Juniors' pitching looks solid By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion Nf\o, IteHJuttttt tt.SL l'ah 4a ieJt~te aule better the second trne around. The Red Sox are intent on erasing the memory of.a rather lacklustre inaugural season, and have enlisted the help of several newcomers to do so. Among them are a handful of ptchers, who' ve filled the teum's biggest hole - depth on the mound. "Most definitely, our pitching is much better," said manager Glenn Tumner. 'Me local juniors wasted little time in proving that to their skipper during season-opening play in Campbellville Sunday. Against newly formed Halton County, Milton hurlers Adam Aheam and Ian Moszczak - acquired from the Guelph and Erin Milîs organizations respectively - combined for seven straight shutout innings and led their new team to a 10- 4 mout. a Aheam worked the first four frames and was credit- ed with the victory - giving up a measly one it and fanning sev.en batters along the way - wbile Moszczak allowed tbree hits over as many innings and picked up two strikeouts. Meanwbile, Miltonian NoIe Kent - back fmom a two-year hiatus and ohviously a bit rusty- closed inning. The Red Sox bad a couple of concentrated scoring efforts themselves, the first of which was highligbted by a two-run homer by Nate Perrott - who's been extremely explosive this spring with both the juniors and Milton District Mustangs. Paul Faggion also dmove in a pair of runs while standing out defensively were catcher Andoew Coc, third baseman Bud Hall and centre fielder Jordan Jeans. Milton's depth not only showed through on the mound but tbroughout the lineup as well, wth Il dif- ferent players recording its. Overaîl, Tumer was impressed with opening-day efforts and expects the club - now slotted in COBA's 'fler 2 division - to be much improved over last ses- son. He added, "I'd be disappointed with anytbing Iess than .500 basebaîl." The Red Sox began a tbree-gamne showdown with Mississauga North last nigbt in Mississauga. Sunday they play thse bost at Brian Best Park at 1 p.m. Midgets stage another late rally Milton's midget basebaîl team bas been aIl about late sconing surges s0 far this year. For the second time in as many home games, t local lads secured victory with an explosive finish Maplehurst Bail Park Monday. Leting their plate l do the talking, the Red Sox battled back to topp Georgetown 15-1l. Catcher Rob Angus spearheaded the rally with lea off home runs - botb to deep left tield - in the se enth and eighth innings. His back-to-back long bal highlighted an evening in which the hosts managed whopping 20 hits, including eight for extra bases. Angus also had a pair of walks, while reuching ba XýG'olfers shine Jef Thomas bas given hmself a tough act to follow. The Milton teenager took top spot in the junior boys division (17 to 18 years) a the irst event of this season's GoîfScene Tour Sunday t the Guelph Lakes Golf Club. Thomas shot an 86 for the day, fmnishing four strokes uhead of Guelph's ýCraig Belisle. A particularly strong short game led the local golfer to victory, as he needed the fewest puts - just 31 - of any comn- petitor in his loop. He also had the longest drive and picked up closest to the pin hion- ours along the way. Fellow Miltonian Mark Wilson shot an 80 to take second spot in the juveni le (14 to 16 years) boys class. He was four strokes back of winner James Boyce of Mississauga and four strokes ahead of four other golfers who tied for third. Wilson also had the least number of puts in is division, with only 26. j, Have You tAlways SWanted té Enhance Your Appearance? Now is the perfect time. Mr bave tk solution witts stat-f-ls-aft laser tedmooogy in a quiet~ cofortabLe and privatenoffice setiog. We offer treament fort " Spider veina * Ape & Brown Spots " Fadiai Veins # Sun & Red Spots " Sirtbmaars - Tatton Innovai " FaciaI Pigmentation . Warts " surgery fr 'Jaricose 'teins , injection Sdlerotherapy *Obagn Skis care Products for Vaicone VeIna Forea &V consultahOn cuit& Dr A M-VD fl.CC thse i t ýpie ad- zv- lîs dua oase safely on five different occasions and scoring thse win- ning mun was Kevin Cooper - who had tbree bits on the night. Matching that total weoe Chris Dumencu, Evan Jeans and Conan O'Brien. Jeans tbwarted a couple of visitor rallies witb key outs t shortstop while doing likewise with impressive catches in left field, to prevent extra-base its, was Andrew Kirkland. Steve Spiers earned thse win witb two solid innings of relief, during whicb he allowed just two nons on a handful of its. The offensive slugfest included a brief stoppage in play when one of Jeans' fouis shattered a light behind home plate. The Canadian Champion, Fniday, May il, 2001-25 Please fax teamn reports and sports stoly idéas to Steve LeBlanc at 878-4943. Hockey Registration' May 13, 2001 Thompson Arena From 10 arnfo 2 pm Fee Schedule: Champ Day $27500 (exl'erded fa May 13) Base Registration $30000 (affer May 13) Affer August 19 $32500 Beginners (Born 1995) $20000 Third ChiId $100.00 Rep, Tryout $30.00 *** PolIcy Change** Ail Players wilI register on CHA cards. Player and 1 parent must sign card fo register. Birth certificates are required for ail players. AWESOME DODEEZ ln store specials on our range of athletic clothing. Food Supplements (Proteins & Fat Burners) Competitive bodybuilders Branko and James have the knowledge and the products ta help their customers achieve "Awesome Bodeez". 3537 Fairviow St., #5 156 Main St. E Burlington, ON LUN 2R4 Milton, ON L9T 1 NO (905) 632-4545 (905) 876-1081 Mon-Wed 10-6, Thurs-Fri 10-9, Sat 10-5 www.awesomebodeez.com Milton Minor Hocke~y Association SapellAniqeVinsaPln and Oak Furniture, Estate Contents, Giftwares, and lots of Small 7>asures!! SPECIAL FEATUKESIIII MISSION OAK BUFFET, 9-PC CARVED OAK DîNER, FINE SIDEDOARDS, OLD CHINA COLLECTABLES, VINTAGE TOYS, MANTLE CLOCK. TilS SALE WILL HAVE M"N NEW TREASURESI ANTlIQUES AND FURNITURE: several vîntage oaù and pine cupboards, sîdeboard table & chars, vidorian chairs, oaktea wagon, aid ddtf lamps, wlndow bench, drop front desk mahogany, oak mandle dock, coffee tables, druon tables, desk, walnut table and chairs, china cabinet. toc many Items to lit GLASSIVARE & ClUNA, Umoges decorative sares, dbsconflnued collection of Royal Mlnon Chntz, Royal Statîshlre Chintz tes sets, vases, satsuma, old cups and saucers, toby augbronze sculptures, Bronco buster (remlngton copyright). U'1WR selection o(f ltwaesbIndudogllmked edllon dois, canliages, Beanle Bables clsconinued production, ca Irln W> shadow boxes, hand palned ù"nl, mwrano down, galle vse, lhned eflan lamps. NUS1AM QUALII ART fi Lii. EDMO R II M : Beautful masterpleces, ol on board and canvas, of varlous sîzes of scenes, portraits, and limted number of limted edîtlon prnts, Casson, T'hanpson, and other sel known artlts. Asaotment o quality mrros o valouaszes. ORIENAL PFOILIEl CARI'ErS fine selection of new and oId carpets of vauous szea and colors. ESTAE JEUWJE: our finest selectlon of rIng, watches, gold and dlamond jewellery and International gemai. Al Items must be sold. Terma and conditions: Visa, Amez, Mastercard, no registration fees, 10% buyers premium Auctoaeers Remaria: Tis sale wi hmauasouafiag aeeclon of aid and iuarsaral rasurea. Cone join the ffou anda exiteuseot. Couse earlX sale wLli#abri 11.00 pus aharz Wach for aignt