~001L.41)~ 01Â Àad 1 VLW Over 50 ears Experience Commercial & Reusldential J.HARDIMAN ROOFING -COUID. Tel: (905) 876n0958 Rom: (905) 78-3447 Fax: (90:) 876-0936 Free #: 1-877-867-4958 R&R Garage Doors - Eleceie Openers Sales, Service and Installation Wiunow, Enumane Doors, Storm Doors, Patio Doorm TEL: 519-853-2114 IACTONI Apartment Nous. Business ~IX{ Seniors Discounts! ~ Servlng Milton, Georgetown & Acton W. I. J ~ Custom Filted IDELREX Viqi Windowsand UALUMINUM ILIMITED Etntae Systems Also VlSidia,, SoffilatFuseand LàSeumnsAhlum TNugh imivr1877-5383 between 9am & 9pm 5 YEAR WeRrrr WARRAN¶VON WflRKMN.OIP Campbeliville, Ontario, LOF IBO Metro license for over 35 years Industrîai, Commercial, Residentiai 1-800-461-6098 Far, Answering Machine 1-416-806-6290 Ceil 1-519-822-9084 Home NO JOB TOO SMALL OR TOO LARGE w 06 0.f, S§PIC9y fFOOD CRIOKCEN CURRY WITN alI EAND ROTS VEOITABLE CURRY WiTNf RICI Alto ROTS BIEF SAMOSA. VISE SAMIOSA. PAXORA WESTERN. FRIES 108£& POACNED E0O SANDWiCUES. friEAKFAST DINE IN OR TAKE OUT 876-2559 MILTON CAFÉ T - 88 ONTARIO ST. NORTH, MILTON -evn Miton & Aa for - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -e Cocp a'r~ ~~ v r40 years J'smRIes E High-Efficiency Furnaces, Acsres te tur amee'NWYSLS*ISALAIO EAR wth a now Custom MIo* Air Conditioners, Gas Fireplaces kitchon HEATING 785Mi-t Et ntf 878-9 905) 878-4821 103 Steee Ave, unit #7, Milton Tom leather T&M70 PAINTING Commercial & Residential inteulor e Exterior e WUI Paper Hanglng Aiss Spreylng a Stucco e Spray Cellings 251 Pins St Milton, Ont. LOT 4P3 -1 PT 9@C & IA1NK À 1UdM11iNG Robert Noble Ltd. -180 ft of hase for crossing Iawns 3 radio dspatched trucks ta serve you - Don't wait for trouble - Pump b.for. lt's t.. lat.! (Should pumrp et least every 3 years> 'Neyer use coloured or double ply toif et paper -(Sig). 853-0500Acfto Answerlng Service 878-6869 OVER 20 VEARS EXPERIENCEI iL ~LL~ Cemmlc Ties Hardwood Roc Rooms MdelStds Dathrom Dap CeIIags 876-4023 MECHANICAL Parts for Washers e Dryers * Rn a seFr»eez e Refrlgmrtors e Dlshwashers 785 Main Street East e76-1138 Across from the Go Station R *. - ,e10 ea Ls 1 I ï M.A.R.CaH. *Watsr*"% munc yiee ,Poaneai sHent Pum"a- Air, round hIElcfFunacs a Water 5<u's eigis EfUcen" Juir oeCntmi &ReeAiFm r Fitee & bHutalflu 785 Main Street East Stan M 876-.1138 <sER\tlcE 875-2700 si LuIeIIDUiJfrontULwUimwa $2300 ail Inclusive Includea: -recap of existing porch, 1 standard square stop and front walkway (max. 250sq.ft.) -your choice of 2 col ours -minor Iandscaping ta dlean Up finished project (Borne restrictions may apply. must bebooked by May 1.2001) Ponds, Waterfalis Interlock, Retaining Wails, StepsA Lawn Maintenance, Landscape ei4 Tree Trimming, Bobcat Service 0 and more Serving Milton Dave Cool & Surrounding Area 905-330- a;eL Lo i -M d 41 'A :11L'l i R.E.M. INDUSTRIES HOME RENOVATIONS VINYL WINDOWS ENTRANCE DOORS UANDY MAYER rEL: (905>334-1145 MILTON, ON BROU WER WINDOW FASHIONS -Honizontals - Veicals - Shadow Magc Shadings *Pleated & Cellular Shades - Woven Woods -Rlier Shades - Wood Blindo - Shutters (905) 864-9559 Shop ai Home Service BOOKKEEPING SERVICE Accepting new clients Reliable and trustworthy Competitive rates- Phone: 905-875-4091 &V-.3AR Down Landscaping Consultant & Lawn Maintenance e SmaII tree & shrub pruning, fertilizing & mulching iLawn Maintenance e ali & Spring ciean-ups (QIQ0 69113 1 là LIFiIILI kVE'Ig 9 EsItUL'II Core's WeU Dwifling Puanp Service " WeII Rehabiltation " Wall Cleaning " Fow Rates " Water Treatment " Reverse Osmosis Dninking Water Sytems *UV Sterilization Systems T-elephone <905> 8 78-4 515 (Ask for Rod or Jerry) :64 Bronte St. S., Unit 10, Milton ON JR PROFESSINALu PAINTINO' Residential, Interior & Exterior Driveway Soaling & Dock Staining James Rass ordahIe & Reliable Ras: (905> 878-0895 iciii Discounts for Seniors Pain: (416) 608-0976 4252 Henderson Road R.R. No. 1, Milton LOT 2X5 Tel: 90"-M571 Oeil: 905-462-17881 Fýim» "i Yo ror mnmn 1