The Canadian Charnolion. Fr1 My 12011 mli1 Ilii Tiiis Is THE'REAL THING!!! A 4-DAY TENT SALE T oOur OOUR EXCESS INvENToRY! Our tent and stoe terally filed wth hundreds of Clearanoe-Pniced One-Of-A-Kmnd Floor q ~ Models, Discontin tems and IA.Z-BOY Canada Sho4 Samples Thil Final Markdown items with ry mited supply (one of each in most aSs), so Sh Yo can also Save Bg on our regul In-Stock merchandise, and even CstiOrder t spnurSavmngs Roulette Wheel and S m But Hu"rydus sale yl Hup~..! SAL ENDSSUINDAIjj pu taMlin 1Cd&i r May il, 2001-15