Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 May 2001, p. 30

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30-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May 8, 2001 j . ~~zi~i~Ïou.i Geraldine Hesketis YPQàMFI INTERIORS Carpet Vinyl n Ceramics - Hardwood Paint * Wallcoverings Showroom RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL 845 Main St. E. Milton 878-4280 Decorative Outdoors Now that summer has been thrust upon us, the time has arrived to spruce up outside. Plants picked out, water can and bug repellent ready, what else is needed? Hmmm... well carpet of course! Is this person insane? Yes, but thats another story. Outdoor carpeting is so appealing these days. Gone is the grass look unless you over ferilized and it's your only option! Seriously, the style abound and shades will wow up decks, patios, balconies, solariums, boats too. It's a great DAX.Y product too. It dosent fray on the edges like indoor carpet so can be easily cut to suit design and shape required. One of my personal favorites is the sisal and if your old paving stones look ugly then outdoor carpet is a great choice. It stands up to a lot of abuse, which is also why some people use it in their cottages. Next on the list... Anti histamine. We dont selI that sorry, but we do have most of what you need to make your home beautiful inside and out. Have a Great Summer from al @ Comfi Interiors. Specialists iElectrolysis e Laser Hair Removal Facial & Body Haïr Cari Easuly Be Removed Phone: (905) 878-91 13 (905) 878-3945 Canada's Leading Laser Hair Removal Speciallsts Facial and body hair can be easily removed. Frequently-Auked Questions About Laser Hair Removal Q: What is laser hair removal and how does il work? R: Laser hair removal is one of tise lateut technological advances tc complement the electrolysiu field of permanent haïr removal. Il use! light energy to0 selectively target colour (melanin) intise haïr. Tise beair of highly concentrated ligist disables many isairu mitis each pulse, clear. ing large areas in a matter of minutes. Thse college .s proud 10 providt tise world's leading laser, the Coherent Ligisheer Diode Laser, for piet manent isair reduction. Q: What Is "Permanent Hair Reduction"? R: This in a very important factor as not ail lasers arc cleard by tlit EDA. for thiu deignation. Ail otiseru may only ho long-lasting ei merely a temporary solution, like waxing, nugaring and tireading. A ptient's decision about laser haïr removai nhould be based on E/n effectiveness of tihe laser used and the expertise of tise practicioner. Q: Who is for? R: Men and women of ali.agen. It is possible to trern mont purts of tht body and al uskin types, from very ight nkin t0 darker skin types type V and VI) providing tise iair is dark or pigmented. If blonde or whit hairs are aiso presenit, then n combination of electrolynin and laser mil clear tise areas afely and effectiveiy. Q: Wbat to expect. R: Tihe Coherent Lightsheer Diode is fast, efficient, comfortabie unc sale when used by adequntely-trained professionals. For more information, contact tise Electrolynis College of Canad. Ine., wisose private linie mas for many yearn, provided trenîments foi tise publie in tise latent laser haïr removai, electrolysis and vascula (trenîment of broken capillaries). fl Milton Therapeutic e 7Mans t.,eSt.. 10 75MaiSge.Il1l across from Zau s Pharmucy) 878-0800 Jllan Guard Registered Rymn Wuasur (Hons.> B. Sc., RMVT AMassajge Tlierapy B.SC., M Low-Back Pain Low back pain affliets us ail at some point sn our lives. Pain can arise from a number of causes such as sirains, spraius, veriebral sublusation, or overuse injuries. The mosi comiuon and mosi overlooked source of lower hack muscular pain orîginates in the Quadratus Lumborum (QIL muscle in ihe snîall of the lower back. The QL cousisis of four muscle betties - tow on other side of the lumbar spîne. The muscle orîgisaies on the top of each hip and inserts ino the sides of each lumbar verîebrae and int the twelfîh rnb. The muscles action is laieraI bending of the spîne, lifi- ing of the hip, and siabilîzation of the pelvis. Pain usually begins in this muscle as a resuli of strain. overuse, or overesertion. Symptoms of QIL problems include pain iun te small of the back that radiates mminthe hip and buttocks, and the Si joiut. Bendtng oser and siiting positions ofien euacerbaie sympiolus, and coughing, sneezing, or hearing down can increase pain. Trigger points n the QIL creaie pain ihati s usually steady, duil, deep, and aching. However, the iniensiiy can range from mild discomforita incapacitai- ing. When tis muscle becomes very ighi, serve roots eiiing from the lumbar spine cao become irapped and compressed hetween the muscle bellies - creaiing buming, sharp, and lightning-like, sometimes eucruciating pain. In faci, ihe effects of low-hack pain frnm the QLcan he as bad as, or worse than low-back pain from a herniaied diuk. Massage iherapy is effective trealmeni for this condition. The iherapisi will use techniques to loosen and streieh the muscle, îhereby removing the pressure on the lower opine and redueing pain. Home tretches and exercises will he given and perpeluating factorm will he examined for long-lasîing relief of low-haek pain. For ony questions concerima ssoge iherapy, or Io book an oppointment, please col! 8yan Weaver or JE/fion Gurd ai ME/ton TherapeutEc Massage Cl/nic, 878-0800. 00010 MHawkins B. Sc., DUI r'-- Hawkins Animal Hospital Debbie Hawkins B.Sc., DVM Doctor of Veterinary Medicine 550 Ontario Street South, Milton (Pizza Hut Plaza) Phsone (905) 875-6888 Fax (905) 875-6853 V:; Just how toxic is antifreeze? A: 1 am often asked this question and my answer is as follows: Ethylene glycol is the chemnical in antifreeze thatis dead- ly poison to both our children and our pets. Ingestion of this chemical causes the kidneys to com- pletely shutdown - the symptoms being severe generalized illness, followed quickly by death. There is a delay between ingestion of antifreeze and the onset of symptomns. By the time a diagnosis is made, sadly, it is often too late. Despite attempts at treatment most pets die. I have known many pets, including a pet of my own, that have died this horrible death. The amounit that needs to be ingested to be fatal is so small, that for instance, a cat could take one lick of it and sufer the consequences. To aIl that have pets and toddlers, be very careful when using or disposing of antifreeze - if any spilîs occur, wipe them up immediately and then hase them down. To aIl that do flot have pets or toddlers, pleaàe be aware that your visiting relatives, friends and neighbours who do, may encounter your neglected spills. it you nave any questions tnese professionals can answer, please write to: "Ask The Professionals" c/o The Canadian Champion 191 Main Street L. Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 or Fax to: 878-4943 15 Mn aly artin St. 905-693-9594 Krisen FleyMaxîne Stanley "Providing o Natural Way to Betier Health and Wellness"ý Q:1recentîy purchaaed a herbaI produet tisaI suppoaedly alded In welght loss. t contained a substance calied ephedrine. I stopped taklng it afler a f.wadays because I got shaky and my heurt raced. What exactiy la ephedrine and why le It belng used for weight ose? A: Ephednine is a chemical compound tisatis found in tise dnied stems of the "Ephedru sinica" plant (better known as "Ephedra" or "Ma Huang"). Ephedra han a stimulant effect on the central nervous systemr, making the huart beat fauter, incmeasing blood pressure anti raising metabotie rate. lus main use for tise tant 3,000 years han heen as a bronchodilator, effectively opening small airways in tise lungu and alleviating nasal decongestion. It is excellent in 5mai doses to safeîy trust astisma, allergies, cotE/s and sinus infections. Tise pmoblemn occurs when individuals stant using produets that con- tain episedrine and caffeine for weight Ions. Unfortunately, dauly usage of tisese products over an extended period of lime is instruct- ed for weight tons. Thse iigiser dose and tise longer you talce ephedra, tise greater tise incidence of side affects, sucis ns racing heartbeat, nervouanens, insomnia and iseart palpatations. Long-terni use can have more sert- ous side effectsa ta include iigis blood pressure, stroke and seizures. Herbai Magiecanores its own lie of standardized/researcis-grsde quality hebs tisat are speclflcally designed 10 ald weaght tons, and are completely episednine and caffeine free. Bots safe and effective, they provide good appetite controt witisout tis ide offets of ephdisElne. Thse ierbs are combined witis a praper eating plan 10 provide maximum resuits, iselplng you 10 acilve your weigist Ios goals. Afaxne tanley has a B.A. In Soe/ology andl an S.S.W. ln Social Work. Site ho* wo,*ed wfth tue Herbai Une cpeogesm fobr over four yeas, and la a fraineal nuffflonal counsellor Kifaen Foley alao hma a B.A., an extanalve background ln herbais, andl la a tralned nuftlonal eounaellor as wIl. GREG J. LAWRENCE B. sc., D. CH. FOOT SPECIALIST / CHIROPODIST5 350 Main St. E., Milton, Ontario, L9T lP6 (905) 878-6479 1lA Princesa Anne Dr., Georgetown, Ontario L7G 4W4 Greg J. Lawrence (905) 702-1611 B. Se., 0. Chi. Momber of the Ont ario Society of Chlropoeilata and The Ontario Collage of Chlropodlata A Foot Specialisti s an individual who treals any foot related condition. People with Diabetes are more likely to deveiop probieros with their feet. Not only does a Foot Specialist take care of these problems, we also perform screening to help prevent any complications. Individuals who are diabetic should get their feel screened on a yearly basis, if no problems currently exist. Screening of the foot consists of assessment of the circulation, nerve testing, orthopedic assessment and footwear assessmenl. Even if no problemn exîsts, a Foot speciaiist can be a good source of information regarding pre- vention. Beiow there are a few questions regarding diabetes. Lef s test your knowiedge. 1. Poor blood supply is common in people with diabetes who: a. are older b. smoke c. have high choiesterol d. have high blood pressure e. have had Diabetes for more than 10 years 2. If you find an area of your foot thal is hot, this might mean that: a. there is normai blood supply b. there is poor blood supply c. infection, stress or fracture Answers: 1. Ail of the above. 2.C. If there are any groups, companies, schools or clubs interested in a presenlation on any foot related topics, please cail our office. The clinic offers extended hours. No refrrral is necessary. à im

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