g 24-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May 8, 2001 LAFARGE (oncrete À(CANADA INC.furUiean.UMri IST IN PERFORMANCE CONCRETE *udur needm 'nvrmet' e ste yuM ýsesw ta sL Patios, rieways, Wolkuays, etc. E OPENI SATURDAT SEASONALL. allaiS MOST BE PLACE BY 5 PM IIIuY Please fax ail your team reports and sports star y ideas to Steve LeBlanc at 878-4943. HocKcey Association Hockey Registration May 13, 2001 Thompson Arena From 10 arnfo 2 pm Fee Schedule: Champ Day Base Registration Affer August 19 Beginners (Bom 1995) Third Child Rep. Tryout $27500 $30000 $325.0& $200.00 $100.00 $3000 (extended ta May 13) (affer May 13) ***Poicy Change** Ail Players wiII register on CHA cards. Player and 1 parent must sign card ta register. Birth certificates are required for ail players. MILTON MINOR HOCKEY Annual General Meeting Tueclay May 8 at 7:00 pm Optknlst Centre (North Side) Corne and find out what's been happening throughout 2000/2001 season ALSO Elcctions will be heI4, at this timne for .'new, Board members for 2001/2002 season. Sr Red Sox' opening day woes continue with losses By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion The l-JM Insurance Red Sox wcrc hoping some new faces in their lineup would equal ncw opening-day for- tune at Brian Best Park. But Milton's predictability reared its ugly hcad- and just like clockwork cost tbe local seniors back-to- back losses Saturday. Any encouragement for a brcakthrough year came during game one, whcn sophomore hurler Adam Finkbeiner tossed four shutout innings and the Sox went into the final frame abcad 2-I. Howcver, a double-play mistire at second base- likely due to season-opening rustincas - led to two rons against and an eventual defeat to the Glanbrook Grizzlies. Miltons RBI were registered by veterans Phil Grieg and Matt McCandlcss, wbo stood out at the plate witb tbree singles. Brent Kostal - one of several newcom- ers to the club this year - pitched well in the seventb. The Sox bad the winning non in scoring position in the bottom of the seventb but were stopped cold witb a big Glanbrook strikeout. Blowout in game two From there, the opening-day bosts were mercied by the perennial powerbouse St. Catharines Metros 11 -0 in six innings. St. Catharines - 2000 Icague finalists, wbo'rc still cxtremely effective on the mound - gave up just two bits and brokc tbings wide open in their final at-bat witb balf-a-dozcn nons against first-year reliever Greg Biltsbaw. Finkbeiner workcd a couple of scoreless innings in game two as well wbile teammates Nick Asîbers and Chris Davis posted the only two singles against the Metros. Defcnsivcly, Milton was fairly respectable and muade just a bandful of errors over the two games. Mike Austen and Andrcw Coe -both part of the junior squad -saw action witb the seniors on opening day. The Red Sox will look to add a little offensive punch to their attack Friday evening wben tbey travel to Etobicoke. Saturday tbey will bost Oakville. Game time, as always, is 1:30 p.m. Stoffels shines at provincials Alexis Stoffels ranketi berseif amiong the best in Ontario recently during ber final fling Mt the provin- cial level. The l5-year-old Milton Springer veteran finished fourth on the balance beam anti l5th overail in the Senior I division in Toronto. lier perfornmnceelpeti the Central Region con- tingent secure second-place bonours in thse team standings. "We are really going to m-iss Ali on the provincial teamn. ler leadership anti work ethic provideti a great example to ail Springers. But 1 was tbrilled to see ber go out witb such success," saiti beati coach Janet Campbell. "And of course, sbe's stilI going to be aroundtheUi gym as a part of our Masters teani and is already SP ringers Notes doing somne coach-in-training for us." Fellow Springers Stephanie Deumner, Jaimi Fellows and Julie Gagnon will compete at the jun- ior provincial chamnpionships. this weekend in Sudbury.11 Meanwhile, members of the pre-comapetitive teamn wilI wrap up their season later this month at an invi- tational meet in East York. Reding sofiballers stili unbeaten Bisbop Rcdings girls solîbail squad kept its unde- feated season intact Iast week - dclivering a late comeback t0 tic one game and using an impressive bit of dominance t0 win the other. At Oakville's Q.E. Park Tuesday, BR rallied from a tbrcc-non deficit and eventually tied the Eagles 8-8. Wbilc tbcir offensive punch was more than credible, the visitors' aftcmnoon bighligbt was a seventb-inning tag out at home plate to, thwart a potential winning rn by QE. Park. Centre fielder Alison Kidd, sbortstop Melissa Sheppard and catcher Kim Durante combineti on Uic play - wbich provided one of the more exciting con- clusions to a regular season contest in recent memory. Sheppard, Krystal Olejko and Lerah Scott eacb drove in a pair of nons for the Royals. At home Tbursday, Rcding felI behind carly but 'stormed back 10 humble the White Oaks Wildcats 10- 3. Olejko and Amanda Robichaud collectivcly allowed juat fOve bits, and enjoyed exceptional defensive sup- port ail aftcmnoon. Kidd and Sheppard bad multi-bit performances to lead the bosts' scoring surge. Now 2-0-1, BR begins a two-gamc road trip this aftcmnoon in Acton. Thursday, they'll look 10 bhold their own against the defendîng regional champion Gcorgetown Rebels. Jr. 'Stangs battle hack Milton Districts junior boys soccer squad eamned a valuable point in their bid for a playoff spot during cross-town compctition against Bisbop Reding .Thursday. The Mustangs - wbo haven't made poat-season play in a few years - eraseti a couple of one-goal deficits to lie Uic defending regional champions 2-2. High Schiool Round-up Eric Smeitink sank the final tying tally on a penalty kick late in the game while MD's other marker was deposited by Matt Frecklcton - wbo leads the team witb. six goals. Scoring for Reding were Dave Wynne and ninth grade sweeper Robbie Wilson, who booted in a corner kick for bis first of the season. Tim Anderson provid- ed rock-solid defense for the 'Stangs. MD (1-2-1) could solidify a playoff spot by beating host Acton this aftemoon. Thursday thcy'Il wrap up regular season play at Oakville's St. Thomas Aquinas. Reding (2-0-2) wil look to put the finishing touches on a second straight unbeaten season this week when they battle Loyola today and Acton Thursday. Senior soccer stalemnate Milton District and Bisbop Reding kept their hopes for post-season play alive in senior girls soccer action by tying eacb other at BR Wednesday. The Mustangs took the lead while the bosts evened the counit in the second baîf. Sharalce Dempster scored for MD while teammates Lee Carson, Amy Hamon and Ruth Hamon aIl proviti- cd standout efforts. Reding's scorer and top perform- ers were unavailable at press time. Both teama sat two points out of the final post-sea- son spot -'occupied by White Oaks - headîng into yesterday's games. Meanwhile, E.C. Drury's senior squad went winless last week, tying Georgetown 0-0 and losing to White Qaks 1-0, but still remain in play- off position tharoks to their strong season start N which included two wins and a draw.