34-The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 11, 2001 ýýSher >Bloom~ aturdéo 8:OOar 0 Garage Sal # Vendor Tab @ Plant Sale f ShoeboxRi é KWds'Actii San ratt P.A.L.S. lin' Barbecude *y, May 12 mnm 1:OOpm le eBarbe qued bles Burgyers and Peameal on a Ban a fl *Mor Radffle ties aSherrtt Sehool 649 Laurier Avenue Ail proceeds in Da telin e - trom DATELINE on page 32 Michael's Church, 181 Sewell Dr. Cal Phyllis Spillone ai 829- 4863 for further details. Tuesday May 15 The Milton Community Resource Centre holda its Cruisin and Groovin programn for children aged 16 10 24 montha. The momn- ing musical experience runs every Tuesday for seven weeks. Cal 876-1244, ext. 10, for more infor- mation. The Milton Community Resource Centre presents Toddler .umpin and Jammnin for 2 and 3- year-olds, who learn 10 count, sing, listen and speak through a series of games and activities. The program runs every Tuesday for seven weeks. Calil 876-1244, ext. 10, for furher details. The Peel North Brancb of the Retired Women Teachers of Ontario meets ai 10:30 a.m. at St. John's United Church, 1l Guelph St., in Georgetown. Cal Karin ai (905) 796-2146 for more informa- tion. 'ihe Help for Parents support group meets every Tuesday ai 7:30 p.m. ai Pinelands Presbyterian Church, 5270 New St., in Burlington. This non-denomina- tional self-support group with trained leaders help parents of chul- dren who are in trouble ai home, ai school or with the law, abusive or taldng drugs. Cal 1-800-488-5666 for more information. Milton Toastmasters meets ai 7:30 p.m. in the upper level of the Royal Canadian Legion, 21 Charles St. For further information about the group, which helps peo- ple advance their communication skills, caîl Ross London ai 875- 3720. Wednesday May 16 Miton Meals on Wheels hosts a luncheon in the Community Room of Loblaws ai 11:30 a.m. The cosi is $5 per person. For transportation or assistance, caîl 878-6699. Women interested in information about breastfeeding are invited to join the Milton La Leche League ai 8 p.m. at the Milton Community Rd. For more information, cal 876-0772 or 878-6387. The Halton Outdoor Club holds its spring open house fromn 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. at Burlington's Central Arena. The evening offers new and prospective members the chance to meet and leamn about the group's events and activities. Cal (905) 634-2012 for more informa- tion. Thursday May 17 The Halton His Speech Centres six-week Living With Stroke program continues from 10:30 a.m. to noon at the Chinguacousy Wellness Centre, 995 Peter Robertson Blvd. in Burlington. Cal 873-8400 for fur- ther details. Canadian Blood Services holds a blood donor clinic from 1:30 to 8 p.m. ai the Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childs Dr. The clinic is sponsored by Subway and Domino's Pizza. Amity hosting golf tournament The annual Goodwill Golf Toumnament fundraiser wilI be held September 25 ai the Lowville Golf Club on Guelph Line. Tee off will be fromn 11:30 a.m. 10 12:30 pm. Goodwill is a charitable, non- profit human service agency that provides job training programs for people with disabilities and The toumament cosis $125 per person and includes a steak dinner. A tax receipi will be available. To register, call (905) 335-6981. THERE MAS NEVER BEEN A BETTER TUME TO OWN A JOHN DEERE Lookîng for a reason to buy the John Deere of your dreams? Well, here it is ... during Deere Season 2001 you can take off with a John Deere you've always wanted. John Deere is off ering a special 2 % FINANCING* on select Lawn and Garden Equipment. So stop by your local John Deere dealer today. LT133 Lawn Tractor " 13-hp engine " 38-inch mowing deck " 5-speed shifi-on-the-go transmission L255 Ls. Truclor .15-hp engne *42inch convertible mowing deck *Automatic transmission ONLY$4,959 ««L 6TI35 Lmm n d Grden Teudor *18-hp engine *48-inch convertible mowmg deck *Automatic transmission ONLY$6799 335 tus. end Sri. Troter *20-hp enjine 54. nch converile mowng dock Auomatc transmission ONLY$9329 www.JohnDeere.com Milton HALTON GROUNDS C.ARE EQUIPMENT 1589 Steeles Avenue e 905-878-8121 a m m A._d,V.mi F, - Â p ff&r w mm d.o m il% AR b»w n "m - ,- ný...0ta. h,0hd d h piuYN mI hh 6 .Y $59) y) MNT s M"3419 1 mou-,