Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 May 2001, p. 26

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26-The Canadîin Champion, Tuesday, May 15, 2001 1Classified ENGAGEMENT WATSON, Helen Suddeniy ai home on Saturday May 12, 200 1, Helen Wason in her 83rd year Predeceased by her husband Tom, son Leroy, ssler Grace and broh- ers Lawrence, Eroy and Raiph. Dear moher of Grace (Por) Gervais, Tommy, Brian (Jane). Sharon (John> Knowes-Bryan, Kevin (PaiÉ> and Ronfle (Shelley>. Aso oved by her daughter-in-iaw Dianne, many grand- chiidren, greal-grancidren, broihers Al Melanson and van Melanson and ojolero Phyliî Lynk, Ima Mamsh and Lela Basso. Fnoends wiii be reoeived ai the J. Scot Early Funerai Home, 21 Jameo St., Miton on Tuesday i rom 2-4 and 7-9 PM. A Funerai Service wiii be heid rom the Puneral Home Chapel on Wednesday, May 16th aI il AM. Cremation 1010110ow wiih interment oi cre- mateil romains aI Evrgreen Cometery. For thone who wiah, donations le the Hearl ami Sroke Foundalion of Canada or the Milton District Hospital Foundaion would be greatiy appreaated by the family announce tire engagement ai their ROBINSON In loving memnuy o a dear ile, mother. daugirter Kristi ta Tylson Levac grandmolher & great grandmolher Viola, who passed Tson is tire son ai Pat andlIda To oyouMay b 14. 1995. thrsa at f h Levac ai Milton and Judg and Peter pas, To us who mioseol and lot ynu, our memnty viii Suke of Mississauga. The wedding awayo last Sadly missed hy Laera, Ken, Caro, Judy, will take place at St. Pauls United 6 grandchildren and 2 groat grandchidron Cirurch on Julg 21, 20012 ils zBm 0 o i d adthy W8. onmnt aTIkEs*Boz ar emtRILotI'n RENAUD - Comrne and Abert (nee Kolmann) ni Chibougamau, Ouebec are pleased 10 announce the biflh o their daughter Carry Charlotte on Apnil 24, 2001. Weighing in ai 7 ha,. 10 oz.ai Chiboughamnau Hospital. Proud irai ime grandpaments are Charlotte ami Helmut Kolmannofn Niagara Fails ami iourth ime for Aie ami AI Renaud ni Thetiord Mines, OC. Ants ami ondies are Ute, Romnie, Stephen, Nadine, Andrea, Kevin and cousin Jack. le addition 10 vider sisiers Charlotte ami Ahice. THORNTON Claire Spence Parents Jay and Lod mn Spence) ami sisier Kale are peased to announce the frth oi Caire on May 3, 2001. Proud grandparenis are Km & To Spene ni Perth and Patricia & Richard Jones oi Mhon Poud unces are Brad Thomion and Chais Spenco. '- DUBIEN, Geraîd Folowing a courageous battie wiih cancer, surounded hy his family ai the Trilium Heafhh Cenre in Mssissauga on Sunday, May 131h, 2001. Geraid Duien, heioved husharud oi Donna, faiher of Damien and his mviie Angela, and Jenniier. His future grandchiidren iiinot know the pleasure o knowing a great man. Geraid touched the lives oi many friendo ami acquaintances. Ho iii ha missed hy lhem al. Famiiy and fienda may omsit ai the McKesie-Kocher Funerai Home 114 Main Sreet Miton, 905-878-4452 rors 2-4 ami 6-8 pm on Wednesday. In lieu ni lowers, donations 10 the Miton Minor Battehail Association in iGrads memory wouid he appreciated by the iaiy. Our sincere thanks toalal our friends, neighbours & family for your best wishes , and support during 4-' Marg's brief illness. Love and appreciation, ~Marg and Dave Mogford The amiy oféghomas wauld like t a uin a[ diffladt ime for us, during Regoilbiess ( adhenhe passed awayAl the flral tributes, dana r o nost Swere wanderful Aspecil tiran=kgt thehame care-gir.mswira ree ui r Re-ç visits home, and ta tire nurses and airer staff an bth the SurgiMedIlboar and thre CCC aiMittan District Hwital ýYu became liea second family to us 4 and we certainy appreciate the Iaving care and kissshawn ta Req.We waould also like ta tiranlc the Ladies ai Knox wha provided lunchflawn funeral service anda ca l torait Sctt Erly Flneral orne and taRev Rad Lavis and Rev. Calteen Smith for theircornfortivn . Sailie fThomasQy& i A Coffee & lEbC namban Cjm thre best way ta start your diry The family ai the tate Eleanor Mary Wilson wish ta thank relatives, friends & neighbaurs far gaur kind suppart and prayers. SSpecialt tianks ta the nurses at t SMiltan District Haspital for yaur ~ tender care. Thank yau ta McKersie-Kacher Funeral Hame & Grace Anglican Church far yaur persanat suppart and services. Joanne & Bob Henry Ruth & Richard Mills SThe family aftie late Jean Hardy wauld like ta express tireir heartielt tirank-you ta neigirbours, friends, and family fa loalarrangements, sympathy cards, donatians, etc. Yaur kindness and thaugirtfulness will long be , I remembered. Also, a special tirank-gau ta Dr Hunter and J. Scott Early Funeral Home. Jack Hardy and Famil Tire dinner for aur Stir Wedding Anniversary was a sure surprise. Tirank you ta aur sans Michael .'and iris wifie Mary and Ralpir ande -4 his wife Cathy. To alI aur jfamilles that attended, ta aur friends for the cards, gits and - flowers we thank yau. It was a seilday and we will cherish Jsealthe memory. Love Ralph and Normj Stag &Doe Kim Wilson & Kevin Gervais Saturday, Mayi 19, 2001 Royal Canadian Legion 21 Charles St., Milton, Ont. 7:00 - ? Tickets available at the door Buffet, DJ. and Raffle Draw IAJLCO E~ .tefig maniedin 3 menthe ermers? AGN Hmvng a baby? IWS."130EstaltsIir an.wbuain.na? CnmmUR eniy camo Baby Lda ... ..85-1563 Tacy L. ...876-4330 Dors . ...332-4789 Bsinss/ Bridai Potesannai Diane....878-4895 Pa.......876-4040 Invites you to attend Its goth Annlversary Aea Celebration. I Atawill be heid laithe. Main HaU (Mary Street entrance) at Kanox Prebyterian ChurCli, 170 Mlain Street F-, Miton on Saturday, Juane 2, 2001 £rom z-4 p.au. -NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Ail claims againsi the estateofo Iris Ellon Knapman, laie of the Town of Oampbellville, in the Regional Municipaiity of Haton, who died on or about the 3rd day of May, 1999 must hie filed with the undor- signed personal reprosentative(s) on or belore the 7th day ai June, 2001, after whiCh date the ostate soilI bo distributed having regard only ta the claims of which ATetHamilto, Onariot17 4h a 5:M,001PM Mraet HUME anducIOn. satTrsee O'Brin & arde euimef BarSherw oiio& rdo ue utoer C6oKiegeStraet Eaat StoeyCtikONfin.clahroob8 ATE TION SATERTUER vico E'SaCisptIONFRM SURF 4 TH NE ITON 905-878-2872 CARPET i have soverai 1,000 yrds. oi nom Stiiimastor & 100% ny- Ion carpel. Will do living- roars & hall lor $349. ln- clodos carpot, pad & in- stallation (30 yards) Steve, 905-639-2902 PIANO lnventoty Clearance Sale... Ovor 100 pianos... Niaey- or-Vamaha-Kamai Maiy 24-26 Th. 4-9, Fr. 9-9, Ssii 10-6. Osîl 905-631- 9259. No roasonable offer rofuseol! H & HU Cards ragrammead $50 (H-CouO( 2 manthrtuanly HiCard fis $89 (sootfohapl el'oi lIe AUTO BODY Working Hrder taa #1 Compileaut et m (W05>878-2721 IRICHARSON~ ICHEMWT OMUU ITo lease or purchasel Iyour car or truck 878-2393 SALES & LEASING NEW & USED 410 STEELES AVE. A FAMILY BUSINESS WITH FAMILY VALUES WE - BOY - SELU - LEASE LARGEST SELECTION 0F USED VEHICLES IN MILTON 875-2277 FOR sale - Pnivaie 3 bdrm bungalow, quiet Ores. Dorsel Park. NOC, vac, nem shingles, soililt, evos. 50x1120 loi, irees, 5 applianoes, satellite. 215K. 905-878-3791 LG 3-bdrm home, Bronte Moadomo. Ovor 2000 s.f. Many up- grades!I Fin. Basomont. Asking $244.000. 905- 878-4647 (iv. message) 4 bdlrs homo, ilargeolot. 377 McNabb, Milon. May 101h, 201h, 10:30 am- 4:30 2m. Barry. 1- I1EAROVhABLEIndJus- triai Units for reni. 650 - 1600 sq. f. Loading dockcs & drive-in. 1-905- 277-9347 or 1-905-275- 6834. LIFEGUARDS PPL offers besi mages ai pools in Brampton, Mississauga, and GTA. 416-213-0111 or DoolpeoOleimied.coml PPL offers certification courses. CapBrick BURL(NGTON Requires FuIli(îe "DZ' TRUCK DRIVERS Excellent ages & opporlonilies. Cal(o arrange intervew: 905-634-7707 Automotuve Detailer/ Clean-up requsîred iîmedîalely, Possitive atitude. Team' Ployer Benefîls. Great mages. Valîd drivers lîcense, Cail>905-689-8835 IJ Auto Body Person Esperieoced body repair peiso for bosy Collision Coolie. Full onibsdy eopeience maedilory. Excellent mages and benef ils. cal>1905-689-9812 487 Laurier Ave., Milton 878-2881 ý 1 1 1

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