12-The Canadian Champion, Fniday, May 4, 2001J Do you want to know a secret.? I've got one Gat a secret? I bet you do. We al have aur little secrets, samething we don't want anybody else ta knaw, I'm gaing ta tell yau rny darkest secret, neyer before revealed. I've told no one, ever, and have not even been tempted. I didn't want anyane ta knaw my shame. Until now. It happened a fairly lang time aga. In fact, 1 was six years aId. I was at my friend Joanne Dobney's house, twa doors down frnm me. We were playing in ber bedroorn, and her mother called her for samne reasan, ira she left the raam. Whale t waited, 1 looked around and came across this mag- niticent pair af maracas. 1 held thein up and shook them, which is what yau're supposed ta do, but for same reason I figured this was a musical instru- ment you bang together. Why else wauld you have two of them? Sa, that's what 1 did. And they bruke - srnashed the frst time 1 hit them together. With little time ta think in my panic, I cleaned up the mess quickly and then hid the maracas and their remnants under the hed, tinishing the dirty deed just before my friend got back. "Weil, 1 guess I better be going now," I The Service Team at Gallinger Ford Lincoln is available: Mon, Wed, Thurs, Fr1 ....am - 5pm Tues........ 88M - Spm Sat......... 9am - 3pm SOI urers 70 of cues suggested 3 51 retail prices.* Other Brand Namne Tires available at competitivo prices. " Conti nentaI0/GeneraI" " Michelin" " Uniroyal@ *Bridgestone« " FirestoneO " GoodyearO Ail regulat tire manutacturer wnantes apply. Installation, balarcing, tares and povincial cuvirs ar extra. Dealers tory sdi tonfor ss At padticipating Fod ot Carada dealers only. Al dea- es may rot carry tie coreptete fine ut drdiseit tire brards. Asti youn Service Adusor ton dtais. Ofer expires Jure 10.2001. RAK EsMotorcrafte BRA E Preferred Value Excides macflîning o rotors and drums fil rertuired). 'Applirs to parts jn normal condition o renan and tor non commrrcial use as lorrg as ttre oriinal purctraser owns thre veice. At participatlng Ford of Canada deaers only. Dealers may seti ton Irss. Tarrs not included. Sonie conditions apply. Asti your Service Adisor for detas. Otter exires Jure 102001. QuaIityCzre- service 655 MAIN ST. E.,MILTON 9058M5-01 A Tradition of Value & Trust since 1967 ~O7 te kkle, oose wih URAY OS ENI said, and away 1 went, doorning myseif to a lifetime of guilt. WeIll no more. The truth shall set me free. I feel a lot better now, thank you. That wa. a tough secret ta keep, because it was like saying, "Look at how stupid 1 arn." Other people's secrets are easier ta reveal. In fact, they're almost too irre- sistible ta keep. People are dying ta tell sorneone else's secret. What they'll do is ask you, "Do you want ta know a secret'?" 0f course, who doesn't love secrets. Secrets are the best. This is infonmation that you can't normally have, so you want it. You will promise anything in order ta get that secret. Most of the time that involves promising flot ta tell anybody. You do this with good intentions, but as soon as you ftnd out, you are itching ta tell sornebody else, which you will do after making theru promise flot ta tell anybody cIse. Once, and I swear this us truc, somebody told me they had a secret, but thcy ..ould only tell me if 1 would swear flot to tell anybody cIsc. 0f course 1 wouldn't tel) anybody. 1 swore on it to make it officiaI. It tumned out that the secret was sornething 1 had already told somebody cIse. It had corne aIl the way back to me. 1 think I'm better than your average gos- sip mongerer at keeping secrets. Part of the reason is that 1 know they always get out and part of the reason is I want ta be trust- ed 50 1 will learn more secrets. 1 crave secrets. 1 must have thern. You can tell me your secrets. l'il keep thern. I swear. Now, you're going ta have ta keep my secret. If you know Joanne Dobney, or her whereabouts, don't tell her that I was the one who broke the maracas. It wiIl be aur little secret. ~- GEORGETOWN CINEMAS 25GUELPH STREET 873-1999 0 THE MUMMY RETURNS Daim 56:45 arn. & 9;15 ar.. Sat & Sun, 2:00 Dp. *BRIDGET JONES' DIARY Dailvl7:00 um.& 9:00.m * y KiDs E Dm W7:0 .m.,Sat &Sun. 2:t00 .m. 0 FREDDY GoT FINGERED E~ fl.b a*l Ava9abe atR.