The Canadian Champion, Tuesdey;, May 8, 2001-27 SpEARS SasHome Central is looking for customer caring individual s 80 join us in making SEARS a Great Place to Shop... and a Great Place to Work. Openings currentty ex/st for outside sales professionals in: HEAT! COOL PRODUCTS n the foltowing markets: Hamilton, Newmarket, Oshawa/ Pckering and Metro Toronto. You must have previous sales experience and own a vehicle. Vour knowledge of the producta is an asset but not essential. This opportunity offers a good benefit package and earnings potential of $50,000 or more. If you are interested in this opportunity please fax or send your resume to: Sears Canada Inc. 1271 Barton St. E. Hamilton, Ontario L8H 2V5 Fax: (905>543-0398 Attn: Shirley Muir Due ta our continurd groweh in the Milton, Oakville and Toronto - West marketing ra we naw have openings for rwo commissionad marketing and sales professionals. Responsibilities include the sale of home heat- ing oil and eqsipmenr. diesel fuel and gaso- line to hoth rhe domestic/resideneîal and commerciallindustrral markes. Previous esperience in domesticlresidential andine imalcommercial/industriai sales would be a definite aie. Yoa must provide your own vehicle. We offre an attractive commission compensa- tion package including car allowance. A com- prehensive training programn will he provided. To pannue his opportuniry please forward your resame including salary hisory t: Thermoshell Inc., 200 Cochrane Drive Unit #l, Mariiain, Ontaro 3R 8E7 Attention: Marketing and Sales Manager Fax 905-470-7807 No rpv sai, picu ReScfliy ony chas hing cti,.%idcucd ,ili i-hcktiwnuicdged. Growing Oakvil/e based Aerospace components Manufacturer/Distribution company requires immediately, TWO FULLTIME Inside Sales Coordinators The successful candidates must have strong customer, computer, organizational and com- munication skills, along with previots Inside Sales coordinat/ng experience. Knowledge of the Aerospace lndustry would be an asset. We offter a very professional work envirooment, excellent remuneration, health and dental beneits, etc. Please tsrward ysar resumne /: Box 6339, c/s Oak- ville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd., OakiIe, ON L6ÏK 3S4 875330 UlIGIUt piul>nein Campbelvite. Nearty 6 acres. lngound pool. 2- staîl bam /shed. Insulat- ed greenhouse. Late closing. $399900. More datai/s at: htp://www3. sympati- forsalesriitn...1 6-712- 8175 REASONABLE Indus- trial Us/fs for resI. 650 - 1600 sq. ft. Loadisig docks & drive-in. 1-905- 277-9347 or 1-905-275- 6834. now hîeîng Drivers. Mudt have own vehidle. Also equired Inside Staff. Evenings and weekends. Apply in par- son anVyay afte,4p.m. fo 17 Wilson Drive (a the camer of Ma/n St. and Wilson Dr.), Miton after 4p.m. EC.E teacher ; reed sfarting Augut or Sep- fember. Resumes to 258 Commercial Sf., M/ton, L9T 3C3 FREE training. Drive 4 Us. School Bus Drivers Wanted. CatI 905-877- 4448. Laidlaw is as equal opportusuty com- pany. LIFEGUARDS PPL offees basf wages ai pools in Brampton, Mississauga, and GTA. 416-213-0111 or PPL ofescertification courses. MI - General Help Fult Time, Mature Sales cierk/Servic e cuner ealyrevrning and/or alternare weekend work. Must hcrerliahle, trustsvanthy, have gondt math skills and excellent ineerpersonal skills. PIease call for an interview. Tresa Drew, Store Supervinor 905-878-4401 x-18 /*FIFTrH Are you an energetî-c person, (W E L1wanting towork in a fast pacd evirnmetWe are 'iiil"currently acceptng applica- tons for the following: F/TPT Servers P/T Dishweahers FT Fuel Cashier Apply in person: Fifth Wheel Truck Stop 40 Chîsholcu Dr., Milton Andrew's Scenic Acres Hiring for various positions. To start immediately. lnciuding ranhier and tour guides. Fuit and Part-Time. Especially need Saturday Farmers Market People. Cail 905-78-587 Harvey's on Market Drive is tooking for 1 speriai person. Would you like to work 9-3 weekdays oniy? Do you have good people sklls and the abity to leaca new tasks? Would yon like to er a competitive wage? If this drscribes you, please apply in person with resumne at Harveys 50 Market Drive, ask for Barbara RATTIESHAKE POINT GOLF CLUB, MILTON IS NOW HIRING F/T Line Cooks & Exp. Janitors Please fax resume to: (905)693-1900 Warehouse Persan Part-time position for a neat, organized, flexible individual with mechanical ability. Pliasse send resumne to: Global Medicat Products Imc. 5230 South Service Rd. Burlington, ON L7L 51K2 Customer Service Representative Pur/tp Life Health Products is seeking a number of enihusiastic people to work as customer service reps. Duties induite entering oriters, proviing product information and serv/ring our eisting retailers arrosa Canada. The successfal candidates muse be able to communirate effetîvely in Englîsh. possess good telephone manners and be computer lterate. Previaus esperience unithe ubiity to communicate in French are assets. This position is fllu ime Monday to Friday. w/Ch fles/ie houes between 9:00 s.m. unit 8:00 p'. Pieuse senit your resumne to: PuriCy Lîfe Health Products 6 Commerce Crescent Acton, ON, M7 2X Clearly marked at "*C.SR. PosItion" Fax: 519-853-4660 Email: jobs@& or an coo . arer Mosday f0 Friday 4prn for auto parts recycl/ng tiI Midnight. Gcod wag- company. Knowledge o as. Jim on Nicl. 905- auto parts an asset. 875-1388 $8.50/hour. Cati 905- WANTED experienced 875-1504 AZ truck driver, walk/ng 7 f/oor esperineas as asset. Phase 905-875- 7001 PLEA5E RECYCLE THIS 1-APER are a successiui ai agency ia Buriragion specializing n the pharmacetircal industry. 5- -nlyoe eincdfor furttor cinderatasionMt e conact. 11- Accounting Asistant Miton Toyota and Gorrud's Auto Group are iooking for an expenienced bookkeeper to neorte directty wth and provide assistance to our financial manager. Succestut can- didates must have a demonstrated apti- tude for accountinq and a genuine interesi n furiher devefopîng existing accounting skiffs. Knowledge of Reynolds and Reynolds and New Views Accounting System, in addition f0 peevious payrott and monthly remittance expenience are an asset. lnterested candidates are asked ta foeward their resume to: -àDI Gorrud's Auto Group & Milton Toyota 400 Steeles Avenue Milton, Ontario L9T 1V4 Fax: 905-875-2279 Receptionist Required for Collision Centre. Full Time Please fax, email or drop off resume to: GAWNGOER 5 Main St. East Milton, Ont. 905-875-3673 Fax 905-875-3676 Emnail OFFICE HELP Part time Secretary/Receptionist required immediately for busy multiple office real estate firm. Responsibilities include: answering telephones, booking appointments, paging messages, preparing offers and processing listings. Must be computer literate. Real estate experience preferred. Eveninga and alternate Saturdays. Please fax resume to: (905) 877-1571 N~É~koX 1967 Austin Hely AMark III 30M< California Car, Barely Used 52,000 miles. Must be sean, Must ha sold $29,5sOO OIÇ.27Lflelf 5u Steelos Ave. 905- souse in Miton on sur- 272-0648 rounding ares by non- smoking professional couple. Cal905-816- 5040 ROOM for RentI CLASS "A Licensed Room/Board, neg. Mil- Trailer Mechanic - ton. Cati anyfime 905- Qualified f0 work os 693-0456 Tankers/ trai/ers. AffluaI DOTs install suspen- sions, brakes, and elec- tincal. Benefit package, competitive nages. Please cati 905-844-199GadPrien 7314 or fas resume 1969 GodfraesPain 9OS-ns,-g01o- for.rstoratio 1 oaaooam apastmont. $600 plus utiliSes. Available Jane 151. 905-691-3189 1 bedeom basement aprment. Ail new, al icda- sive. Cail Phil 416-830- 9864 and ailer 7pm 905- 875-2940 LARGE 3 bedeom a/c apartmnsiunder tenovs- tios. Main fisor of houso. Use of basennent, lots of parking. Walking ta tire oes- tee of tswn. Fridge andt dtose, $1200 plus tilfties. Nlos: 2 teetessa apt., ason downtown. Fridge andt tone indludet, ftest andt hydro indludeit. $Q75 avait- able. Jane lasi. For loto cati 905-858-8723, Tony PATIERSON leaning services, reasonable pries, satisfaction guaranteed. Cati Louis- aile for f ree estimate ai 905-702-3764 FIRST fise oitebdcouse in downlown Mitsn. 2 ted- room, ridge, dtose, laundry. Inclusive. $975/asntio. duly idt. Aso: 2 tedroom bus- galow, tndge, dtose, disie- was/rer, laundry. Inclusive. $1400, Jaty lat. Cati 905- 466-3400 mà m for parts. 3 (Wii) mo- tors, one nehole, 2 in 6pm. TAheOW VllageDa availabl ns. Qalt poma for c 8hildrfon 18 monteishi6p rs for Seprtember 905 EaBe De yareu vlbe. W//onm QUeT, nekigbl 30'er ens- pi= pl, eraidnoldnaf 2btes Med - .ySOittI A.5Ae otent l-ane3 OFFICE I CLERICAL Must be able ta aul/i-lask in this tast- paced ofice loca/er in Mlos. A pleasant te/ephose masser, gond organizalional ski//s and proiciency in MS Excel, MS Works and Smp/y Accssn/ing an assel. Preisas ex- perience in andscape/ construcion pre/erred. If yas teel yoar qualiication meel sur crileria, tsrward re- Il bfx o90 5-875-2303 /e hank ail t/at app/y, however on/y t/ose se/eced for an in/erview wl//be con/ac/ed. Experienced Receptionist Required lu greet and direct aur clients in a r/endly, prolessional and courleous manger, ah/lily la effi- cetly answer a busy 13//ine menidias switchboard, mali task ad prot/cient typing ski//s. T1 Mu caddat w11!haVa - t lessl 2 yrs previsus receptian! sw/chbssrd exp. -experience wilh MS office -abîlity ta work under pressure -saperb allendance and punctuulily record P/ease tax resumes w/lh eerences to 905-632-9068, atîn: Karen Sherratt 3600 Bîiings Court, Burlinglos We //ank a// în/eres/ed parties, /roierer on/y 1/ose se/ec/ed for furt/rer consideration wl//be con/ac/ed. A Coffee & Ibe canabian bmo .the best way to start your day' cotopoeeais and wetdrnents 10 the aaiomotive indusrey in Norh Amenca, is seeking the tollowîng: Maintenance Miachanic Primary responsibiities isclude installation, maintenance and repaie of att plant eqaipment. Espenesnce with presses, hydrautica and suto- mated processes wouid be an assai. Qualified candidates muaI have valid Ontario Miltwnight Certitication, 3-5 years expenience in an automotiva environment. OS-9000 esperi- once a plus. Shift woek reqaieed. Plea»seBndiyour reosone, by May 11, 2001 to tha addrea blow. SKI) Aitomotive Oronap, Human Remotrce Departnent, 375 Whoelabrator Wey, Milton, ON LOT 3C1I Fax (905) 875-0974 Wo thank ail applicants, howevar, oniy tienne setecteit for an interiew siti te contactait.