Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 May 2001, p. 20

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-I . --I 20-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May 1, 2001 Caprare s: ah 39.9 Soud read: Each 39.99 We sincerel 'v regretr uny inct,nvenien< e inavhlave <ausedvou. PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE 0F A PUBLIC MEETING WARD i /Concession 1, Part of Lots 13 & 14 Dufferin Aggregates Duferin Aggregates has submitted an application which proposes an etension to its eisting Miton Quarry aggregate operation. lncluded with the application are amenrlments to the Niagara Escarpment Plan, Region of Halton Offica Plan, Town of Haton Hits Officiai Plan, and the Town of Milon Official Plan and Zoning By-law. The proposent han also submitted a Development Permit application t0 the Niagara Escarpment Commission, and a Class A License application to the Ministry of Natural Resources, under the Aggregate Resources Acf. The application relatesto parcels of land in bolh the Townof Mfts and the Toms of Halton Hills and total approoimately 82.5 hectare in size, localed generatly in the southwest corner of the Town of Halton f1111. The proposai comripses some 47.17 hectares of tand is the Town of Haton Hils, 39.53 hectares of which is proposed for quarrying and extraction purposes. The properties are located seat 10479 Esqsesing- Nassagaweya Town Lise, wesl f Regional Road 25, south of t15 Side Road, Concession 1, Parts of Lots 13 & 14, Halton Hils. The properties are mainly vacant, and ocateri within a predomîsantly rural area, above the row of the Niagara Escarpmenl. Generat Committee for the Town of Hafton H Ils will conduc a Public Meeting t0 examine and discuss the proposed ameodiment t0 the Tomwn o Halton Hils Officiai Plan. The proposed Off iciaI Plan Amendmet would have the effect of amending the Township of Esquesing OfficiaI Plan, and lorfher lifting the deferral sn the Town f Hatos Hls Officiai Plan, hy modifying the OfficiaI Plan designalion to 'MineraI Resource Extraction Area'. If yos wish to be notified of the proposedi Off iciaI Plan ameodment andor if pou wsh to be notified of the decision of the Town of Haftos Hilto in respect of this proposed Official Plan Amendmenl, pou must make a written request to the Toms of Halton Hils att1 Halton Hils Drive, PO. Box 128, Georgetown, Onario, L7G 5G2. Il a person or public body hal lies a notice cif appeat of a decision of the Town of Halton Hifs in respect of the proposed Official Plan Ameodment does nol make oral ssbmissions aI a public meeting or make writen submissions to the Town of Halfon Hils belote the proposed Officiai Plan Ameodmenl is adnpted, the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss ail or part of the appeal. Further informaions s avaitable in the Planning Department, Town of Hallon Hils, t Hahor, Hits Drive, Pso. Borx 128, Haffon Hils, Ontaro L7G 5G2. ALL INTERESTED CTZENS ARE WELCOME 14ubjeet Ifend%;tgff DATEMTME: May 22, 2001, 7:30 p.m. LOCATION: Councli Chambers, Clvi c Centre FILE NO: D0)(9/Dufferf n Aggragates 89 Rural residents c'an get rid of some large household items in bins later this month Iic. iii'IL ïîi ~ aid ý,pî u k. i ni k i Week wilI be held trom May 22 to the 26. The dlean-up, held at the Brookville Works Yard on Guelph Line, is to provide rural residents of Milton the opportunity t0 dispose of large house- ild i ii. i 'A ,iii b l a i îcl iii iii.. lù n d iî ljil will direct where items are to be placed. Items flot accepted for disposai include tires, propane tanks and hazardous waste including chemnicals, paints, solvents and waste oil. 4 cyl . . .. .$6 9m5 6cyI .... $7-5 2 ~Ç ....... ~ *aPpPies to Most cars 8 cy . .. . $8495 ight trucks Call and book your ý3 Fr appoi ntment today-') - ..air we brefh go to, the Halton Landfijl Site, Iocated on Regional Road 25, south of Britannia Road. The dlean-up wiIl operate from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday to Friday and 8 ar..fo 4 p.m. on Saturday. Learn ail about chilhood asthma Families suffering from asth- ma are invited to attend a free asthma education event entitled Actions 4 Asthma in Childhood May 15 at Milton District Hospital. Does your child cough, wheeze or have a tight chest hecause of asthma? Does your child stop exercising hecause of asthma? Does your child miss work or school because of asthma? Does your child use the blue inhaler more thon three times a week, except for one dose for exercise? If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, then the asthma condition isn't in good control. There are ways to help make your child feel better. Asthma is a common ilîness that can affect people of al ages and in moot cases asthma symptoms can he controlled. Knowledge dispels the mys- tery and fear generally associ- ated with asthma and empow- ers the patient with effective self-management strategies. Dr. Zeha Ansari, a Halton pediatrician, will present on the treatment and control of child- hood asthma. Eileen Gagne, an asthma educator with the Halton Healthcare Services Asthma Education Clinic, will discuss delivery devices and tech- niques. There will be an oppor- tunity to have questions answered. To reserve a spot for the 7 p.m. event, call (905) 338- 4379. If you are unable f0 attend the event but would like more information regarding asthma, call the Halton Healthcare Services Asthma Education Clinic at (905) 338-4691 or the Long Association at (905) 847- 1033. Crawford Lake hosts Mother 's Day outing Take a drive f0 Crawford Lake for an outing Mom won't forget. This Mother's Day, Crawford Lake staff have put together a very special way to 5t5y "Thank you, Mom." The Wildflower Walk for Mom is a spe- cial one-day event for the whole family in honour of Mother's Day. The walk will take place from I fo 3 p.m. Sit back with Mom to watch an inspira- tional sideshow on spring. Then take Mom outside to enjoy a peace- fuI, guided walk through the trails at Crawford Lake's periwinkîes from the for- est floor. Discover the wonders of nature and the beauty of the flora and fauna of the Niagara Escarpment. Affer the hike Mom con relax and enjoy a complimentary cup of Nature's Tea. While Mom relaxes with her tea, visitors can browse the gift shop for the perfect Mother's Day gift from a wide selection of items. The cost of the walk is $ 10 for aduîts and $7 for chiîdren 5 f0 14 years of age and seniors. Children under 4 years of age are admitfed free. Crawford Lake in Ilocated on the corner of Steeles Avenue and Guelph Line. Please pre-register for this event hy caîl- ing (905) 854-0234. HALTON REGION FREE COMPOST GIVE-AWAY Resîdents OnIy - White Quantities Last WHEN: Saturdlay, May 5, 2001 To Saturday, May 12, 2001 (excluding Sunday) Hours of Operation: Monday through Saturdlay 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. WHERE: Haîton Waste Management Site Q 5400 RgonaI Roadl 25, Milton Haltonq Residents are entitIed ta a maximum et 7 bags of compost per househoid. PLEA4SE BRING YOUR OWN 13AGS/CONTAINERS AND SHOVEL AS RESIDENTS WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR BAGGING THEIR OWN COMPOSI mhe FARE. SHARE FOOD BANK wili be accepting donations of NON PERISHABLE food items during the Compost GIve-Away. OERRY ROAD T M LTOI' a04g4 www.r.glon.halton.on.ca OFINTNTO OAK"LLE

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