2-The Canàadin 6hpoýrjà' , ,&t' ià-My1 iJ'-bÔ{ SCAIANO Rhonda, Gris and bg sîster Tala wmis meS, Manrlyn Holt of Barrie, and Harry Mahews of Cambridge. Great Grandparents are Claude and Florence Hot et Barrie, Ricard Mathews of Tronto, and Elida and Domingo ScajaOfe Bueres Aires, Argentina. Special thanks to midmvife Wendy Murko. Thanks also fo the staff ai OTMH: Ann Marie, Jennie, and Lisa je the Prenatal Cinic, GB Dr. Morrow; and the nursing staff, esPecially Sharon in the matemnity ward. TIIORTON Claie Spence Parents Jay and Lodi (ne Spençe> and sister Kat a are pleased te anneunce the biflh ot Claire on May 3, 2001. Proud grandparents are Kim & Tom Spence et Penth andf Patricia & Richard Jones or Miton Proud ondles are Brad Tfierfen and Cheis Spence. rARMES iLAUREEN - Passed amay May 12, f'999 Gene frem sur sighf, tait neoer our memories.Gene from 0ur touch, but neyer sur hearfs. LveGi ichelle, Cindy, Sarah n Leing Memery of GERDA OSWALO Mardi 2,1936 - May f1, 1998. As trme Passes meroes continue te flow We stili cantf fathorri your untily pasarng. Wten Dad passed amay me realrihem short our ime cao really be. We hepe that yeu 601h are tegether nom for ail etemity We Mitl neyer forget yeu. WOh love faim 0cr hearls, Vaur son Richard & daughter-n-a Elizabeth MOORE, MARON JOAN In loîng memrioe a dear wile and etraerdinary mther. Who(euriu n Nevember 28th, 2000. Se 1 shaîl loin the choir invisible Whese music is the gladeese of fthe ortd" Thinking et yeu on Mthers Day and always. AJItsur love, John, Clate, Peter, day. 262 Randait Ces. GARAGE SALE Sat. May12 9 AM s.alh Liin . Btiti Noon room, Dining raom 759 Maclenzie Dr. items, golf bags,funiue, at - EAE OR CD's, books, etc. GA GESL I l Sfi. May 12 GARGESAE am i 229 Case Sfvd Antiques Lanterna, Sat Mayl12 Hay Fonts, 7 AN - 11AM Utensila, etc. Many items - 2 Something for mlcrowaves, etc., etc. everyone GARAGE SALE GARAGE 1 ESTATE 465 & 467 Goln SALE Cres. Si. May 12 St May 12 8arn -Noon 8sam -lPm I 391lWoodlawnCres. Fumiure,'64 hev Collectiblea, car parta, lawn rllai Fumiture, Somafblng for ail Electronica, Etc. GARAGE SALE 728 Robertson COs. Mîlfan GARAGE SALE Sit May 12 33Wiiame Ave 8aAM -No@n StLq1 Used Wlndowa 8 am -Noon Fumiture 3FAMILY GARAGE GARAGE SALE SALE 606 Jouyce BIvd. I347 Woodward Ave. I Sut. May 12 So.tMay12I Iam- PmI 11III -? FN ethngfor PRESCHODL BARN CLEARING 1 GARAGE GARAGE SALE SALE Toola, Bam foots Elactricat, Plumblng, Sat. May 12 Toya, l4ouaehold Rtems, Clothes, Etc. 9am-. jim Safurday à Sunday Kilbride May 12 & l3th 9:OOAM ta 4:0OPM United 10409 Guelph Uine, 3 Church km narth of 401 Slent Autîon, No early birda please Raîn or ahine plant & shrub sale, Bake sale & BB0 F~SALI 7AM -12 PMI ISt.May2I 233 Rlverptace Cresl Samething for May12& 13 frntm 9-Spm At 13217 Guelph Lîne, Campbetlvîiie GAAESALE Saf Naa 12 8 n L 428 Gowland Cre., Mlton' Somafthing for evenyone GARAGE SALE 929 aple Ave Saet. IMay12thI Sa.NMay2I :30 AM 43 Campbell Ave. 1lAross fram the1 Pond) Everyone, No early Birds GARAGE SALE sf. May 12 t AM - Noon 63 Bartan St. (corner af Barton & Bowes) Somefhing fa r everyone GAESALE Set.Mayl12 f lOam-4pm a 8014 Applaby Lina O H Stealea Upseala Goade ISaL May2I BAN 1PM 159 Naadowland Cros. Iosoepbalvlla 905-854-2749 Golf Clubs, Golf Baga, Bikea, Toya, Crystal Etc. 9 IT'9 OUTrA NEREI HUGE NOVING SALE Everything muet gaI SetNMayl12 "-PM Rain or uitine Lawn tractae, tfana of taya, hausahald etuff, ftba, bikas, knlck- knacka galae. 10802 Flfth Une (Conf15 Srd à Sth Une, Nue.) t MOVING SALEj thi 194 Rîvarpiace Cros. Saf.Mayl12 7:30 _ am j 2 -pr MULTI FAMILY YARD SALE 15 Sideroad & Firat Line, Moffat May12, 8am 905-854-468 905-854-2545 Bikea, High Chairs, Change Table, Cribs, Stroller __a Fa EstteAutin al From Actrîn, Ont., Plus additions Wednesday May 16 at 6 p.m. sharp Sale &consisinhl of mostle Antique Furnifure, Jewellery, R.D. Figurines, Cast Iron StilI Mechanical Banks, Jim Beam' Bottle Collection, Paintinge, Quilte, Marbie dînîng &sofa tables, Lots of grsod glass & china, many items packed at lime rof listing. Excellent sale. Prevîewing starts at 4:31)pm. Usual terms. Aiuctioneer - Don Colling (905) 877-01177 AUCTION SALE SAT. MAY 12 AT 10:00 A.M. af HUME'S AUCTION FARM 9313 4T11 LINE, MILTON Tractors, engines, literatnire, giss aIr- tion memn., biacksmîth equipinetit, uit tectib tes. Sherwood & Cordorn itUme, Auitirîîîrs 905-878-4878 auctionsfind.comjasheswoodhume 1967 Anstin Heay AMark HI1300 California Car;~ Barely Used 52,000 miles. Must be seen, Muât be sold 905.876.0402 ORRUD'S SALES & LEASING NEW &USEDi 41OS9TE ELES AVE. A FAMILY BUSINESS WîTti FAMI LV VALUES NE- B'JY -SELL -LEASE LARGESI SELECT ON Ci USED VEHICLES IN MILTON 875-2277 Mechanical I I/e are currently recruiting nd Sr. Mechanical Engini Hlton & Waterloo areas. C experience mithin tht follei e Steam Generators, vessels & Nucbear Power " Water Treaiment a Biner & Hoat Tran " Steam and Gas Turl a Petrochemical Pleast reply in confidence Tht Emp 20 ~21 Jamei )-4998 - bui Please vîstt our websit i Opportunfty is now onv click c/oser in Peel-Ha/ton Dufferin with.. Ji p n riexcellentri rs, orcretrriifo iiriinratirnabuttise trades and appri.niresii. 1you are an employer, apprenticeship candidate, you may atari connecf on-bine! Peel-Halton Dufferin employers are urged f0 visit our website f0: *Register rîn-line JK *Poîsta job vacancy Intiiiale a live search foir suitable apprentices P'eel- Haltîsn Dufferin apprentices are welcome to: " Riýgisti-r un-fini " Pta tpirsi iaI akitîs proîfile " irifite itia srihforrsuifabie iipporrunilies For more information about apprenticeaearch.com, plearee visit http;//www.apprenticesearch.com. or contact the I laIton Industry Education Council at (905) 634-2575 amu.Haires EE umas Resfflniot Obc.epp*moee dcro * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m M e.se u mr* i,~~ .8.~ Coucu jjMILTON HYDRO DISTRIBUTION INC. Senior Accouncing Clerk Milton Hydeos trribution toc, requiers a Senior Clerk in theîr Accourcie0 Depaermenr. Major esponsîbilirîes inclode accounes payable, daity cash reconciliation, îrîvenry peocessieg. and payroll. Tbe successful applicant muse bave sreong analyrii.al skilîs, be able iii mork irh minimal supervision and accepr nem tasks as eequired. tub uailifcations for Seor eCerk. ccoonting inclode- *a v.illeg/univeesity degrr, ona relarers discipline or equivalenr expein -xcellentîîc sifiorer -skilis - peuicient in using Word, -Excel and/oer Loeuss: M aePr pegamming eperience mould be an ast Make i -ai leasi 2 years experience in accoonîs payable, cash pescessing aod/or RICHARDSONfordiii postioodviidrtsesdrtheiresiineshii.otdayv May 18, 21101 iv: CIERO'T 1 iNO' Milen Hynln Daisution c To lease or purchase Miltron, Ontrio L9T 4N9 your car or truck Wc aiilreciic e i irs h by a applicanta, iirwtvr.uuily diose (anid cmiii bx- mîeeviewed ilblx- rvravsed. Hwy 25 S. at Detny Rd. ,<j 0,.1VrSs 1AL L878-2393 Qxiers r r l, OAKWOOD RETIREMENT COMMUNITIES à*". 9ýContinuum-of-care Complexes Burlington and Brampton E ngineers woe new Long-Term Core (LTC) tocîlîlîes (144 and 17 bede) nom under con- I oumerous Jr Inter sruction on Upper Mddfle Read (neor Appleby) in Burlînglon andf on Sondalwood fers tor tht Niagara, Parkway (neor Dxie Road) in Brampton, scheduled te open Jonuory andi Morch Candidates mho have 2002. Future phases at eoch sitn le include 150 bed Relîrement Home and Senîors mwing areas: Apartmenis. Pressure Oakwood is seekiog dyoamic indîviduals lot each location tor the tolloing positions. Signîticool eoperience in a senior supereisory rote in a [TO tacîlity preterred but not essential il strong leadership skills and edocation/protessional background are toi- ADMINISTRATOR Be tesponsitile lot management et day-to-day operatios, ensure seund fiscal man- agement and inleract wif h goeemment regulatery ageocies. Slroog business/human ressarce management skills requireri. DIRECTOR 0F NURSING CARE Direct the LTC Nursing Oepartment te provide qoality*care. Preterence will be givee te applicants witti DNC eoperience. Witt cosider training an ondividual with leadership poetoial who has minimum 3 years RN. experience in [TO. DIRECTOR 0F FOOD SERVICES Supervise ail dietary and kitchen tuniciens. Experience on quaolity tond production and knoomerige et therapeetic dels. Membets et C.S.N.M. DIRECTOR 0F RECREATION SERVICES Manage the Recreatien Department and co-erdinate ail resident recreatien and le- sort programs. Recreatien and Ltisure Studies diploma or degree required. Oakwood is a dynamic and Innovative organization committed f0 the highest standards of seniors rare in Ontario. Apply in wrTtiung ta: James Schiegele V.P. Operations Oakwood Refrement Commuijties Ime. 460 Fredericks Street, Kitchenere Ontario N2H 2P5 We tltank ail interested candidates, howemver en/y hose se/ected for an interview wl te contacted. No tlephone inquires or taxes please, biler Equipment rbines f0t: loymtnt Solution ,s Street ON L7R 1H2 rlreplyed@tes. nef t af www.tes.net Harvey's on Markct Drivc is iooking for 1 speci person. Would you likc îo work 9-3 weckdays oniy? Do you have gond peoplej skilis and the abiliiy 10 learn new fasks? Vould you like Io caro a compefitive mage? If is describes you, please appiy in person with resumne ai Harvey'a 50 Markcet Drive, ask for Barbara Att Shitts - MED/DENT Benefits *Comipetitive Wages - Flexible Hours Apply n Persan 80 Market Drive Mx 1376-2364.emis#y.uvs SesAcratre iomede 5 hes mrh aedpofs- sinrase e f.anit elyihoie sleceor Wl an nreie muiaieon sacre. APl ease aptyrjeperon or fa resorne ro: 905-878-7077 1340 Maie Si. Miltron. ON L9T tP4 'Canadâ aprck BRNGON Requîtes Fulîtîme 'DZ" TRUCK DRIVERS Excellent mages & Opportunîties. Calil I arrange interview: 905-634-7707 Automotive Detailer/ Clean-up roqairori immedialely. F/T. Positive altitude. Tese Ployer. Beelils. Greatlmages Valîid drivers licoose. Cali 905-689-8835 Large trieodly Mississauga dental practice, looking for a leam orientef highly motioated, esperi- encei RESTORATIVE COORDINATOR For tulil ime, no weekenrjs. Exan experience an sset. Please fax resumne te 905-279-5170._mn bunsgalow, quiet Cros. Dor- set Park NC, vac, new shingies. saflit, eues. 50x120 eot, trees, 5 ap- pliances, sateltite. 215K. 905-78-3791 SERVIE tM for sale in M- ton. Siitable fot wheeichair sceau. Wils eW drive. 905- 878-9250 UNIQUE ptoperfy in Campbelteile. Nearfy 6 acres. lnground pool. 2- staîl bam /shed. Insulat- ed greenhouse. Late ctosing. $399.900. More detsils ef: 8175 - -NAL Ids traiSoABLendus50- i trial1Unis.fort. 650 -n docks & drive-in. 1-905- opertetn y 277-9347 or 1-905-275- Son cenîso n r busy 6 8 4 onibedy experience Fa manditory. Excellent Fxus your wages a n 6f34. coul 905-689-9812 Classifieds * .. 876-2364