22-The Canadian Champion. Tuesday, May 1, 2001 Reding seniors nipped By STEVE LeBLANC Thp C-hampion Bi1shop Rcding s senior boys soLcI squad hapes ta make a serlous run at the regianal champianship this spring. But in order ta do sa, the Rayais can iii- afford many trip-ups like the ane they experienced at Oakville's TA. Blakelack High Thursday. A rather uninspired start praved castly ta the visitars, wha were eventually edged 2-1. Defensive miscues led ta bath gaals against netminder Allen Laurenca - whase Hatan league play shutaut string (including junior level campetitian last seasan) was ended at seven games by the hast Tigers. A~Gymnastic Club 180 Nipissing Rd., Unit# 5 We offer the following programs: e Parent & Tot e Kindergyni sSenior Kindergyrn *Girls Rec *Boys Roc sWIld about Trampoline For more informnation about available class times, please cali thse gym at. (905) 878-5030 "On paper we're a very skilled team, but w've ivot o 0work (on our mental toughncss .. Ld oah CO:IaIo oîà hi and caluing together as a ta. Reding's skipper figures bis charges may have been a little overcanfident after win- ning a pre-season toumament in Vaughan and whitewashing Acton in seasan-open- ing play. However, he's viewing the loss as a patensial leamning experience and hapes ta have the RayaIs revitalized far this after- noons home-field clash with the traditian- alIy powcrful St. Thamas Aquinas Raiders. Rufus Williams made the lane depasit for Rcdîng Thursday - scaring late in the second haîf ta prevent a shutaut. He and left-side defender Ryan Taylor gave strang performances. BR's junior and senior teams wiII head across town Thursday ta battie Milton District, and then the senior RayaIs wil participate in this weekend's Ontario Ail- Catholic toumament in Hamiltan - where they inished fourth last year. Sign up now for triathion It's once again time ta get in gear for the 2001 Milton Triathlon. This year's event wiII be held Sunday, June 3 -as always, as Kelso Conservation Area. Participants can choose between the Powerbar Try-A-Tri, a sprint triathlon or a duathion. To register, e-mail Mitch Fraser as mfras- er@skyiinc.net or cali local coordinator Harry Barnes at (519) 856-1154. ,/Boxer 's rminor mistake proves costly at toumey Bv STEVE LeBLANC Tihe Champion A split-second letdown proved painful for Mats Hart Jr. Friday night. During ligist heavyweigist competition astishe Ray McGibbon's Gloves Toumnarent in St. Catisarines, Miltons 24-year-old boxer dropped bis guard for about tise timne it takes most people to blink. However, tisas afforded Bramptns Alex Ward a sufficient window of opportunity te step in andi connect wîsh a thunderous straighs-away right to tise nose. Tise tiird-mounti blow didn't floor tise local psagilist, but did daze iim enougis for tise refercee deliver a standing eigist cotant and - upon furtiser consideration - stop tise fight. Subsequently, Hart Jr. was denieti entry to tise gold-miedal round of tise weekend sisowcase - whicis repoesented bis first bout in several months, due te an eye injury plus a no-show andi a tourna- ment cancellation. -1 felt okay, but I guess I didn't responti as well as he (refèee) considered suitable to continue," explained Hart Jr. "That's tise way it goes in boxing somnetimies.", Nos tisatIs e'laying biarne on tise officia. Even without tise tlird-round stoppage Fsiday, Hast Jr. admnits bc wasn't perornnig up to bis capubilities. 'Tise fight was pretsy even tbrougi tise fit t w0 rounds but 1 was getting a little Inistrateti there and nos conasecting on sorne of my conbinations, whicb is unusual for mie. 1 nonnally have a pretsy iigis puncis cotant. Overali. 1 was kinti of disap- poiasted witis my performance." MhaiJr. isad hiopedte toslip hnmotise riddleweighs class, but was a couple of pounds soo iseavy during Friday afternoon's weigi-in -which perisaps set a basf orisen for tise oess of tise soumament. 'Mie loss left isim witi tise brnmze medal, while Ward went on to apture tise golti. Neversiseless, tise Hamiltoni Regency Boxing Club rnember hopes to kmearfom tisis weekends setback andi put up a better figistin luanext appear- ance, which couki corne as ealy as mid-May ini Hamilton. "TIbere's a tournainent tentatively scisedule4i but tisngs often get canceleti. That's thse nature of ama- teur boxing," saisi Hart. 6 MONTN PGWERTRAINWARRNTY I CUC INI CILES 8215 LAWSON-ROADI MILTON. "The business that considers itsetf immune to the necessity for advertising sooner o r later finds itself immune to business." Derby fBrou% ci MILTON MINOR HOCKEY Annual General Meeting Tu.#coy: May 8 at 7:00 pm Optlmist Centre (North Sidle) Cone and finçi out what's been happening throughout 200012001 season ALSO Elections will be held et this lime for, new Huarýàld members ,for 2001/2002 season. a