priidud lxcaion, " tsiilde wkiq bisa - Milton, Burllnelan Waterdown Peute <tantdRber or Irtadu if f9051 319-3155 arsntieifur itaumne ut 450 Appisby Uit. ROCHESTER MIDLAND LIMITED RECEPTIONIST Required part-lime afternoons Mon-Fni untît Sept.li If pou have receptionisi eopenîence & PC knowtedge. SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE Excellent opportunity for men & wumen who have a e- hiable vehîcte, valîi drivers lcense & siîong communi- cation skitîs. Position equîes some walking, stair cimbing & lifting. Full & part timne oppurtuntîts. Pioaesmud yo.rrosm o ho: Email: sharanschnurr@rachestermidiand.com fax 905-847-1675 Mail: 851 Pragress Court, PO. Box 486, Oukvitte, Onario L6J 5A8 We thank ail those interested. Only th ose selected for an interview will te contacted Job Oppgrtunities Wttotesute Distribution Conpuny nov iîrrrgfor tltefolloreîng positions: MATERIAL HANDLERS Monday-Thursday-- 8:Oam-6 3pm REPLENISHER Reuch Truck Ced ., an usset, but wlt train Monday-Frîday 8OO0am-4:3Opm Ail applicants must have goori Englîsh r eading and wrtîng skis. PROFIT SHARING COMPANY, BENEFIT PACKAGE Pleaso apply la pumfa. or b fax (905)825-9709 2226 South Service Rd., W., Oaiville. ha nimmediale opening ut oct Burtînglon location. QPrevious aulomotîve parts toperience is requireri. I2AOP Dealer Systems and computer toperience is un ussuel contact GaviaNHeaoeoy- partstifManager cait 905-523-5557 or fax 905-528013 GARDEN MOTORCAR ontha 0fckthtn Cradasprmimatuer 0f cungsanOm- ari efedbw murialplastricinainefr s B no Pieseupty x onidece1n 4041 Nroroc evigce tRd.,Burtingoni, ONl7ti4X6o F-ssmail:inesadresch@greuhumpn uckugi nm Notnossito phtonesais pIe hùd onefthe notdn areiM aua facurerof Ph top madestraor o epaticicnt inefrs. G= r CnaianCjampA IUTE 4041 rMASriNe S. , MiLgTo ON 7 X o-mail: binchampion haiionsearch.com DETAILING TECHNICIAN Our Burlînglon cirent is a desîgn/boîld coniractor Aieriua. I ii positioni relatts 1ito [ b oiiputriid productixn of maoutactoring and construction druwings rom design information. CET xr equivalent training and gond CAO skils reqired. Weti developeri clculatixe and cros checking skilts and a hîgh mont xof ccuracy and xrganizatixnai abitity are necessary. Practicul cxnstruction nperience a deivite sset. amiiarity with steel plate, mscelaneous iron and pipe fabrication andi einorcing steel detilingis aiso desirubie. Ia cumpetitive saiary andi excellent benetit plan with a progressive, weil established company inieresis you ... Fax. resume Ilx (905)>333-5580 JANKAR HUMAN RESOURCES DISABILUTY CLAIMS ADVUSORS (3) Pennsylvanla Life Insurance Company, a mem- ber of the Universai Ameicun Financiat Corporation, a pubiiciy tîaded company with approimateiy $1.? billion of assets, bas relocated i lx USoprations from Raeigh, Nxrth Carolina lx Mississauga. As we contin- ue t0 grnw, we are currenfty seeking 3 setf-mxtivated professionals t0 loin our dlaims team. Experience in dlaims adjudication is required. Dsability dlaims experience is a definite asset. Team players lonkîng for a carter in a fasi-paceri, growth-nriented organization shxuld forward their re- sume, inctuding satary expectations tx: Pmqbvula Liu I.mruuce Cmpany tu mu rn-au surces 90 ImnuasSot, Wom, 4111 Flou We thank ail those who apply hoîsever, only those setected for an interview wll te conlacted Please, no lelephxne catis n Sîrong commission plan " Company benefil package * Opporuniy for company car " Monîbiy volumne bonus plan " Strong management support & training If you like your earaings ied int your efforts iben ihis is the type of career your iooking for. Please fax reaume Ca: Kim Manos Generai Sales Manager (905)878-0960 or cali (905)878-2355 OFFICE ADMUN Duties include: N/P, A/R, Bank Reconc.., Gov't Remit., Reception & Clericaf. Must be wetl organized, self motivated, 2 years expenience. Pay commensurate wifh expenience. C.M.Morrls Design Ltd. Tel: 878-0578 Fax: 878-0451 HYUNDAI 0F OAKVILLE OFFICE & CLERICAL Award winning auto deatership is seeking a FI! SERVICE RECEPTIOUIIIIIISTIOFFICE CiLE TO STAIT IMMIIIATELY. Requirements: Accurate computer skitts, nrganized andi flexible with strong communication skitis andi able f0 work in a fast paced environment with minimal supervision. Some accuunting exp. a definite usset. Hours: Tues. - Thurs., l2pm - Ipmn Fni. - 10 am - 6pm, Saf. - 9 am -Spmn Ploase fax resume to: Maria Warren (905) 845-7211 or send ho HYUNDAI 0F OAKVILLE 1071 Speers Rd., OakvilIe L6L 2X5 Fax Xus .yo>Lir Classifieds 8L!76-23641 Administrative Assistant Oakvile financial planning firra seeks an indivictuat wiih excellent communication skitis and outgoing per- soLaly to ilthe' roui' of Admimostrativi' Assistant. ment and have abilhty to molitask. qualificatioaa. Excellent customer service; Ability lx handie connideniiat information; Dalabase manage- ment; Excellent computer and nrganizalinnal skitts; Pnsl-secondary graduale with a business, finance or econnmics degree an asset. Must have Mulual Funds License or be wiiing Io obtain. Fax resume fa: Maria enos, 901-940-9M0 We thank ail interested applicants, however only those invted for interview will te contacted GLOBAU3COM ADMINISTRATION/ OFFICE MANAGER Are you detafied and enjoy a challenge? Global 3 toc. s searchîng for an indivîduat ta manage aur office and hat inctudes staff and att aspects of the administration cf the campany. This position is a challenge, but with our ech- notogy and processes, me can train tht right indivîduat. This position Is lacafed la OakvilIe and were proud of thati Please forward your resumne ta: Rosa Diluzlo & Fax: 905-849-9840 Cali: 9054849-808, ext. 225 Purchaslng Data Entry Analyst Sexhe Manlewdott servicese s Nnrth Americu's targest provider of foodi & facitity coniracting. Aa our Puîchusing Deparment expanris so do are neeris. Weare presenty recîuiiing for a Purchasing Data En- f ry Anatyst who wîil be responsbe fr mainiuining the integrity c the Purcasing databse; cmpiting att sldistibuior information ixn rder ta roduce reports andi invices. Essentiat qualifications: Very goori knowtedge af Database Management Systema (SOL version 7 & 2000), Excel and Seagate Software Cystat Reports woutd be an asset, good finanicai asset. Fxrward yox resume lx D. MacMillan, Recruiting Manager aI 905-632-7114 Fax or email ai dmacmilun@sodexhomarrioft.cxm SAE C ONSUnTAcar *One ni the top retailer setters in the area If yox are professionat, and higtuty moivated to succei then fax your resume. No experience necessary. Fax (905) 845-9109 Aftn: Patrlck Hart, Sales Manager RN's & RPN's *Private Dut>' - Part-time *Milton, Hamiton Fb Burlington DESCRIPTON: -flexible work achedulea 10 blend home, school, and famiiy -attractive reage and benefit packages -comprehennive paid orientation and filid placement ta meet your needn and ikill level -qualifications: current RN. or R.P.N. licence -paediatric experience an souci Pieute appîy by May 28,10o: B Ruaman Raoarces SEN Commnty Hcsith Care CathedraiSquare 698 Kng StreetWest Hamilton, Ontwrta1UP tC7 Fa=. (905) 522-5579 Fox 876-2364 I. 11sf y@ums PERENNIAL PLANT SALE Seedlilgs à Divimions Sun May 201h 9AM IlAM on wiîe <bey iasi 8649 Appieby Line <Appleby à 401) GreaI Pricesl GARAGE SALE Set., Sun., & Mon. May 19, 20, & 21 8 arn - 4 pm 10391 NASSAGAWEYA Esqueing Towen Line (wemt on 15 Side Rd. from Speyside, firsft mr Ca lefI) 905-639-1327 Air Condionerl omething for everyone COIJNTY YARD SALE Fit. May 18 10am -7 pm Set. May 19 7 am 3 Pme 5258 leUne, Mltan 5 km sauth oai Ireal. Landscaping rock, codar rails, shop .qulpmmat, codsr cana.,altique cupboard, mime. Mfctonan bedroom semi, $1100+, large 3 bedroomn apait- ment $950+. Asa 1 bedroom $600+. 519- 853-5080 or 519-853- 5352 LARGE basement fan rent. Fumished. close ta GO/MaiI. Avaitabte im- medîufefy. Cati 905-878- 3450 MODERN two bedroomn country apartmnenl. Centratly located. 519- 853-1669 ONE & two bedroamo, uit inclusive, in Miltas. No pets. Cati 905-875- 4989. 3-BEOROOM tarm- flouse in Miton. Gas, large lot ta mainfain. $1250 + utiities. Juty 1. Reptly ta box # 2343 COCanadian Cham- pion, 191 Main St. E. Miton, ON L9T 4N9 FOR Rent, 2 bedroam century home in Mitton, close ta downfown. Large lot across tram Victoria Park $1 200 00 rjoihi tiis. e 5-875-427 or 905- 878-6430 FOR renI, 3 bedroom townhouse, Milon. $1,200. Application andi references before showIng. Contact Mark Matfalieu, (private int) 905-876-0633. Com- monwealth Real Estafe Servieos Corporation. FOR rent, Commerciaf Industriel space with et reet expiosure on Bronte. 2800 sq. Il. $2000. Wilt subdivide. Contact Mark Mattaitu, (piaeline) 905-876- 0I633. Commonwealth Real Estafe Services Corporation. ROOM & Board avait- able. Muet ike pets. Phone aller 6 pm. 905- 876-3168 FLEAE RECYCLE TH15 F'AI'ER