The Canadien Chamipion, Friday, MaY 11, 2001-11 Milton Mal 905 878-8178 COMMEC 'To provide leadership in promoting the weII being of the business community in Milton." 251 Main St. E. <Old Town Hall) S cil a Paint - Wallpaper a Window Blinds 475 Main Street East 878-2629 4~Wheelabrator Canada Inc. 401 Wheelabrator Way, Milton, Ontario L9T 4B37 Telephone: (905) 875-1662 Fax: (905) 875-1685 Date: Saturday, May 12, 2001 Time: 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Location: Reion of Halton Facilty 115 1 Bronte Road (at QEW) OakviIIe Event is both inside and outside of the facility Cost: No entrance fee, no entertainment fée; no gamnes or event fees. Pay only for food, drinks, penny sale and sulent auction This event is open to everybody in the Reion of Halton. Please do flot bring any pets, as there wiIl be search dogs on site. Things to do: " Police Safety Village - Games & Contests " Inflatable Obstacle Course e Tours of Police Facility " Inflatable Bouncer e Rock ClimbingWaîl " Children's Craft Area - Silent auction " Duck Pond - Penny Sale Things to see: " QId Auto Show " Over 20 Displays from varous groups " Demonstrations Entertainment " jack Grunsky Children's Entertainer " AI Grose Magic Show " DREAM singing group " Brenda Byers - animated story-teller Food Avaîlable: *Harvey's Hamburgers and Hotdogs *Popcorn *Sno-cones For information please contact Constable Gregg Davidson at 905-878-5511 ext. 2222 or 905-825-4747 ext. 2222. Performance Schedule: Il1:00 a.m. DREAM 11:30 a.m. AI Grose Magic 12:00 p.m. jack Grunsky 1:00 p.m. Brenda Byers 2:00 p.m. TBA jack Grunsky Over the pat 15 years,Jack fias won sfic hcarts of sfiausands of fans across Canada, the USA and abroad.This award-winning rccording artist and perfarmer has became anc of Canada's most respectcd exponenta af cfildren's music.With his diverse repertoire of memorable sangs and unique instruments.jack engagea his audiences as he embarlta an a global musical Iaumney, drawing an persanal experiences and influences from many diffrent cultures, and integrating a variety af themes relevant ta children af today.jack is seen rcgularly an GLBAL KID'S TV, and fie has bcen a fcaturcd guct an MR. DRESS-UP, CBC-TV SUNDAY ON THE ARTS, and CFTO TV - CANADA AM. Yau tan sec jack Grunsky on stage at 12:00 noon. DREAM The beautiful vaices of Drcam wvilI grace the stage at 11:00. the fic teen girls fram Oakville have been perfarming since 1997 witfi their swcet sound and freah young look ta the dclight af cfildren and adults. Melissa Griffin, Kristen Asthura, Nicole Law, Jacqueline Mauthcws and Erin Danati make up Drcam who have alrcady performed as sfic Air Canada Centre. Ai GmuSeMic Get rcady ta bc amazcd as AI Grose magic returna ta Police Day. AI wil sake the stage at 11:30 a.m. ta, danzle tfic audience with fis creasive abilities ta makc shinga dîsappear. Hcefias performed many of fis mysteries thausands of imca, but has fresh performing style crcates the illusion that tfic <nagic la happening for the vcry firs time. He wvill also be walking around during tfic event doing pockcs magic the entire days. Brenida Byers If you want ta hear a good story shen you wont want ta, miss Brenda Bycra. Brenda will kecp the young and the young at fieart dreaming as sfic animases flktalca from araund tfic world. Sfic fas been starytclling far 6 ycars at festivals, corporate events, churches and ibraries. Brenda Bycra is best known in the Burlington as-ca far fer children starysclling day camps. COMPANY 375 lheelabratr y, Miltom 9587531427 41)798m7099 proudly supports Police Day 2001 905.878.2341 STAP &EATEi 55 Ontario St."N. 905-878-6697 SECURITI PROTECTI( JIM PLUNKETF President PO. Box 171 MILTON, ONTAIO LUT 4N9 (416) 347-7944 Fax: 875-4673 Eý,-iil:jplunrket@Pglobalscrve-.n£t l DN