Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 May 2001, p. 6

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6hhChdlin'c~g~;FndaV-M~y'¶1~2ot11 *COMMENT A simple distraction can become deadly If you're among those who don't always devote 100 per cent of their focus to driving, you may soon be in for a $325 wake-up caîl. This week, the OPP launched Operation Distraction - a crackdown ' ( on those who try to perform too many additional tasks while behind the wheel of their cars. Offîcers are specîfically targeting motorists who cause accidents or near misses along Hwy. 401 and other highways. The timing is good considering it's also Road Safety Week. According to the Canada Safety Council, 85 per cent of ail collisions are caused by driver error, including motorists who are distracted by a second activity they're performing while behind the wheel. Unfrtuatey, om drver do'tbeleveeatngredin th mon-APIER~CJ$ ing paper, touching up their make-up or chatting on their celI phones CM ?OW while driving makes them any less competent as motorists. But anyone caught will get a careless driving charge, a $325 fine and six demerit For those motorists who insist on having that first cup of coffee, read- ing about the hockey or basketball playoffs or answering their celI phones, for everyone's sake pull off the road and park somewhere until you're done. You're fellow motorists and wallet wiIl thank you. O UR R FADER S WRITE Miii Pond Jacks informative soane Thieves destroyed students' dreams: teacher DearEdAitor: Anotiter it1y lesson Iost... Witile 1 do agree that te new Mili Pond gazebo siotldn't be called te NMil Pond Millennium Gazebo, 1 believe tai te larger issue is te lack of informative signage. As a local iistory advocate, 1Itiinktii would be te ideal location to include some historical panels explainltig the sig- nificance of te NMiI Pond and its rela- *tiorisiip 10 lite Martin famnily. It would be nice t0 sce why the pond 1was coeate and itow il was used over dite 1 years. tWitat a better place to find titis infor- cmation tien aI lite pond itself. It's unfibtae taIttis type of sîg- gnage itas been tnissing for years. les r not Lathiis oppoittinity slip by. SDifan. Robnlk * George Streot Do you have something ta say on.an local issue? Write a letter ta the editor. E-mail ta miltoned@haltonsearch.com. *THE QJNADL4N (CHAMPION Box 248, 191 Main St. E., The Canadien Champion. publisheai every Tuesday and Friday at 191 Main S. E, Milton, Ont., 191 4N9<Box 248), is one of The Metrotani Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 Printinig, Pubiistong & Distrihuting Ltd. group of suhunitan cumpanies wttctt incudes: AjaxlPickering News Advertiser, Aitston Heratti/Curier, Barrie Q '7 Q 1zt1 Atvance, Barrys Bay This Week, Boten Enterpise, Brampton Guardian, (905)8 7 8 -2 3 41JU~ Buntîngion Post Burlngion Shopping News, City Parent. City of or Guardian, ColigmodWasaga Coneection, East York Mirror, Erin Fax:878-943 Adocate/Country Routes, Etocoke Guardian. Famborough Post, Forever Editorial Fa :8 84 4 oung, Georgetown Indepenitent/Acton Free Pes, Haton Business Times, Huronia Busintss Tmes, Kingston This Week, Lindsay Tis Weei, Markham Advertising Fax: 876-2364 Ecanomist & Sun, Mdana/Penetanguishene Minnor, Miton Shopping News, Mississaugu Business Times, Mississaugu iNews, Napane oruie, Classified: 875-3300 Nassagaweya News, Newmarket/Aurora Ira-Banner, Nothumberlandi News, North Yonk Mrro, Outrilte Beaser, Oakoille Shopping News, Oldtimars Ian Oliver Fublisher Hockey News, Oillia Today, Oshawa/Wiitby/ClarîngioolPani Perry This Week, Peerborough Ths Week, Picton County Guide, Rchmond Neil Oliver Assecale Publisher HillThornflnttaughan Litera, Scarborough Minor, Stouttville/Uohridge Tribune. Wendy McNab Adreri.ing Manager Putertisittg s accepteur on the condition fihu,in the avant ot a typo- graphicai error, ihat porhion et the advertising space accupied hy tire erro- Karen Smitla Edtor nmous item, tugetiter with a resunaitte attowance ton signature, witt fot ha SeeCrozler Circulaton Manager chargeai for, hut tire baance et the atiertientent wli be paid tar et the appli. Steve caite rate. The puhlilher resernes the ight ta categarize advertisements or ToriCmag Office Managrer decine. Tinta Colea Production Manager ltwhtee Caeadtee Ohaqtiae te a Recycaits Phadane Dear Editor: Iis letter is addressed to the titieves wito stole a vegetable gar- den (rame from te lawn at Martin Street Scitool Wednesday, May 2. 1 wisit you had iteen in my class- room today when 1 had 10 explain 10 two classes of grade i and 2 stu- dents why the project we had planned and dreamied about since last fali couldn't go ahead. Disappointment and sadness were on every face. ite ciildren neyer even got 10, dig in thte bed because you stole il between tive p.m. when il was tilled witit soul and 7:30 titis mom- ing. I couldn't answer titeir ques- tions about why you took il. Can you? We had dreamed of itaving a veg-. etable garden 10 leam about how plants grow and mature. We'd îalked about sitaring the produce wit thtie food bank. We itad a parent donate heritage seeda for us to grow. We'd already started our bean seeds in te classroom, ready for transplanting. It's ironic, but te money we used 10 pay for the wooden frame was 10 be te next pitase. We itave decided not 10 replace te bed. Thte citildren were afraid you would retum and destroy the plans or the new box. Recently, our school has been vandalizeri on two occasions. It was itad when you stole or broke our stove and windows, and ruined our nugs. But today, you did a much worse thing. You stole the hopes and dreains of seven-year-olds. I hope titat witen you're caught, for this crime, or anotiter, titat thte judge makes you corne 10 my class to explain 10 the children why you did what you -did. Carole Hyde Teacher, Martin Street School Ontario polîcing should be protected the same Dear Editor: (The foiiowing letter was addressed to Anne McLellan, min- iter of justice and attorney gener- ai of Canada and a copy wasfiled with Thte Champion.) Since te Special Investigation Unit, proclaimed in force August 8, 1990, in Ontario, doesn't cover federal police officers (RCMP, Native officers and special consta- bles), it's my concem tat aIl polic- ing in Ontario isn't under te same legal protection. I titerefore request taIlite feder- ai minister and lte provincial min- ister, togetiter, use titeir good offices 10 establisit an investiga- tions unit witicit assures tatlte same investigalive process and protection of law covers aIl police forces operating in Ontario. ArchIbald Brown Milton Pud by Steve Nease 'Tert uasas "jj- TlwWtm Cwmdim UmWim ls à R-ycMbb Pmd-t qa Tim Coles pr(pduction Manager avvaus a %ffff»qlýff RRffw%%P

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