Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 May 2001, p. 10

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lO-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May 1, 2001 lie COOL C Sun M ait j3.h 117 lainer lie S7.12~1I * Cfsmpton r j-s J, j \ i ~ E.W. Foster School's Jones nominated for Teacher of the Year in newspaper contest By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion For E.W. Foster School's Lorna Jones, Iearning neyer stops- flot for the pint-sized students in her classroomn and flot for herseif either. The soft-spoken elementary teacher has been belping shape young minds for more than two decades now, but doesn't prewnd she knows it ail. "I'm like my students,' stressed Ms Jones, who attends educational workshops on a regular basis and constantly strives 10 better her efforts in the classroom. "I'm still continuing to leam." That dedication as welI as her caring nature hasn't gone unnoticed at E.W Foster - flot by those who direetly benefit from her teacbing expertise, and eertainly flot by their parents. A mnember of the latter group recently recom- mended ber for the Toronto Sun's Teacher of the Year Awards program. After the initial nomina- tion, a number of -support letters fol lowed. -Lomna's positive, friendly manner enables her students, support staff and parent volunteers to al benefit from her teacbing skills and give the best possible leaming environment," said the original nominator. Wrote another parent, 'Time and time again we witness ber seeking out individual strengtbs, eneouraging the eildren in a way that fosters autonomy, a positive self esteem, a willingness to take risks and an acceptance of self and others.' Ms Joncs - wbo's been a ixture at E.W. Foster tor 17 years now - was chosen as one of 38 finalists [rom among more tban 1,000 nomi- nees across Ontario. And wbile that would make most teachers blush witb pride, the local instructor gets mueh more emotional when reflecting on the kind words written about ber. "At first I was very, very surprised. Then when 1 could tink, 1 felt so honoured. 'he <parents were very supportive witb their letters. I was just 50 thrilled. I was totally caught off guard." she said. E.W. Foster principal Rick Kaufman dcscribed Ms Joncs as a "caring, nurturing teacher who treats each learner as an important individual through their quest for lcarning." Ms Joncs - who comes from two "supportive and inspiring" teacher parents - said shes always tried to adopt an individualistic approacb Photo by GRAHAM PAINE E.W. Foster Sohool teacher Lamna Jones, a finalist for the Toronto Sun's Teacher cf the Year, stands beside «a bulletin board show- ing some cf her students' artwork. Ms Jones says watching youngsters gain self-esteem la the most rewarding part cf her job. to teaching, but didn't realize just bow important it was until she had cbildren of her own. She added, "It (bccoming a mother) made me aware of just how precious and important each child is and just how great an honour it 15 10 teach other peoples childrcn." Watching youngstcrs gain sclf-estecm, sbe said, is the moat rcwarding aspect of her job. And helping cildren devclop this means mak- ing them understand that it's ail right to [ail. "It's important 10 make them realize it's okay to try, and make a mistake," explaincd Ms Jones, who said sbe's been influenced by many cxcep- tional teachers over the years. "Because cach mistake helps us do that much better next time." Among the major challenges facing teachers these days, she stresscd, is maintaining a cbild's intereat level - wbicb can sometimes require a lot of crcativity, as wcll as a willingness to, take on the role of student. "'ve had to take some computer workshops over the years and many of my students took te, il quicker than I did," she quippcd. "The idea is te, think of the students' interesîs and needa and draw upon tbeir strengths. Tbat's how you keep thcm focuscd." Among those who know this is eight-year-old Mason Whiting - one of ber current second graders - wbo said, "Ms Joncs bas really taught me a lot. We do a lot of différent activities - like math, rcading and spelling - and it's always fun." His teacher ccboed those sentiments, stating I tbink theres a unique.rcward that comes witb teacbing primary level cbildrcn. Tbey come in unsure of wbat's cxpectcd, but juat 50 open 10 new skills and new ideas. To sce tbem develop as the wceks and montha go by is just amazing." Ms Joncs is one of two Halton District Sebool Board tcacbcrs wbo'vc made the Toronto Sun Teacher of the Ycar sbort list. A tcam of judges will eboose 10 tinalists for the awards in Jonc. ((O))COG I:CQ ee www.cogeco.ca NORTH HALTON STUDIO 21. Main Street North, Acton, ON L7J 1V9 (519) 853-4700 COGECO 14 Programming Schedule - May 1st - May 7th 2001. Encore Encore Encore Encore Encore IN 4pGm 7 36p, Pligod In! Sm., 4m. 7:34m. Pqpd ltIn nSm g4mn& ?30pm ui lagnllo lu i 5n, I4m &7a30p v. h aI! 5m 4mi & 7:. m Pod la! 5.30p lsewm S.30. Cble ilh. e S'uiThe Isun Il .Weul in mReiew 5:30p. Lm thfr ie li»mon .Class,.. 6:30"oeim l.3Op. lime Issu Is...Ede SOg. HaRe hn u m cm soIn in . AqNÇ&Connection TV Ambhon 6m 01 OpimuntmTVm M30v. S IagOd*er.H"di 6:30m SW~U , 610.34mpu Osogios Cmucý IEoTw 'tau"dialun8:O0pun ISLE mncpal Nnsdy" 'tlmn L7 ~Féetr this week: "8 ortown Kinarnn TV Auction"- Smndaya th 6. 10:30 i ',ss,~ssnsîs 50 5550. 5,14 î$ 'iilî ll5l50.~i **44 . Si ~ i i 5 oss~sss.~si~s.îl5 sî>,niosî V

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