I 26--The Cathadian Ohampion', Tuesday, May 8, 2001 Our kids depend on people like YOU. People who want f0 make a différence in children's linos. Af The Hospital for Sick Children, were more than world leaders in paediatric academic heaît h sciences. We advocate on behalf of children and for t ho ovolution of chiîdrens health care. Commitfed f0 providing tho vory best in family-centrod, compassionafo caro, w'ro continually surpassing our intornational roputation for oxcllonco. Our world-class toaching, resoarch and hoalth care contre is affiliatod with tho University of Toronto and offors a supportivo and #k' nurturing onironniont. Consider a caroor with Tho Hospital for Sick Children and show our kids hat heomos dont just lino in comic books. OPEN HOUSE As part of our Nursing Week celebration, please join us on May 1n,2001, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., at the Garden Terrace in the Atrium, 170 Elizabeth Street. You will have the opportunity to meet HSC Nurses and tour the Hospital. Refreshments wiIl be served and parking wiII be validated. Please bring a copy of your résumé. Fuil-time Registered Nurses ALSO AVAILABLE: PART.TIME AND/OR CASUAL Paediatric Mdicine; Giniraf Surgi.ry ()tolarynf.ology Orthopaedics and t)enîisîrv; Ntiîrosurgi-ry. t'rauma, lurnis/Plastics, ctphthalmology and firology; Nf U; Cardiat ( riticaf t are;lProg.ressiv arc I Jnil (OR, ASCIi[A(,L]I )ay Surgery/Ret:ove ry Room, Interventional Radiology (Image Cuided 't herapy); I lac ma tologs (>ncolog.y; ont Mlarr<îw t ransplanit; nimunofogv andl Allergy; lialysis,/Apheresis: Rheuinatology; (',]/Nutrition. Neplhrolbogy: Transplantatiomn;Psychiatrv and t aing tisordcrs; an(] F .nrgency' fiHýçI THE HOSPITAL -IFOR SICK CHILDREN Bie 5omeoe +ô op -Jtoi, Ifynu are unable to attend our Open House, please forward your résumé, in confidence, to: The Hospitat for Sick Chitdren, Human Rsources, Rooni 5426, 555 University Avenue Toronto, ON M5G lX8. Fax: (416) 813-5671. E-mail: hr.recruiter@sickkids.cs For more information on these and othcr opporlunities please visit us offine aI www.sickkids.ca Affiliaied ni h 1w Iiiit,,cv,îî,,f Torînio Nurses $21 .37 - $25.09 Per hour Explore these challenging opportunities with the Ministry of Correctional Services to p ractise a wide range of nursing skiffs in various settings, including youne offender youth centres and aduit male/femafe correctional facilities. You wif : provide front-fine heafth care including psychiatric care, emergency intervention; conduct psychosocial/clinic aI offender assessments; particlpate in multidiscipfinary heafth-care planning team; conduct evaluations; act as patient advocate. These are on-caî contracts of up to 40 h orspe we. Locations: Toronto East Defent ion Centre, 55 Civic Rd., Scarborough; Toronto West Defention Centre, 111 Disco Rd., Rexdale; Toronto laul, 550 Gerrard Sf. E., Toronfo; Vanier Centre for Women, 205 Mctaughlin Rd., Brampton; Onfario Correctional Institute, 109 Mctauglin Rd., Brampton; Maplehurst Complex, 661 Martin St., Milton; Mimico Correctional Centre, 130 Horner Ave., Toronto; Toronto Youth Assessment Centre, 130 Horner Ave., Toronto. Qualifications: current registration as a nurse in Ontario; CPR certification; Ontario certificate' of competence; thorough knowledge of/ability to appf y nursing principles to adulf/young offenders who may exhibit unpredictable behaviour; proven ability to deal with emergencies, perform routines with minimal supervision; significant clinical-nursing experlence; sound kne5wedge of medical/psychiatric-nursing procedures; knowledge of infectious/communicabfe diseases; ability f0 work ail shifts including weekends.1 Resume and covering lettor, indicating proferred work location(s), musf be recoived by May 18, 2001. Quoting file CS-1 084, send f0: Human Resourcos Consultant, Ministry of Correctional Services, 171 judson St., Bldg. C, Etobicoke, ON M8Z 1A4. Fax: 416-314-9540. An equal opportunity employer www.gojobs.gov.on.ca ()Ontario t~ ~ y~c~ tir ~~-Z3Ei4L Team Up With The Leader! Do you have proves sales succeso and or an accounting background? Are pou a dy- namic iodivdoal who Cao provîde esceplioval costomer service on a fasf-paoed envi- roomeol? If so Accoaolemps waols pou! As a divisioof Rober Hall International, a NYSE compaoy aod the world leader in speciaf zed saff iog, Accounfemps provides the kind of enviroomenf for success pou hond onf y wifh ao îoduslry leader. Use yoar top communicaion aod islerpersooal skiffs Io: deoefop new business hy prospectiog for clients; tiff Ihese posit ions by recruding capable people; duvelop and mainlain of roog relaioships wif h cflient s and prolessional femporary proIes- sionals. Saccessfal candidates will have a proves lrack record of sacceos. We ofer excellent compensation0 Ihal mcl. hase salarp, bonas and stock opions. Il pou are a leader, Accouofemps is for pouf Contact us fodapf 5575 North Service Road, Enfry level, Burlington, ON L7L 6M1 Tel: 905-319-9384 fax: 905-319-2095 burlington @accountemps.com Resumnea to: Deborah Tonkin XTIIA UUAUT TRUIlCKZCENTRE nie. )f R A is a highfy molîvated compasy whose focus is mu y deliverisg fhe highesf qualifp service fa our jcusfomers by fhe highesf qaalify employees. If pou share Ihese values and anI Iv wurk in a new ofafe of the ard 40,000 sqft., faclîfp on Milon wilh te sewesl fechsology iv equipmesl and fosling, pou cao bu parI of sur feam. " Parts Dllvery Driver a Body Prep Personnel " Llcensed Bodypersons e Llcensed Techniclans *Apprentie Technciens e Lube Techniciens- ail shifts *Truck Wash Personnel - ail shifts - Exprianca la ail maltas wouid ha an mueat - If pou are a feam plaper who is commitled la oqoalitf, pleasu sobmîl pour resumne lu Rick Howflt, P.D. Boo 158, 8050 Lawsos Rd., Milfon, ON L9T 4N9 Fao 905-876-1719 email rhowifl@ofra.com -41 li Il1 U Ind&srriat/Cîmmercîia t elctrical Commetten servicing Miltîîn, Oakvile, Burtîngin and ýurn>unding area. Requiredmvrvice Jîîurne)-man wih PLC and nuhle.iumuîng experience. Cîîmpett. i .ve wages. benejits, truck Cll and) Fax Re.nnw lu Cal! 905-876-2519 Fax 905-876-3903 LITHO FILM STRIPPER Hamilton based packaging company re- quires experienced litho film stripper with platemnaking experience. Previous experience in desktop publish- ing an asset. We oSfer excellent wage and benefits packages. lnterested ap- plicants are invited f0 fax their resumes. Torham Packaglnq Inc. Fax (905)-547-0490 Attention: cent! Hast COhNSRUCION COMPANY SEElS 5THE FOLLOWINO PERMANENT FULL T1IME POSITONS: Machine Operater, must be experienced with backhoe, dozer, excavators, must possess a valid AZ or DZ Ilcense - abstract should be included successful candidate must be willlng to labour. aIse seekîng thé Iollowing: Carpenter/SkIIled Handyinan, must be wlling to labour. Wages to commensurafe with experience. Please fax resumes te: (905) 279-1500 au" i ý r-*k tic c