12-The Canadian Champion, Tuosday, May 8, 2001 nursýes Nurses Week May 7- 13, 2001. Il isn't one of the giamour positions in care in Ontario today, perhaps more so than modern medicine. In fact, from its ever given cost pressures in modemn beginnings nursing has been a career of medicine. compassion and commitment more than Nursing combines technical expertise and anything else. honorable service to fellow human beings as Over time nursing has grown in few fields do. In appreciating today's nurses, sophistication and responsibility as well, and we acknowledge people of integrity and today continues to break new ground. honor, who give of themselves s0 that others Nurses form a critical cornerstone of health are healed. One storey building iocated on beautiful spaciaus gro unda situated between Rockwood and Eden Milis EDEN HOUSE CARE FACILITY INC. NURSING HOME RETIREMENT HOME %519-856-4622 SEFIVING HALTON AND AREA SINCE 1968 We wuid like to congratulate the Ha/ton nures on their bard Work & dedication Head Off ice 50 Steeles Ave. E., Suite 15 Milton, Ontario, L9T 4W9 (905) 878-4400 Fax: (905) 878-5044 Nefldale CelebeQt Thils week al of the Nursing Staff at Ailendale are being recagnizedfar their raie in heaith care. Our staff af Registered Nurses, Registered Practicai Nurses and Heaith Cure aides wark tagether ta pravide 24 hr care daiiy ta the 3aa residents wha live atAiiendaie. As nienibers af an i nterdiscipiinary team, they embrace a haiistic appraach ta care. Our residents and famiies are encauraged ta be invaived in al aspects ta ensu re individuaized cure is pravided. Acknawiedging that the care af aur residents is aurfirst and highest priarity, we re-affirm the Mission afAilendale: "Our residents will attamn their optimal J level of wellness, independence, and confort provided by a cariny, competent team who strive to meet the challenges of a changing environment." We, ut Ailendaie, salute aur Nursing Staffaor ~their dedicatian and bard ;wark' ~~95 878-4141 M ___ ____ ____ ____ ____ __-Umm" Halton Heaithcare Our Nurses Make a Difference A career in Nursing is filled with great challenges and rewards. The Nurses at Milton District Hospital and Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital are patient, kind and take pride in their profession on a daily basis. Our Nurses are genuinely interested in* the well-being of their patients. They are valuable members of the healthcare team. During Nurses Week, May 7-11, 2001, the Board of Directors, management, physicians, volunteers and alied healthcare professionals at Halton Healthcare Services salute our Nurses for their hard work and dedication in providing quality patient care. "1 We know our Nurses make a difference! h 1