r l.M" . 5Z'- t As, 0'.8c. . -r3 .. 4P.l' :>4 . t The Canadien Chamion,. Tuesdav. May 8, 2001 --9 If you have any questions these professionals can answer, please write to: "Ask The Professionals" OIss hv Ca(Xseimi c(hamipioen 191 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 or Fax to: 878-4943 Dr. Tong Woin'i H TON HILLS SPEECH CENTRE Ttth491 328 Guelph Street Towne Dental Group Georg(05)873840 Tony H. Wan Milton Mail - 55 Ontario St.(0)8340 BSc,DD.S (905) 876-1188 Q 1 arn a 36.year-old -man, oiginafly from Hong Kong. Diet Soda Drinkers Beware! 1~ recently swiîched from drinking regular soda 10 diet. SAre there any ingredients in sugar free sodas that may affect my dental health? A:You may think if you're drinking diet soda that your teeth are safe from the dangers of sugar. We aIl know that sugar contributes to the development of tooth decay. Wbaî you may not realize is diet pop can do almost as much damage 10 your teeth. Diet sodas don't have any sugar, but they do contain large amountsof phosphoric and citric acid 10 enhance flavour. These acids attack the enamel that protects your teeth which means you're much more likely 10 get cavities and 10 develop irritations, cracks and sensitivity 10 eold. People with orthodontic appliances (braces) may be even more prone 10 decay, especially if they do not practice excellent oral hygiene. Because saliva helps neutralize acids and wash your teeth dlean, the worst ime to drink soda pop, ironicully is when you are very thirsty or dehydrated due to low levels of saliva. Try 10 drink soda pop only with a full meal, and be sure 10 brush and floss soon after drinking and/or eating. Also, resolve to quench your thirst with water, a healîhier alternative to soft drinks and sports beverages. And if you drink pop alone or between meals, chew sugarless gum afterward 10 increase your saliva flow. Main & FT 1 Ontario St. I Cni rno nurto~~ 693-8942 !ine Donmy PIIYSIOTHERAPISTS Q : Why sh:ud wetake:arn:Itivit:min? o r etn A: wett-batanced varieîy of fresh fruits and vegetables, whote grains, and non-processed foods. These types of foods give you the heut source of nutrients ovailabte today that can- not be replicated in a putl. However, they are not enough. Today's produce contains substantialty fewer nutrients than the produce thirly 10 fifty years ago. Studies are showing that nutrient values are decining. Why? The last ftfty years han seen major changes in farming prac- ices. Crop rotation, a falow year, natural vs. éhemnicat fertil- izers, pesticides, herbicides, and geneticalty modified seeds are some of the changes. In addition, environmentat changes such as acid ramn have occurred. Att these factors comhined have teft our soit deplted of nutrients that cannot he ahsorbed by the produce. Does this mean we shoutd take puIs and forget the food? D)efsniteîy not! Nothing can replace the natural environruent of vitamins and minerais and the way that thcy occur naturai- Iy together. What we need though, is a supplement 10 ensure that our hodies arr getting enough nutrients to not onîy main- tain us but to create optimum heath. So, take a good multivitamin daity and cal a varicty of fresh, unprocessed, preferabîy organic, foods daiîy. Nutrition House is a "Pillar of Health" of the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine. With over 66 stores across Canada and growing... work in an Englisn speakang environhnent anda <mer oy colleagues tefl me they have difficulty understanding oy pronunciation, especially over the telephone. 1 feel is affects my chances for advancement in the company 'r which 1 work. Can a Speech-Language Pathologist elp me improve my pronunciation of English? L: Speech-Language Pathoogists are the trained professionals tat can offer accent reduction iherapy or a course in pronouncing nglish as a second language. l is flot uncommon for aduits acquiring English as a second anguage to have difficulty developing accurate pronunciation of Il sounds. In fact, many sounds present in the English language do iot exist in other languages. Additionally, many languages have ifferent rules for syllable sressing than English. itervention can identify personally specific sound distortions and 'ariations in syllable stressing in words. The goal of this itervention would be 10 instruct in syllable and specific consonant ind vowel production in words, sentences, paragraphs and conversation. )ne specific program on intervention is the Compton P-ESL :Pronouning English as a Second Language) Program. This rogramn is offered by the Halton Hilîs Speech Centre. An issessment by a Speech-Language Pathologist is warranted if this i of significant concern or inîerst tb you. lease feel free 10 cal our Centre for further information. www.hdtonspeech.com Main St., Mi 876-1515 Safely "Spring into Action" this Gardening Season Tise gardening stasen s s pon ns and as we head ont nIa aour yards la hagin spring cleanup, lasdscaping and gardening acisities Iets ensare il's as paintess as possible. Frorm April 22nd ta May 2lsî is National Physiotleerapy Month. This yeai's lieme is tise pramotion of gardesing safely. Q:Wlat dnes Physiotlserapy have te do witis gardtnlng? A: Thirly minales of yard woîk, planing, or iakitg provides gîet geseral heallis haneflîs sncb as preserving flexibilily and building srenglis and endarance. However, mosl of us tend la overdo il oar flost frw imres inlise gardes' Acises, pains, spiains, and someimes breaks oflen resaIt fions improper posiioning of tie body, overases of specific mascle gîoaps, pour gardening techniques and pnsiing ourselves la woik iarder and langer than we sisould. Q:Hem can Pisysitherapy heip wils gardtning? A: Is aider le prevent or misimice wear and lear os yaur body daring gardenisg scason consider lise folowitg belpful inîs: . Begin witis a wan a p: sacis as a brief walk followcd by stretching of tise major muscle gîoop. 2. Be awsit of ynar posture and boady necissnlrs: move yonr feet insseod of twist- ing, tigislen youî stomacis muscles and ose your legs ratiser tias your bock wben lift- ing. 3. Use ergonornicaliy correct toils; boy tools witis long bondies, sil ostise groane if possible la avoid piolonged iesdisg, try ksee pado oo ovoid pressure on your knees. 4. Pace yourself: take breaks throuphoot your work, vary youî activity to allas dif- ferent muscles Io ha osed. 5. Be smar in tise suni: sear a bat and se sonscrees, dnsk o lot of water and try 15 work jr tise siade to prevent dehydration. Please contact Hlua or Conie ai the HaIton Commsnity Retabiitation Centre, 86 Main Stret Eaot, Mine 8761515, for questions about physiotherapy. ~Z2flfl&t BA, B.S.W., M.S.W., R.S.W., DIR SOC. ADM. Counselling & Psychotherapy Indvduals, Couples, Chidren & Families M 11084, 5th Une, Mîlon, Ontario Elyn. M. Tanner (905) 854-0801 1 1thouglit 1 wmhml.g a heart attade hut my phym ia .s Iit l .9due to stress eid nxlety.la thisi.poisie and If mo. wht eaui 1 do &boutitM A:panic and nxiety dsorders secSmta have realied near epidensic pro- portions in aur society today. Crowds, stress and the general pce o todays hfetyle ail contnhsete ta dhii condition, l'. no wonder you thought yoss were havinf a hseant tak. Many of tise synptorns sceme mach tise same. These includt: " nervous or paicky feelings " tiembling or shakisg " shortness of breatis " chest pains " heart palpitations " dizzness " confusion & spaced ast feelings " fear of public embsarrassaient, of Iosing yaar mind and of lasing contrai Many people with tbis condition also experience mitral valve prolapse which fartiser convinces theen hat tisere is a itart condition. They cane fee their heart hearing with as iregular rhsythm. wiich adds ta tise fear. They freqsîatly hecame sem-isolated becasse tisey begin ta ha afraid ta, go ast. ta ha in crowds ara obe aaywhert wheie they feel tisse "escape" woald ha difficaît or emhariassing. mch as as office meeting or a tiseatre. They always sit star the-door foi a qaick exit. Osce someone han hati one asxiety ateack, they often hegin ta fear a recarrence and this fear tises precipitates anather attack. As yon canseSe, it fanins a vicions cycle. This disarder geneially responds well ta caanselling and psychotherapy. Anxeety or panic aaacks do not iave ta ha a permanent condition, no matter how long yoa have snffered. If you have rd out a medical problee, itiss would ha a gond sent slip ta try. &ÇM. Tu,,ù a Cnfoed .mis0aiMe Cnlae aofhaj.eiautSaawkio vanA ~w4m niq prnieiaaatapaiaaeea inidw faou.i1& moird tmntOM eHer Êefi h iaMuad Mle, .a p.iu owd fecniq M" iaeejn rdaeeeevaî au Farriser questions welcame - catI (905) 854-0801 Confidentiality guuranteed. V~1 J*-lNFY na1aPann MONU ~RerernntPannin r1~LIIr PTS Mu us CONEtS O 1Cs -RR.IFs Le and O sas lty Tel: (905) 876-0940 Tan 55050,5s Fax: (905) 876-2934Lo upMRF 420 Main Street East, Milton, Ontario L9T lP9 Q: My parents are aiready retired. What cao tisey do te reduce their taxes? A: For retireen there are a nomber of ies 10 look aI in lerres of reducing rases. Do lisey bave any unnseul RRSP carry formard ioam? Wiile yaa must ha working to acqoire RRSP ioom, you cas still nse il even if you amre îeired. If yonr parents bave $1,000 in a savings or cieqing accounn, il migisî earn $20.00-$50.00 of taxable interesl per year. Afler taies are paid, yonr parents migisî clear $15.00-$40.00. TisaI sanie $ 1,000 tranferreul 510 an RRSP coutd yield a tax refand of oveî $200 and sill ha able 10 gros aI GIC-lype rates or maie. If lise aIder parent is luming 69 and muns( conveiltisheir RRSPs la RRIFo, lisey cas make a anc-limie eleclian la receive lise RRIF income based apon thse age of lise yaunger spouse. Tise hanefit of doing Ibis is lhialwilr il ducs not redace tise maximum arnoant tisaI youî parents cas siîisdraw is a yrar, il wonld allos l(heme lie option 10 creale a lower RRIF paymesl minimnum and 10 take ont less RRIF income tisas if based upos lise age of tise older sponse. CPP splitisg is anolber option. If bols parents are retireul, lbey cas pool and split tieir CPP iscome. By making Iis formol electios, lise iigiser taxpayer woold pay lins Ian and lise loser income camer would pay sligbtly more tas. Wisen ose of lise paries dies, lise CPP paymenls continue at lise samie reduced rate to tise surviving party. Type of income siold ha looked lt0toc. Onîside of as RRSP, inleres! income frore GICs, T-bills, bonds or Mosey Market Fanuls are al îaxed attise individuals iigbest an rate. Ssilcbisg invesîmients 10 emher dividend or capital gains producing invesîmnenl will resal n up 10oa 50% reduction in tise level of taxation, This may eves ha possible wîtisout any significant increase sn volatility. d For spertfic answern and help in re-strseturnng your own or your parents' retirement ineome, please contact Mooey Concepts at 905-876-0940. J Laym