Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 May 2001, p. 30

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30'-TIre Canadien Champion, .FdMay; May Il,, 200s BANINGEMPOYeNTOPOTUe T Misissauga, Meadowvale Location One ot Canadas Premier Fnancial Or axîzations is seekîn communication sIIs. Previous customer service experience and bCkreudtclk s o aauiaid usr rSPi nast Oualtled applcants wibe contate for an mlerview Accsuting Assistant Mton Toyota and Gorrud's Auto Group are Ikng fra expenienced boolkeeper to wok îrcty ,t adproveassisac to Our fnnca0 mngr. Suceaflcan- didates mu av a demontrated apt- tude for accouninq and a geune interest in further deveopng exlstlng aconting Knowedge of Reynolds and Reynolds and New Vlews Accounting Syatem, in addition to prevlous payroll and monthty remittance experience are an esset. lnterested candidates are askedta, forward their resumne 1: Gorrud'a Auto Group à Mitton Toyota 400 Steeles Avenue Milton, Ontario L9T lY4 Fax: 905875-2279 OFFICE ADMIN Duties include: A/P, A/R, Bank Reconc., Gov't Remit., Reception & Clerical. Must be welI organized, self motîvted, 2 years experience. Pay commensurate with expenience. C.M.Morrls Design Ltd Tel: 878-0578 Fax: 878-0451 DESKTOP PUBLISHINO Local newspaper reqwures Maketing assistant with kwlege of QualcXPress, Photoahop& luistrator on a Macintosh plaform. PLEASE SEND RESUMÉ TO: i9b Canabin ciffmpion 191 MAIN ST. E., MILTON L9T 4N9 Attn: Mr. Tlm Coles e-mail: champian@haftonsearch.com Administrative Assistant akille inancial planning tiino seeks an individual with excellent communication skilts and outgoing per- sonality 10 ilt the rote o Administrative Assistant. Must be capable of working in a as-paced environ- ment and have ability to muti-task. aiflaatlw Excellent customer service; Ability Io handle conidential inormation; Daabase manare ment: Excellent computer and organizational skills; Post-secondary gradoate with a business, inance or economics degree an asset. Must have Mutual Fonds License or be wviling le oblain. Fau mimete: Mule111100e, 90&-940M0 Vil hank ail ineested applicanls, hoaeve only those invled for interview »711 1w contaced ,OFFICE I CLERICAL Mun* able le mult-lask in this fasl- paced onfice 1ci n Milon. A pleasanlt lephone manner, good orga~Ioonal sils and proiclency in MS Excel, MS Woel* and Slmpty Aoouning an assaI. Pravieus ex- nenmceain andscape/ consruction preferred. Il you eMer qualiicaion meet our crileria, torward re- suma b yfau Io 905-875-2303 tthak aithat appbc howeff, on/y Irose seleed for an ineview wlIfi a contaict an pol in 0Brampton, course. $$ GOVERNMENT - Funds $$ Gmants and boans information ta slart and expand your business or farm. 1- 800-505-8866. 1 bedroom apartmenl. $600 plus utilitas. Avait- able J une lsl. 905-691 - 3189 3 bedroom, 2 storay apt., 1 1/2 bathis, $1.000! montti. 905- 875-2468, aler 6 pm. 3-BEDROON apert- ment Juna 1, 2001 in ropuar Milaon building. $1200, par montt in- dludas utilties. Cai Ker Reelty Management Ud. 905-876-047. ACTON Victorien 3 bedraom semi, $1100+, large 3 badroomn apert- ment $950+. Alan 1 badrcom $600+. 519- 853-5080 or 519-853- 5352 BASEMENT apartment, $700 monlh, available immreciatey, central lo- 5553, leave message. BETWEEN Acon and Rockwaad, Mwy 7. 1 bedrooro, second floor, brigh, parking, $555. LARGE 3 bedroom s/c: apartment under reno- vallon. Main fbcor of house. Use of base- ment, otacof parking. Walking lo the centre of lown. Fridge and stava, $1200 ptus uliitiies. Alan: 2 bedraama pt., aiea downtacn. Fridge and stove indluded, heat and hydro indlud- ed. $975 available. June lst. For info calI 905-858-723, Tany ý iGO Gflua HYUNDAI 0F OAKVILLE OFFICE & CLERICAL Award wînning auto dealership is seeking a F/T SERVICE AECEPTIONIST/OFFICE CLERK TO START IMMEDIATELY. Requirements: Accurate computer skilis, organized and flexible wilh strong communication skilts and able te work in a tast paced environment with minimal supervision. Some accouetieg exp. a definite asset. Hours: Tues. - Thurs., l2pm - 8pm Fr. - 10 am - 6pm, Sat. - 9 am -5pm Please fax resumne ta: Maria Warren (905) 845-7211 or aend te HYUNDAI OF OAKVILLE 1071 Speens Rd., OakvIIIe Lit 2X5 J. LOCKWOOD CHRSYLER 0000E JEEP SALES ARE UP SO MUCH THAT WE REQUIRE 1 TO 3 AUTOMOTIVE SALES CONSULTANTS We ofter: *Up lo 40% commission *Monthly and yearty bonus *State e thIe art showroom under construction *Company car *One o the top retailer setters in the area If you are prolessional, and highly motivaed Io sucoeed, wffrnfyorresumn. No experlence necessary. Fax <905845-109 Att.: Patrick MMai, Salu UMmaga CAREIVERS NEEDED Travel in local coemunity providing parsonat care and houselrold management te a variely ut cients. * Benetit Package e Paid Training * 40 or 24 hourslweeir avalability * Health Care Certiicates preterred 1IM- *LL *11*8OF KHUTU APPLY TO: Canadien Red Cross ,~U HorUIlw gea, Seric &Fax( 1@) 333-4554 e An EO.F Milton Community Resource Centre Nursery Séhool Registration for the Fal of 2001 We provide a sale, stimulating, age appropriate environment for your child, who is between 2 1/2 to 5 years of age, ut both of our nuraery achool ailes. Wednesday, May 23rd Brookville Country Playroom Ebenezer United Church Guelph Lino, nortti of 2Oth Sidenoad 9:15 arn to 11:15 amn Friday, May 25th Cherish Nursery Sehool 540 Childa Drive 9:15 arn te 11:15 amn Registration packages wtiH be available as of May l8th We have one teacher for every 8 children in our programa For more information 905-875-0612 LARGE besement for O ~ - a ranI. Fumrished, cdose 10 tike Faon btwn Miln & GO/#Ml. Avaiable im- Georgetown. $650hno. mediatety Caîl 905-878- - ana persan. $7501"r. 3450 2 parsons. No smole- ara, no pets. Avail. Jure lai. 905-878-1960 W'e& Everyq e ~ _ _ _ _ ment11 in GeorgetownI, heat inctuded, hydro au- Ira. $650 per month, avlWle uip- hue tA (h Johx Peurs, 905-878- 6859 SCENIO Rockwood, sunny main floor, one bedroom apl., higli oeil- ings, hardwood Iloor. June 1 (519) 856-4900 SPACIOUS 1, 2. & 3 bedroomu. Freshly painted, bright. Com- peitve rent. Burlington i gh nuse. Wall main- tained. Convenient lo- cation. 905-333-9846 Noon - 8 p.m. CHILDCARE provider needed for a 7-montti- old boy. 2-3 days a week. Hours are 7:30 arn to 4:30 pm in Milaon, Campbellville, Acton area. Must be a loing and sale envirooment. We are apen 10, chid- care in aur home or in your home. Mature al- phcants wecoeme 519. 853-5997 FMT fioor brick house in downlown ilon. 2 laundry. lusive $975/month. July lai. Also: 2 bedroom bunga- low, tridge, stove, dish- washer, taundry Indlu- sive. $1400, Julat. Cal 905-466-C 3 bedroorn lownhouse 371 Brcate St. Milton. Excellent condition. Avaitable June 1ist. $1,150 par monlth +utili- bas. Phone 905-878- 4781 ROOM & Board avail- able. Must like pets. Phone alter 6 pro. 905- 876-3168 TUTORING Available Academic Advance- monts TutomiN Service. Various aubtects; ail e ae.Specializîng in ah & Sp.Ed. Please catI Jennifer Gunion, M.Ed. at 1-905-464- 5433. LOST cal, female, Siamese, named She- ba. W.l.Dick /Martin St. area. Reward. 905-878- 7770 CARING home environ- ment has space for full- lime preachooler. Re- celpta. 876-4415 MILTON Preuchool laoking for E.C.E. or equivalent with at least 2 years experience. Ta atart September 2001. School holidays off. Suitable for Mom cuth schoolaged children. Fax resume ta 905-693- 8958 RAINBOW Village Day Care has a few spwce available foc. Quality pragrams for children 18 manths 10 6 years. Also taldng registrations for September. 905- 878-7552 30s couple wtt,7-year- wood work shop, knowl- old lcokng for 2-bdrm' edge of GTA an assaI. Miton - very flexible, Must xupply abstract. A. hAP h (illect 1519) 'ouleavy !ittiri( , '1 856-1653, Angeta 877-6757, or apply la 9 Academy Road, Georgatown. ENJOY childran, but need some adult con- versation? Hoc coutd NEWLY ranovatad large you like to wark loryour- 1 tedroom aparlmrent in self in a watt astablishad quiet building. 905-875- children's dlothing busi- 4989nasa. Serlous inquiries onty. Cai for more infor- mation. (519)85r3-5019, 10:30 -S5Pm. HELP Wanted: Parts Counter/Order Entiy. CLEAN person ra- Some heavy lifting in- quired 10 share tirea volved. Computer ax- bedroom tocohouse. periance and automo- $500 par montti. tive/trailer parts backe- Available immediatety ground would ha con- (05> 6393-888 Milaon. sidared an assaI. Apply in person 10 Carla In- - dustries Ltd., 8125 Es- qsngFourth> Lina, R'DN ntruction. Ex- M nR5(Milon <905> perienced instruction 876-1212 wv" coach yau et yaur LOCAL Stone Ca. "adly on yaur ho»s. seeking individuels for Customized 10 yourtegonwlwasp- needs and golslEg stnewkw , a rîah and Wsebgn Must enjoy phyicl nen to show ing. 905- war, and ow acr mrasor- 873-2930, evenlngs and tation. 905-693-892 ceeknda.SEASONAL Cutamer - service reps part lime ceekenda I aflemoans. BED, ing -#**pif-Groundakeepers I main- lEDtenanwce U 1 art ima / towtop, ortoei a-weekends. ge to be rass set. New, in pas- negotiated. rAipppr- tic. Cost $1700, salI son et 8690 Tremana $650. 416-726-9885 Rd, Mion, or fax re- DIRECTV Comptte sume to 905-878-1988 Systemu cfttipro -STOpp-S Cleaners grammed MU card requires presser, fuît- $5,Virgin MU p ro -ime, no experience m rmming $75. nacessary, wîîî train. /Faotbatl and H Card M#ondayto Frlday. Appty rapair and installtihons in person to: 885 Main availeble. CatI 416-991- St., Uni 4, Milaon 2761 or 905-867-7277 DIRECTV Satellite sys- tamu. MU card program- ming, $75. H card rapro- CL ngineer wanted gramming $50 2 monthu Expanienca in proect guarantaed. Pro- design, reports, Auto- grammad MU carda CAD preferred. Contact: $350. Complate syslem Cipsham Limitad, 16 40channals $379., in- Mounlainviaw Rd.S., stallad $559. Att corle Georgetocn, ON L7G guarantaed. (519) 83o- 41s:0-7- 2 1273, (519) 853-2409 KFa:o58712 LAW trCto. 1.5 .R CLASS «A" Licansad LAW taclr.14. MP.Traiter Machanic - Briggs & Straton, 42- Oualild ta work on dacetwk 6 1pa 0l.Tankers/ traitera. Annuel $69wk-800-267- DO.T'I is elI suspen- 9466. wcc.crazycatsdu- sions, brakas, and lec- rect.com lorcal. Benefit package, SOFA, loveseat, rocker, compatitive wages. entertainment unit, Please catI 905-844- baokstietf, for sala. 9o5- 7314 or fax reaume 854-2865 905-842-0011 STORE ctosing sala: Redf-Rack warehouse shelving, cantitevarlus- land shetving, past-card stand, chrome waterlall, mataI desk, 2 laIeraI fit- ing cabinets, 2 upright C p,* fi11ng cabinets, black auamRe cie watt grid, llce s rotig cardmagazina racks. blIer Frde. stove. Sturd Amyireyu 9Oa-300pm.UnId, Love ilpal and Julin 348 Bronte t. S., Mit unrnue ton. 905-876-0233 Loe XoM LUUKJNG ror moivatea rpIe 10 work 5 Ici 10 r.a week in sales. No experience required, Ful li rAu g pSQ'/ded. Cuit Doue 519-780- 004 after 6p.m. CHIROPRACTIC of- ice is looking for an en- ergetic, cOlIneau orient- ad and outpong office assistant citti superior communication ukilîs, a desire ta leamn and loves ta cork with pao- ple. Please caI Mon. "May 141h, 9-10 or 12-1 at (905) 878-5020 OUALIFIED Special Education Teacher. Available to tutor from May - end of July. Offer- ing ana to ana remedia- ion in reading, crtting, mathematic. Gr. K-8 Please caîl Cathy 0 905-319-7419 NANNYHousekeeper Camig, mature, rllable servies for anae nec- boro. Country property, Rackwood area. Own transportation required. Fuît-Te Non-smok- ing. Experienca and ex- cellant referances as- santial. 519-746-5556 PATIERSON Cteaning services, reasonabla prices, satisfaction guarantaad Caîl Louis- atta for f ru estimate et 905-702-3764 CHILDCARE provider needed for a 7-manth- aId boy. 2-3 days a week. Hlours are 7:30 am ta 4:30 pm rn Milaon, Campballvilla, Acton area. Must ha a loving and sale environment. Wa are open ta child- cara rn our home or in your home. Mature ap- plicants wakcome. 519- 853-5997 F'LEA~ RECYCLE THI5 rAPER LUW or $0 duco, e- ctosed homes, tax and ahare of sales, linanding avaitable. Toit 1-800- 882-3881 BUILDING Operator- experieed requred for Ica office buildings ( borderhMssissaua Oadle) Plem faxre- sume 905-855-4877 GROIJNDSKEEPING & Migomhelpers. Ful adpr ieMust have own ranspetaim. Non- smeba ngeirumeit. Cal 90-2-2234 1 1

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