20-The Canadian Champion, Friday, May il. 2001 Artists Carol-Ann Michacîson and Gail Mowat are also featured. Ms Casteller's environmental concemns have led to create a new series of collages that pertain to the fragility of thse earth and the balance of nature that reflect her con- cems for the eroding escarpment and thse importance of preserving a balance in nature. She portrays thse earth as women blan- in Belleville, majoning in graphic design and film making. The gallery is open Wednesday to Sunday from noon to 5 p.m. The public is invited to meet the artists May 26 fromn 2 to 4 p.m. at the gallery. Refresbments will be served. For more information, caîl (905) 873- 8203. Bruce Hood Travel 16 Martin St., Milton Travel (905) 878-2886 Services 0 Uaad under licence fo mna xrs opn Copyright 0- Amaex Canada Inc. 20W. Reg. #046166UN lndapandantly own.d end opertad by 3862763 Canada nc. Fax: 905875998 VEHICLE SSTEM IMiton's Choice For *Trailer Hitches *Ail your Trailer Hitch and Towing Needs authorized dealer 348 Bronte St. S. Units 11 & 12 Milton, ON L9T 5B36 Local artist is featured at'Glen Williams show Thse works ni Miltoni artist Maureen kets that pîutc..t anid cntw~iICne i lyers Casteller are featured at tIse Williams Mill texturaI patterns. Gallery Spring Show. Her parents encouraged ber at a young The show, entitled 'Down to Farth', age to develop her artistc talents with gifts started Wednesday and will continue until of paints, canvases and many sketching June 10 at thse Williams Mill, 515 Main St., trips around Lake Ontario. Ms Casteller in Glen Williams. further developed lier talents by enrolling