lO-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May 8, 2001 7~J~ Pair honoured for support of DARE Per month/136 month lease $2995 ismi pmoment plus $350 scurilu iesIt and S991ftreleuM. OR tERSE fOR $333- PER mnn WITH $1,500 OOW. ORt Cash PURCHASE '22,395" 5-Passenger Seating Standard 4 Doors and more... From left are Jack Brewer, chair of the Halton Regional Police Services Board, Halton regianal Chair Joyce Savoine, Suzanne Algar, co-chair of Halton DARE, and Halton police Chiet Ean Algar. Includes DO CHARGE Ir futomotic, Plus: 4.6L Triton V8 - With 20 more Horses! e Air Conditioning - 4-Wheel ABS Brakes e AM/FM/CD with Premium Sound - 16" Polished Aluminum Wheels e Colour-Keyed Door Mouldings- 40/60 Cloth Split Bench Seat a SecuriLockTm Anti-Thefi System -VJ11JJ FPer month/136 month lease $2,995 jou, a Mmet pis $425 smM eir t u d 111 t eadS l ihi._ OR tERSE fOR $403 PER MODTH WITH $1,500 OOWD. OR chsh PURCHOSE S25,870* o '*0 IInIn UI SerUILU> I IIIIIII J. on Most f-150 cnnflm's u m -ma-up rum l r m fiam YOUR ONTARIO FORD - 4 6,ý .36 , ..t 3 hIW ,% 33333 45TI633433,$394146,3$. 163d.~s3, q343 4.33,3.,31366333 3 3643~6 33336633~ L3453201 -16$S42S~,C53h 333636, 354433 366413 ~3641,3,,4433~ 6 34333333û33tt331,62331 33336 6641.6 ~ .j46471363,d333$2.S33633.3,3d364~333333333263363303361 îf33666366633666336636619%36633366)343l65lf536633334 4o.io, 3~3413dfS266636526%63631,334 A pair of wetl known Halton rec.ently lus their contr ibutions to the Halton DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) program. Regional chair Joyce Savoine and Paul Auty of Georgetown Chrysier wcre for- mally recognîzed at the April 26 Halton Regional Police Services Board meeting. Ms Savoline bas been a long- time supporter of DARE in the regron and Mr. Auty recently donated a new Chrysier PT Cruiser to the prograru. According to Halton DARE board co-chair Suzanne Algar, the program bas been a benefi- ciary of the Chairman's Charity Golf Classic for the past thrcc years. For ber part, Ms Savoline said she was -ýh i!ý-ý - ý, 1- s ;if q cially eomng troîn Halton Regional Police who, she said, boasted a 90 per cent approval rating from the public in a sur- vey conducted in February. 1I appreciate the kind of work you do. Work most peo- pIe don't even want to tbink about," said Ms Savoline. In honouring Mr. Auty, Halton police Chief Ean Algar said bis contribution of the PT Cruiser underscores the impor- tance of corporate sponsorship, without whicb DARE "would flot be in existence." "Mhis is truly an bonour and we appreciate accepting this," said Mr. Auty. "It is truly a privilege to live, work and raise a family in north Halton." Milton Community Resource Centre It takee a community to ralee a famlly Milton Community Resource Centre Construction Campaign. Please lend your support. For further iniformation cali (905) 876-1244 ext. 16 www.mcrc.on.ca Special day for child care providers Friday Child care organizations nationwide have joined together to declare Friday, May 11 as Provider Appreciation Day. The Halton Cbild Care Registry, which is leading the effort local- ly, is encouraging parents with children in a home child care set- ting to take the day to show their home child care pmovider how much they're appoeciated. The Halton Child Care Registry suggests sending flowers, hav- ing the children make and decorate a cake for the occasion, or buy- ing something for the play area. The Halton Child Care Registry is a non-profit organization pro- viding access to child care in the region. Look inTodaiays pr for ouc WI4 DNDOS & D, OORS55UG 5at.,MAY 2ths200e 184p Call for et da eas only7 -3 IIutomoatic isn't an option anymore. 00w get DO CHARGE Butomatic on most f-150Dand SuperCrew. 1 l 200 f- 50I i48 gl Cb1 ilq ml IIl i I ii ql i 1il Same great feutures as the Renular Cab PLUS: s2cI 0% AO,/t Ail Manfh Poirphaea Finanrinn