14-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May 15, 2001 It 's National Immunization Awareness Week It's National Immunization Awareness Week ignore risks taken by flot immunizing them, the same type of immune response that il would and the Halton Region Healîh Department offers according 10 the healîh department. if confronted by the aclual disease. The body information on the vaccine issue. Vaccines have exisled for approximaîely 80 recognizes the virus or bacteria and attacks it Parents are often concemned about the risks years. before illness occurs.. îhey take by immunizing their children, but They work by prompting the body 10 produce Health officiais say vaccines are sale and seri- ous side effects are rare. For more information regarding immuniza- lion, talk ta your doctor or callIhe Halton Region Health Department's Communicable Disease Program at (905) 825-6060, ext. 7849. J?«fr0fuw 9iy,& ~I, Rbtemn Specîalizing in Hair Replacement for women with hair Ioss due ta chemo/radiation treatment, alopecia & hair thinning. We take extra care ta meet your needs discretely & confidentially. For an appt. eall Amalia (905) 821-1092 114-154 Qusen St. S., Wnh.st.vPlaCe MieisWsuga. <(Steesvlile> (www.nkd.com/rulyyou) Altus CoolGlide Laser getting great resuits. *Fast & Affordable -Safe & Effective Can treat ALL skin types (Fair, Olive, Tanned of Black skin) 9<.yù,<z. IL (4r Cdi. t'PtE.ROT Il g.s.,r-,ODmTT5,',qîî Unit 16, Milton 876-1711 Here are the recommended vaccines for aduits: Region The Halton Region Healtb Departruent recommends the fol- lowing vaccines for adults: e Tetanus and diphîheria - All adulîs should receive letanus and diphtheria shots wiîh combined (TD) booster ever 10 years. *Influenza and Pneumococcus -Persons 65 years of age or older should rcceive an annual fia shot and, on a une-lime basis, a dose of* pneumoc(sccal (pncurnonia) vac- cine. . Measles. Mumips and Rubella (Gennan mecasles)- The MMR vaccine is a three-in-one needle thal should be given 10 adulîs who arent protected against any of these diseases. Women of child- bearing age whu have heen told lhey arent protecled against rubel- la should receive the MMR vac- cine prior 10 pregnancy. - Hepalitis B - Adulîs who havent had the hepatitis B virus or who havent had the vaccine sh6uld gel vaccinated. The vaccine is recommcnded for persons ai increased risk tsf exposure tu hepa- titis B duc Iu their job, lif'estyle or environment (health care or emer- gency service workers, needle users, travellers, etc.). -Varicella (Chickenpox) - This vaccine is recummended f'or peo- pIe who arent sure whether or flot they've had the chickenpox infec- lion. Adults with chickenpux are mure likely tu develop severe cuom- plications ur die froru the disease than cbildren are. Travellers should find out well in advance of their trips if they need any special vaccinations or med- ications te, prevent ilînesses such as yellow fever, typhoid, meningitis, polio, Japanese encephalitis, hepa- titis or malaria, says the health department. Try some Olympie activities Miltonians can try Ilive physical activity events aI the Try It Olympics from now until June 22. The event will be held at the Milton Seniors' Activity Centre and the Milton Leisure Centre. The Try Il Olympics is free of charge for members of the leisure centre and $10 for non-members. For more information, caîl the seniors' centre at (905) 875-1681 or the leisure centre aI (905) 878- 7946, or visit the Halton Region Health Department's Web site at www.region.halton.on.ca/heaith. ADVERTISEMENT Beverly Hilis:- Taiored Programs for Individuai Needs. ,,.~iini w atheris quckly There is a hormonal body type where weight 2O b B )upon us. thighs, where this type may experience fluid i 0v e k dont ... some of us (women) neyer will. Untîl Tedgsiebd yewl aesi es G A A R D lately a bikini came in one sîzel but neyer experience a flat tummy Thankfully thats changing. They are IptJPtOt while the hormonal type bas a flat actually making two piece bathingI i '.l stomach but feels their hips and legs suits again as an option to a one piece. are too large for their current weight s 1 remember being twelve years old, looking in the mirror ai my ever evolving body quickly eutgrowing mry little fuzzy purpîr bikini and - tbinking there is far tuio much space between the bîîttom of my top and the top of my bottom. M ro With that clear thinking common aR.N sense of a girl not yet a womnan, I decided that the bikini was not for me. Il did- n't suit me and il wasn't practical. That lasted about twîî or three years. Then 1 started irying to make my muscle, bones and tissue conform to an ideal - to look goodi in an item of clîthing where 1 cant tell wbicb is the front and which is the back. Whal 1 came to realîze thrîîugh my work in nutrition, as with other aspects of fitness, we have different body types. Speaking from a nutritional perspective, your body type may be a resoît of a predisposition of deficiency. There can be digestive problems which result in bloating, abdominal disten- lion, and weight gain around the upper hips and abdominal region. IInstead of trying to get lower and lower in Weight to squeeze in10 a bikini, it's better 10 wear a bathing suit that conforms to your shape or corrects any nutritional imbalances that seem to be present. Healthy bacterial cultures found in C.a Y plan low fat yogurt help with c Pl abdominal bloating. Evening Primrose Oil or extra virgin olive oil contain the essential fatty acids that aid PMS, and hormone production. Think of it, the bikini made its first appear- ance un the body of Bridget Bardot in the movie and God Created Woman. Manion Heatyr a registeredNohîitional Consuhting Prachhloner wit h over 13 years enneience in weight Ions and nutrihion She os Clnic Drector nf Beverty HuIs Weight Management and Nurition Centre in Milton & Clatkson Village, Mistissauga. For more inormation contact Marion at 875-2889 Eue udeî productsi New centsonly WEEKS BVI[[S WEIGHT LOSS! 550 Ontario St. S. 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