4-The Canadien Champion, Friday, May 11, 2001 / Renovation kick-off Haton MPP Ted Chudieigh (left) and Mayor Gord Krantz joan Gayie and Marsha Walie in celebrating the kick-off of renovations to the Waldie Biacksmlth Shop on James Street Wednesday. The start of renovations to the historie building wvere made possible wvith en Ontario Trllium Foundation grant. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE CHILDREN'S PHOTOGRAPRY 905-332-7912 " The Children's Specahist " Fromn Newborn to Aduit " Props & Costumes Provded " Specializing in Handpainted Black & White Photgraphy 2201 BRANT STREET, BURLINGTON Aconltngly indiiduals iteested i n recoivang a copy of tht 'draft Taxi By-law <tpon co.pLe' tion and/for belng keptappriscd of the progresof thisinane, may reger thewir naine andi forw, warding admsns with thtactrs Office by no laSer dm,4-.30 pat. os Plday, Juta. 8M, 200L An opportuniey wilI bc provideti for public review and commenta pior to the proposeti by-iaw beiag presenteti to Miton Council fur cossiticiation anti approval. Taxi Ownrs. Taxi Driversandst residents of the Town of Milton ame encouraeti to provide input into the above noteti review. Milton Council bas furtber directeti that the Town Clerk/Licencimg Commissioner provitie a pert- oti of opportwity whtreby individuals interesteti in ving their naines included on the Taxi Plat Waiting List may do so by makîng application to the Clerk's Office and, payment of the appro- priatfoc, until 4:30 p.i. on Frlay, June Sth, 2001. Subsequent 10 this date, Milton Counicil bas resolveti thar no furthtr naines shah hbc atded to tht liat. DATED at the Town of Milton. this Mt day of May 2001. Helen Liai, Town Cletr anti Licencing Comaissioner Town of Milton htlen.lisi@town.miton.on.ca (905) 878-7252, Ext. 2132 NOTICE TO PROPIERTY OWNERSXQ DESTROY NOXIOUS WEEDS NOTICE 15 HEREBY GIVEN to ail persons an possession of landin accordance with Tht Weed Control Act R.S.O. 1990, Chapter W.5, Sections 3,13,14,16 and 23 that, ssless weed seetis and noxious weeds growing on their lsndis wthîn the Town of Mlton are destroyeti by the date of )une I th, 2001 and throughout th eson, the Town of Milton may enter upon the said lands ansd have tht weeds tiesroyeti, charging the conts against the landi in taxes as ses out in The Weeti Control Act. Tht co-operation of al property owners ia earnestty soliciteti. Complaints and inquiries may hé made by telephone, to the number ised below. Pitase note that dandelions, burdock and golden- rod are sot considered noxious weeds within tht Town of Milton under the Weed Control Act; therefore, compiaints concering these weetis or aisy anonymous compîints cannot bc accepted. For information of al propealy owners, th folowing ame tesignated as noxious wects in tht Town of Miton: Bull Tistie Nodding Thistie Canada Thistie Poison HemlJock Cot's Foot Poison Ivy Common Baïaerry Ragweeti Dodder Cypress Spurge Buropean Buckthorn Scotch Thistle Rtssian Tistle Sow Tiade johnson Grass Goat's Beaiti DaIt: 10dWy, Moy28, 2001 Pla=- Casuel Clmbem ,Towa HallVitoal Park Squar, at tO tetive infantio anti Public input On an alpllestio for autenaienta an the TovM of Milton Officiai Plan andi Zonitsg By- lau ptaanmt.to Secti" 17 aid 34 of the Planing Act~ as amendat. Tht peoperty sfecteti by thte ndinents as ocated within pant of Lots 12-14, Concesion 7 (Nassagaucys), is composed of approximately 35.37 ha, iouth of No. 15 Sideroatibctwte 6th Lin antd Milton/Halton hdls Townisne, Town of Milton. The expansion plans also involve laids withln dite Town of Hatos HuIs (an atiditional 47.17 ha). 11W applicants have requesteti lItaIthe OfficiaI Plan hé changed 10 replace tht Rural Aréa designation, currently applicable bo the proptaty, to a Mistral Resource ExtrationAres designation. la addition. the applicants have reqaiesteti that tht Zoniing 8y- law hé changeti to replac tht Rural (A2) zone with an Extracive Indastrial (MX) zone. T'he psrpose aid effectof tht officiai plan andi zoni ammenàinie te 1 permit the propetty tolbc useti for mistral extraction. A draft Officiai Plua Amene and draft Anaeding By-law will la. avallable with tht Initial Report disusseti hélow. A key map illustating tht res affctq by thia application follows. This prpeity anti adjacent la inlaHlton Hilis are also the subject of applications frsa Niagara Escsepinent Plan Amendinent anti DevelopmmntrPenst, Halton Region OfficialiPlanAinedanent, Town of Halton HuIs Officiai Plan Amendiment, aid a pro- poseti Ministry of Natural Resources ClussA Aggregate Licece. 'i 2--- su aiDe ~t, 16 e - h ~--~ttst o >~ il -lis ~5 5155 5050 -- ' Tht public meeting is an information meeting anti a staff recommendation - S 1~E O0 t on wlaethes' 10 approve or refuse the application wlll net hé matie at Ibis OFpublic meeting. Recorauendtaions froin staff on the application will be matie at afuture date whtn a fuît review of the application is completeti hy tht TowÙ's Planning anti Developtment Depaitanent in conjunction with associat- eti agescy rtviews. At that ime, a Ttchnîcal Report with recoiniendations will bcé bmught forwarti for consitieration by Multos Council. Pesona who slgn te reglter at the publie meeting, or wbo request telie notflet Inh wrtng to the Town of Milles Planning anti Deveopesent Departasent, ulli recetve notiflIcation of when tht mattlet, l to enane before Couni for final Any'interesteti person mny Male a wrntten submiision, ptior 10 the Public meeting, anti shoulti direct the aibinission 1thtdi Director of Planning anti Developînent. ANY PERSON MAY attend the public meeting (Ô obtain information anti malte a verbalpresentation anti/or written subinission, to itientify issues of conceru anti/or express vitws in support of, or in opposition te, tht proposeti amentiments. A copy of a Initial Report prepareti by tht Planning anti Developinent Deparnent, outlîning the application in more detail, a copy of tht draft Officiai Plan Ameudment anti Zoning By-law Anientiment anti any other backgroundi information wilt he availab le on tht Friday afttraoon imme- tiiatcly prior to the public meeting, a copy of which may bc rtvitwcti or obtaineti hy contacting tht Planning anti Deyceopesent Depariment, Town Hall, Victoria Park Square.