oYouths crying out for more facilities in Milton: survey By FANNIE SUNSHINE The Champion Milton would be a more desirable place for youths if a wider range of recreation- ai activities were available, town counicillors heard. That was the main finding of a survey conducted by the Milton Mayor's Youth Advisory Committee (MMYAC). The survey resuits were presented to town council Monday night. "The goals of the survey was to determine the recreational needs of Milton youth and Io identify aids and banriers to, youth participation in recreational activities," said MMYAC member Sarah Williams. The survey, distributed last year to local schools, asked youths how to describe the town, what they do during the week/weekends and what social activities were lacking in the town. "Forty-two per cent (of those surveyed) found Milton boring and 8 per cent found Milton fun or awesome," said MMYAC member Teri Parker. "Sixty-three per cent go to a friend's house during the week and 51 per cent study. On the weekend s, 70 per cent go to a friend's house and 35 per cent par- ticipate in sports. Its also impor- tant to note 34 per cent of the respondents rated drinking as one of their top fOve activities on the weekends." it wvas also noted 90 per cent of youths leave town on weekends vCorrection In a story published Iast Friday regarding a new physician coming te, Milton District . ý - Hospital (MDH), incorrect information was reported. Dr. M. Kamouna intends 10 open his practice at MDH in the spring of 2001, not e 2002. And the new medical building at 311 1Re or Commercial St. is t0 be completed in the fali of 200 1, not 2002. The Champion apologuzes for the errors 15 ep and any inconvenience they may have caused.(9 L and 79 per cert do so becausec in town. "Some social tics Milton you theatre, a bowl ages club," sai Kaitlin Stron interest include ing trails, spç indoor/outdoci MMYACn tions to cou youths being1 of facilities to excitiflg for ye keting youth1 to the commi -I wish ni would take t Councillor Rc t of those who leave of a lack of activities ai/recreational activi- )uth want are a mnovie ling alley and an ail- The Canadian Champion, Fniday, May il, 2001-3 on id MMYAC member For price oonsoious ne. 'Other areas of consuiners, at 320 le a coffee house, bik- STEELES AVE. (just orts events and an Dr skating rink." d.own the stISet from made recommenda- Gorrud'8 main ýuncil that included location) are: consulted in the use 1 . Late model vehioles Lo make Milton more with higher roung people and mar- programs and events mileage, one owner unity. originals. nore youth in town 2. Older LOW PRICE this leadership," said VEHICLES, being 'on Funik. select main lot trade-ins. Most vehicles with Dot Safety Inspection & Emission Test. Working # larder to stay tcializing in Insurance Claini ï Yes ! The Very Best To Look Great Barb lost 7% Bocly Fat 331t4 Inches 31112 bs by successfully çomfblning both Price is Guaranteed Or We Refund The Difference ý (On each & every 97 & Newer Vehicle) VIReeoe12 fo 30WrIn5 Mu boM Muocfe Tmo4 »0»0e fppeOToece of cewmt /Coi'dflf 9 11041$of exrcise no 40 minue VIRnfi UIOm S o tttonsOmas 560 Ontario St. S. Unit 18 WEIGHT MANAGEMENT ,e Re#eted NutlIon Comiuteion SMd ,é Lmose*lt IaIlnRedl Fod 2.e UWeek loI oMboIlui', Feel l4hy w4an ! b0zd VIFocwlng on a Ufetl Chang VIMaldnance Progrmmu <95)875-2889 Price guarantee applies 10 s - this location only. P e "ISO riX.Soutiet"l 320 Steeles Ave. Milton 905-875-6820 2000u GMC Safari StE Lsts sf optns M 0529524 $19,995 1998 Pontiac Transport Et. Every opion, mus se St9 #221-R4 $17,995 14Èuiu UEM1 F