Classified The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 11, 2001-27 CLSIEDB ONUS! OUES O RIA Classified Ads 9:00AM - QU0PM AL appear at... I ' I - Il ,il ERIGTON, Robart (Bob)l At Mfton District Hospilt on Monday, May 7, 2001, Ca tiHairringlon f Mifon infis 53rd year. Beoved Iusband f Paiiy. Loving father f rand i fis partner Parry, Brad andi Iis girtfniend Katia. Alao survmved by fis sisters Susan,0 Donna, Nancy and Jase. Friands ami famiiy MIi be received ai mhe J. Scott Carly Fanerai Home, 21 James S. Mifon on Frday f rom 2-4 & 7-9 PM. A Funeral Service wiii Ie eld f ros tIra Chapel on Saturday ai 11:00 Am. intenent to fottore et Evergraen Carrvtary, Mgton. Ms as expresson f sympathy. donations tomte Maon District Hosptal Fouindation or mhe Canadien Cancer Socety woid Ie apprecated. REMEMBRANCES in the forai of donations to Thse Milton District Hospital Foundation sre spprecisted. lf nefamilies ofMkhelle Menb and iddfPenm are proud to announce the engagement of their children. SCongratulations and Dest Wshes! KET John Sudderly, on Monday, May 7,2001, John Kret of Miton in ila 71 st year. Beloved humtand of Helen. Dear f aher oi Susan AMn. Andrea Maria andi her husband AJan Boucard. Thomras John and has fiance Kalne mOMelaadri and John Fracis De Salea Caaey ami fis aile Christirre. Lovisg grandfarher oi Gabriela & Cliva Bouchard. Also survmeri by brothers Theo and Thomas andi slera boet & Gie. Predeceaseri by fis broiher Martin. Friands were mecived ai ltre J. Scoft Earty Funerai Home, 21 James Si. Milon on Wedaesday from 3-5 & 7-9 PM. Vigil Prayers mre recied ai 8:30 PM, A Mass of Christian Burial was field f rom HoIy Rosary Caihoic Churci, on ibursdsy ai 10:30 AM. Cmemaion followeri. If desireri, donaions f0 tre Kidney Foundafion or lthe Missionaries of Chariiy (185 Dunn Ave., Toronlo, ON M6K 2S1) woid be apprecaied by the fanriiy. RAYFIELO, Joan Wrfe of lthe lare Harry Ri yfilir. Ouefi y passeri away Tuesday April , 2001 ai Oakviie- Trafalgar Hospiial afier a fere monhs of sleadiiy dedlin- ing heaifh. SIre Mii Ie missed by many induding sons Rfober and Malcom f Torono, ami Donald of Engiascl. Gramchifrren Harrier, Gabriel ami Bamaby of Engianri ami Greai-Grandchiid of Nelae Mcçann. Joan, a former professor of Aaifropoiogy ai Yorkr University, was acive wth thre Milon Seniors Cenire ami mhe Universiy Womens ClubI. Ai Joans requesi ihere wmliiIe non tuner- ai service. However, tIreaMiii be a Memoriai Service mid-summer.In lieu of fowers, donaions canira made t0 Miton District Hospial or Oalrviie-Trafaigar Hospital. Joan recemved ouislanrflag cere ai each instiuion, boh medicaiiy ami in genuine care for patient comiori. REGINALO MAXWELL BERRY The famiiy of Reginaid Maswell Berry sari y armnounces his passng ai Georgetown Hospil on Toeaday May 8, 2001, infis 76thf year. Reg Carry, husband of Shirley Berry of Acton. Lovng tathar of AMdrew Benry, Bmenda Noseworthy, Pal ami Cd Ryan ami Jo-n Barry. Beioved grandiathar of Lesie, Dianna ami Chris Berry, Edward ami Leigh Noseworthy ami Dean Haggefi. Brother of ECi elsCrry, Uillian Culier, Fornce Parsonis, Amy Martin and Dutaie OConnefl. Pradeceased by fIreIroifrrs ami osi s- ter. Special ihanka ro tIe nursng staff ai Georgetowen Hospita ami Uinda Dohrty of the VON. Remernbrances may be madie tomte Georgetown Hospital Foundation. Ms mre tIr weaseaof Mr. Carry there wil be no faner- al services. Clue Springa Fanerai Honre 12 Cfeirch Street Eait, Atan. 51 9-85-2399 Corne anjoy a Victorian Tea with the Hat Ladies wilh epectal music by 'Tht Women of Note' Set May 12,2001 12:30 or 2 p.m. St. Davids Prembylerien Church Campbettviite - Guelph Line at 401 $15 pp for fiokefs cati 854-2156 854-2479 or 854-9800 'd- - FùnwloeneandRea.- l 'eRwaReiCoiken Smith for t heïr comfofi ue Sadfe 77m,oesQuy & CW UIRE.JSY aFE-MEDIIUGSUPUM W * MEDELA PRODUCTS - SALES & RENTAIS Bramai Pumpmse Baby Scates 9'Brenmi Foedlng Producta Better Living Home Health Care Inc. 25-B Commercial Street, Milton 905475-2458 2 doo< Slave; Mayreg aulomtc waher, dry- et. Aimoaepaterinesmt. Under warresty. 905- 637-832 BED, pliowtop met- tre, boxapning, heaLfoot board. Un- uaed, stliipigd. Coat $1175, sacrifice, $525. 416-521-9635 BUYISELL eteirfil, reheetcheir Re, hoapiiel beda, scooters, etc. Cati Silver Cross 905-847- 5504. BUYISELL eteirtiift, wheeichair Ime, hamptil beds, smooterm, etc. Cati Silvar Cross 905-847- 5504 CARPET f have everel 1,000 yrds. of nemi Stinaismer & 100% ny- lon ceipet. Wtt do living- roomn & hall for $349. fn- cludes cerpel, pad & in- stallation (30 yards) Steve, 905-639-2902 FREE Estimates... Gai wobbly or brokes chairs? Weak sofa or chair, pringa? Sot foam? Tred looking wood finîahes? ... then cai Fide for Al fumi- ture repairsanedo customa mood rafinishing, 9-9 daily. (905)875-4427 PIANO tnvenlory Clearance Sale... Over 100 pianos... Nieaney- er-Varnaha-Kamiat May 24-26 Th. 4-9, Fr. 9-9, sel 10-6. Cati 905-631- 9259. No reesonable offer refused! SUPER Special. Save Up to 30% on decorafor fabricsf Pay fno GST! Love your furniture... hale your cofours? Sofa & matching chair from $788. Loveseafa f rom $448. Chaire frors $199. Free Estimates. Senior Discounts. Flds Quati- fy Custom Uphoistering, 9-9, (905)875-4427 June Rushak is pleased ta announce the engagement of her daughter Wendy Cagloa' to Peter Rota son of Anna & Luigi Rota. Tihe ueddng ceremony ull take place at the Old Town Hall Court Yard, 43 Brases St,Mlton. Saturdag, June 23rd atl1pm AUl frends are r welcome to attend the ceremon. . la EN GEMEUT CLASSIFIED H