-Woman assaulted by two masked men at corner of Derry Road, Eighth Line Thir Canadian Champion, Fniday, May lil, 2001-7 IMiltonians, themselves, are the worst speeders A woman was assaulted by two mnasked men in a bazaar incident ai a rural intersection Monday. Halton police say the womnan had just dropped off her husband and was ai the corner of Eightb Line and Derry Road ai about 11 a.m. when she spotted two masked men near a silver vehicle occupied by anoiher mani and a woman. The masked men quickly approached ber car, opened the dri- ver's door and utteoed racial slurs before punching ber in tbe face several times. Once the assailants fled tbe scene the woman was able to flag down a motorist for assistance and escape the incident witb minor injuries. Anyone witb information about ibis assault is asked to cali Halton police Dci. Sgt. Jackie Gordon ai 878-5511, ext. 2415. Assainit at Nascar The owner of tbe Nascar Pit was struck in tbe face during a laie- night dispute at tbe Main Street bar Tuesday. According to police. he was assaulied during a heaied argument wiih a maie patron ai about mid- night. Charged wiih- assauli is a 21F. year-old Windsor mani. Impaired driver A 32-year-old Milton man was Police Blotter charged wth impaired driving May 3. Police siopped a 1988 Nissan for a traffic violation on Thomas Street ai about 10: 14 p.m. - ai which urne ihey deemned tbe driver to be under the influence of alcohol. Vehicle dumped A 1994 Mercury Sable stolen from Waerloo was recoveoed ai tbe Croatian Centre ai Tbird Line and Britannia Road Sunday morn- ing. Tbe veicle's steering wbeel and ignition were damaged, as was tbe front ide mirror and windsbield. Total damage was estimated ai $800. Craft store rohbed About $1 ,000 worib of casb, crafis and supplies were taken from Country Hearis in Campbellville overnight Monday. Unknown culprits gained acces to the rural craft shop tbrough a basement window and made off witb some merchandise as well as the cash regisier. Tbe cash regisier was cleaned oui and dumped ai a nearby con- struction site. Residence vandalized A Denry Road resident reiurned home to find bis baserneni flooded and his walls spray painied Tûesday morning. The home was unoccupied over the weekend when unknown sus- pects broke in ibrough a bedroomn window. Tbe culprits tmmcd on the down- stairs facets and spray painting tbe walls. A damage estimate wasn'i avail- able ai pres ime. Headstone turned over A bcadsione was tumed over ai Evergreen Cemetery Monday aflernoon, police report. It was kicked over sometime between noon and 2:30 p.m. The bcadstonc fortunately wasn'i damaged. Vehicle damaged A 2001 Chrysler Neon sustained $300 damage when it was bit witb an unknown objeci near J.M. Denyes School Saturday. Tbe vehicle was bcing driven souibbound on Commercial Street when it was struck on tbe hood two, trnes, causing $500 damage. The driver didn't see who was responsible. Police are invesiigaiing the inci- dent. oIT A FES Credit Cord Probems Major Cash Fow Probems Persistent Bitl Collectors Delnquent Taxes START. 0.1 SOLUTIONS mw fan loss of Job or Loved One Repossessions Woge Gornishments Evictions Judgements, Law Suifs Student boon foreciosures Divorce Related Financial Probem P q PADDON + Donk,uly à&cnh ,eLCu o! No chocgfor.,o oouoin YORKE INC. FOWIcULASgfflES 225 Main Street East (Main & Martin St.) Miton A beuer soluion! 7hewsa formely of HairAssociates bas movedf "I look forward to seeing you at my new location!" E-CliPs 359 Main St 905 875-2223 ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE CommITTEE Wednesday, May 16, 2001 1:30 p.m. Halton Room Hafton Resbna Centre REGIONAL COUNCIL Wednesday, May 23, 2001 9:30 a.m. Regional Council Chambers Haflon Regmnal Centre Tax policies ta be approved include; 9 Phase-in policies for residential properties 0 Capping policies for commercial, industrial and multi-residential properties 0 2001 transition ratios and tax rates If you have any questions or wish to register as a delegation at either meeting, please oeil the Office of the Regional Clerk, at the number listed below. lina Agnello Regional Clerk s *-.. ioralCe tr 111 roteRd- O--. * -. S . L6 3L 90582560 -oe Ireîsfu: 1-866-442-4HALTO (1-866-442-5866) 1 wwvv.r~~egi *li lte er.c 1BANKRUPTC HALTON REGION NOTICE OF MEETINGS To APPROVE THE 2001 TAx POLICIES Halton Region will hear delegations from any/all interested persons or agencies, consider and approve reassessment/tax policies, and pass all by-laws related to the 2001 tax rates at the following two meetings: