The Mlton Chomber of Commerce extends a very spoclal THANK YOU ta motm wha cammitted ta this event end lis success 0 Corporate Sponsors: Ontario Loftery and E SGamlng Corporation; Mohawk Racetrack Siots SKD, OSIVer Kwlk Kopy Prlnting;, Page One Services - Bronze: Roxul Imc @Frends: Robert (Pie) Lee Insurance Agency; Johnson Contrais Ltd.; Business Development Bank of Canada; WordSang Communications; Abtrex Contractors Inc; Bermis Ine; Cambridge Rgglng Ltd.; G. S. Die & Desgn mnc.; and KPMG *Suppodr Milton Canadian Champion; Mltowne Insurance Agency mnc. "*Pdze Sponors: " Brancler Jeweller-Gemologist; Harrop Art Gallery, Harrop Restaurant; Loblaws Market, M & M Meat Shops; North End Nissan; The Wlne Rack " Father Mark the ever-popular MC, who, wthout any hesitallon, acquired everyone's participation ln a *Survivor« senes; and entertalned guests with his magnificent volce *Loblaws Market for their generous sponsorship of the magnfficent florais 1tONGRATULATIONS to ALI Cormunfty-Awarfd Nominees and' Lifeimen Achlevement Award 'Freda Best Strain Cflizh Of the Vear L-R -'Mike Boughton Joyce Scott JocMde Jones aSwkmofom hee 0 mpyeoe rIOWs -p Mltown Tire SeMvce Lt. Steve MUer *DelocouWts Laufe Har ley cm Ho< La GU Va BN Cc Recîpients haine.sof #»eyea Wotoace Ponttoc B&ck Codilac Ltd. 8111 Walace, Peter SItSKD Company Ltd. - Eci Cooroy Mohowk Rocewoy/ Ontorlo Jockey Club Hugh Mitchetl BusinssWoman of the Yeom L-R *Etyne Tanner, Eloyne Tnner & Assocates Imc. Heno Donolo. Donaldoon Finoncla Group UonneKrone uWoy Sandiche & Salads sudku Mon et #»Yeom Jm»ns Klone. &bàcySaldwiche & Solads Etcolton, The Comldc EWpes Show..çd, Mlon 2001 Bo' usinouespreuntc Shopping/Show for the whole famlly fealurlng Homne & Gardon, Entertalnmet, L"»ur & much Mmrel&VI WIN WnoatruIN WIN PRIZES... Commntyentertamentgrofps indscOplflg* 4-Nlght NIl-Inclusive "Ttp for Tva" ta Radissan Cabe Heconrg/Ak IcR#100111Q lrntolta< (CiteoardsLocal tourisrn destination reps ateboards Beach Resait, Nassau, Bahamas Courtesy of Bruce Hood ~ ~ rpi xet 3beques Travel American Express AousetotBon ar eo sf ornputers- Front Yard Landscaping Package, including design Comion su sta osmetics consultation by Margaret Schlorke, Landscape Garten and Fnecon1 sult ftware $500 of landscaping produet rom Taylor Nursery kmdPlanr CCUUMS - Home Decorading Package, including a 3-hour design Peai EstOte agents ke5 consultation with HGIV's Jane Lockhart and $500 orf kwance Agents 00..Benjamin Moore paint ram Bergsmna's Pint & Wallpaper roctne ImR« agents,. M/8MissofSt>#td# The Canadien Champion, Friday, May 4, 2001-15 ~e Graphie Design & Typesetting eFinishing & Bindery High Speed Copier 1/arT-t7M11~SdPon eFiiCt ( ir Laser ('opipr .and moret e Wide Format Copier 100 Nipssing Road, UnitTe:8 64 7 Te:8644 Milton, Ontario L9T 5B32 Fax: 876-1 100 (Behind Mlton Mail) FREE PICKUP & DELIVEAY ROBERT (PIE) LEE, B.SC. LIFE INSURANCE AGENCY Lite - Disability - Annuities - RRIFs - LIFs RRSPs - Mutual Funda <(Lic. with M.S.l.L.) Celebratlng "26" Vears in Business 1 A Kim Mitchell kim2Ocaetl..caC Milton Ontario. L9T 2J3 Fax 878-3692 collision & Paint MR JTrs IBIMW CIWIJWB Cali Steve Booers 706 Main Sreat, East 8011 Milton, ON (miPJ ZbtÏ 9Canabian Cjmo 191 Main St.E. 878-2341 & Miltowne îâInsurance Agency Lt. P.O. Box 372, Milton, ON L9T 4Y9 Exclusive agent for the Chamber ot Commerce Plan DENTAL, HEALTH AND DISABILIITY INSURANCE Available for as tew as one person at Group Rates Featuring - "Assure" Prescription Card Group Lie & Healt speclalist Reger Lauzun 878-7217 Fax 878-7210 oeNM&SON Johnson Contrais Lt. Automotive Systems Group 8205 Parkhill Drive High Point Business Park East Milton (905) 875-2128 e Se fo uc orisuaie MILTON CHAMBER 0F tCOMMRCE MEMBERS AND THEIR EMPLOYEES Save up to 55%7 on Auto and Home Insurance! 24 Hr Claims Assistance Policy service Bam to 7pm *Aaron MacFarlane * Ken Armstrong * Doug Peddie Phone 876-4607 or Fax 876-1001 ftorward rhnknt sînce 1710- _____________________ i __________ I Bob Lee roeetI" 0 atsc-flt.ciei 245 Commercial St. Office 878-5786 1- %I umimummor