20-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May 8, 2001 Health department offers travel services Health care not Planning on travelling? Halton Region Health Department Scvc Scýw4p r Abz~ M FuU 9 WE CARRY THE tARGST ELECTION OF C Since ..CANADA'S MATTIIESS SUPIERSTORE" " Visit aur webste at www.sleeptactory.com Hours: " Financing available e Senior Discount Mon.-Wod. 106 p.m., " Over 40 locations across Canada Thurs.-Fnî. 10-9 p.m., " We customize '« f Saturday 9-6 p.m., * ~ Sunday 11-5 p. MAAOAN MAWO. Rw MANST ,FAIRVIEW ST Iz 118...RD. I NW STREETI Services provided include immuniza- travellers and information on travel desti- ion for travel, information on preventive nations. ni .tf ti(w lu-alth ýmr fer 17 ail 57S60O6<> 831 Since th CANADAS MATTRESS SUSTRE' ATrRSSES, FUTONS, DAYIO BEDS, MUN BEDSO Comiot ' Orlhoed Single fSngle~2 Mairess 1a Mairesis o Set 339 Set '389 DOUBLE 229 Set 409 DOUBLE 279 Set 459 QUEEN 289 Set 499 QUEEN 339 Set 519 jKING 479 St 79t)9 KING 519 Set 81 PotCil Single3 9 Maltress V Set 1559 DOUBLE 469 Set 669 QUEBEd 569 Set 769 KING 699 Se1049 cost-etliciCflt, says Chudleigh 1 j M E aM f ram TRANSIT on page 1 j "Growth in the econumy remain a priority. We must sus- tain the growth necessary for education and health care. We must sustain the growth neces- sary Lu provide needs Lu psy down the debt." Health care bas Lu be more cost-efftcient, Mr. Chudleigh said. 'Theres been a 19 Per cent increase in health care over the last twu years, but do you see a 19 per cent increase in health care standards? The baby boom expenditure we have Lu address nuw. It's up Lu us Lu mnake changes Lu oui quality of life." Regarding the CN inter- modal development, this demunstrates the "awesome power" the rail ruads still have in our country, he said. "CN is building four tracks on une side of the main line. 9 They uwn land on the east side 9 and have optiuned land Lu the west. This is the power left over from the old Railway Act. They can just come in and do what they want. 'Me 500 trucks a day coming in and out of the site will cause wear and tear of the ruads. The coat Lu maintain these roads will be left Lu the Region and the Town." Overaîl, Mr. Chudleigh said he feels CN will act appropri- ately when dealing with resi- dents and the prjeet itseif. The intermudal terminal will be located between Tremaine Road, First Line, Britannia Road and Lower Base Line and is expected Lu open in 2002. "Maplehurst is beginning Lu open:' he said. "I've heard the Other companies named on web site from WEB SITE on page 3 Mr. Ogilvie said. "This includes the installation of a new high- capacity fume incinerator, replacement of two lower ventilation stacks with a new 48 m stack and improved dust collection sys- tems in the production process." In 1998, Roxul installed a $1 million recycling facility that redi- reets waste back into the manufacturing process, which allows for reducing consumption of raw materials. Other Milton companies named on the web site include Airuco Solrec Ltd., Brake Parts mec., Karmax Heavy Stamping, Meritor Suspensions Systerus Co., Modine of Canada Ltd. and WR. Meadows Ime. ........... N....... .........N ......... G ERNVI NP E RND PCCESSORIES Get In. Be Moved. Book Now! Space is limitedlt Date -Sersice Clinic Hours May10, 2001 8 am - 8pm May 11, 2001 8Sam - 5 m Mayl12, 2001 8 am -12 pm Ask for Paul Shmnso or GeofL Heinz to asarat you with your appointment Achilles Mazda Ltd. 357 Qusen St. ACTON 519-853-0200 * 9054534965 Achilles. CRPMEcu MWO '-"pff;; 1 - - ---- 20-YB. War impfflemmumvm lirst wing is now open and operating.'" He said he knew there were a number of concemns from resi- dents regarding the complex. "With prisoners serving Lwo years less a day, they usually end up serving 16 months and they dont develop a relation- ship with the community. They go back Lu their own communi- ty. But prisoners serving a longer sentence receive day passes (and) they find jobs locally. They start a relation- ship with the community when they geL out and thats a real concem. It's probably not a good hing Lu have in the com- munity." A number of inmates will need medical attention that only Milton District Hospital can provide. "There will be a separate room for the prisoners at the hospitals. Other patienLs might feel uncomfortable seeing he prisoners and the security guards. " Carol McDonald of the Chamber of Commerce said peuple visiing the prisoners by GO bus have no way of geting Lo Main and Martin sreets, where Maplehurat is locaLed, once they're dropped off at the station Iocated on Main Sreet, juat west of Thompson Road. "They go inLo stores and ask Lu, use the phones. These are leas than desirable peuple com- ing into town. We should look at putting a GO bus stop at Maplehurst. I don't see what the problem would be!" Mr. Chudleigh said he would look into it. 25-YB. Warilanty EXTRA FIRM 1 IIPPORI 15-YR. warranty