4-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May 8, 2001 §TAPIOS Accredited Test & Pepair Facility MOTHER'S DAY HAVE YOUR COOLUNO SYSTEM lnspected & flushed before head- ing out on that long TREKI! HIDDEN Classic II Environmentally conscientious. Our used -anti-freeze is taken away to be recycled. ACSOROIES INCLUDE:U j Bicycle Rack I*Tow Bars & Draw BarsI eWirng Kits *Weight Distrbuting Hitches *Htch Security Locks classlc Il & 111 1600 - 14,000 Iba. towing capablîlîea Low Profile Design Complimenta the tyllng of today'a vuhîctea Remnovable Drawbar Eliminates banged or bnJiaed shins Custom Deslgnsd For each vehice make, model andI year ,-Vale faces several charges following midnight breakm Police cruiser stolen, dama ged by late-night intruder An intruder got more than he bargained for during an early-morning break-in Friday. Police report thatat about 12:34 arn. a femnale resi- dent of Straithcoma Court discovered an unknown man entering ber basement. She immediately called 911 after waking up her bus- band - wbo managed to corner the suspect until Halton Regional Police anrived. Tbat's when things took a bizarre tumn. An officer handcuffed the suspect and stuck him in the back of bis cruiser before exiting the vehicle 10, talk with another officer. The suspect used the opportunity to quickly climb into the front seat - squeezing througb the security screen - and speed off in the cruiser, southbound on Wilson Drive. The cruiser was stopped a short distance away when the man lost control. About $4,700 worth of damage was caused 10 the cruiser. A 2 1 -year-old Woodward Avenue man was charged with theft over $5,000, dangerous driving, causing a police pursuit, escaping custody and break and enter. He was 10, appear in Ontario Court (provincial divi- sion) yesterday. 1Tfl = y' w = 1r hurs. FrM. & SMt. Anyone can enter to win: *Sungasses - T-shirts *Gift Certif iCates and Ioads more! 4 THUJR$.MAY 10 S9 Any kid who brings a stutfed animal with them Can eat FREE! Barney the Maglcian Spelial Karoaké prizes Watch for furiher details. GRAND PRIZES Iavailable on Saturday include: Norco Mountain Sike, Leather Bud Jacket and Colour TV. TAP &EATERY "Where The Fun Neyer Stops" 55 Ontario St. Nu 905-878-6697 SOS S SMILTON TOWN 0F MILTON On behlfof the. lton Cooperative Purdiaslng Group Request for Bids 01-040 Dust Suppressin - Closing May 16, 2001. 01-014 Gravel R.sorfading - ClosIug May 16, 2001. 1-W Corporae Services Deparlment. Zati Roor. will receivc sealeti Rids on forma çupplied by the. Town of Milton until 11:00 arn local dîne on the. date tateti above. Specifications andi fora may be obtaineti ut the. Corporateý Services Depariment second foac), Town Hall, 43 Brown Street, Milton, Ontario, during normal business houri, Mossday through Ftiday, 8:30 a.m. ta 4:30 p.m. Thtre is anon-refundable bld document fée of $2600 ($2430 + $1.70 GST) Payment can bc made with cash, cheque, Internc or VisalMasterCard. Any inquires regardling dhis tender may b. directeil 10 Purchasing Services ai <905) 875-5404. If you woàld prefer that this bld b. courieredti tayou plesse conspiete thse Request for Biti Document form on thse Town's Website: www.town.mitton.on.ca. Plan takers, current and upcoming bitis andi biti resultt are posteti on the web site. CD3 pu Ir" ý