Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Apr 2001, p. 7

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The Canadian Champion, Friday, Apnl 27, 2001-7 NTe Ili1 Pcç' e eh By FANNIE SUNSMINE The Champion ilhe îtew gaz.ebi ai ttîe restîîred Mitl Pontd has heen narned. Il îîîwn cituncit apprîîves the naine - hîîsen hy the Miltotn 2(XIII (imrniltee aiM its next mîeetinîg May 7, the gicehit witi îîificiaily be catied the Miii Poînd Mitienntum (tazehi. The Toîwn ciimmiitee recenîiy hetd a iiinunity-wide etîntesi iii naine the gazeho. Mitre thaît 115 entries were reccived. In reviewing lte eniries. the commitiec was tooking Itor a naine that wîîuid retlect lte loîcatioîn of lthe new structure and the spirit wîîh which il was huilt. Loceal resident Darryt Ezeard submitied the cittsen naine. -The miiennium cîîmmitîee was thnttled wiih the amouni of enties received," the Tîîwn's dîrector tif communhty services Jennifer Reynolds îoid cîtuncitiors, ai Monday nigitîs community sevcscommitiee meeting. "We shoriened the iist 10 corne up with lte finai decision.' The cîîmmunity services committee approved te narie but il won't hecome officiai unti town counii gives il the green iight. Mayor Gord Krantz, who serves on the Milton 2000 Commitee, said a lt of discussion wentintc, choosing the final narie. Titere were a lot of good choices.' Counciilor Rick Maiboeuf said hie didn't have any prohiemr with lte namie but in thte future wanîs counicil lu sec lte ui of entries put forward. Tite building osf lte gazeho was a iegacy project spearheaded hy lte Milton 2000 Commiitee in honour of lte town's miiienniumn ceichrations. Mr. Ezeard wiii be invited t0 participale in lte officiai opening anti rihittn cuîîing ceremony for lte gazeho lu be heid as part of the town's Canada Day f'estivities Juiy i. In addition, Mr. Ezeard wii have bis name inscrihed on a coru- inemoralive sione ltai wiit tormi pari of lte waikway ai lte Miltotn Mitennium Garden ai Chris Hadfieid Park. Ms Reynolds aiso intormed counicitiors te Miii Pond restora- lîion project is nearty dune. -Landscaping sitl has lus be cuîmpieted for the gazeho.- site said. "We're iooking ai the salest location (on te pond) 10 hoid winter skaiing. A signilicani inlerest was aiso laken with boating accessi- hiiity. The pond is now full but te re-sîocking of fisit has yet lo be donc and ltai wiii be iooked ai aller Juiy, so lte annuai Fîshing Derby wuîni be heid ai ihis site." \Vork thaî's heen coiitpteted at the %litt Poind inctudes, (li te prîeisletishe tusi1'istiiltîtitii tdli reinusat ot 32,0(X) cuhii. nietres ot sediintî and conîstructionî iii i ponîd ii lie p.ist le,,%y ears. The lasi growi îîg \Need ctîîked otî deep wsater tîsit refuge. A vu etand %%as ai so createt (ii the tîurih talus e plant spec tes sui~ at.sbtsis andu hI t pauts ii lie Pond shuretîne. Dispo)sai sites ut the sedinient inctuded tI\N o îsed tandtîtt lica- tions in Georgetown and une industriat site nurtit ot'lHa 4011 in Hiallun Hilis. Aquatic planting within the Pond is set tu hegin the sieek of May 14 and shoretîne pianting uf trees and sitruits was set lu gel under- way ihis week. The pond was dratncd duning the winter ut 20(X and excavated this past tatil The pond was re-tilird last month. (519) 856-4170 Peter Appleyard Trio in Concert Wednesday May 16, Thursday May 17, Friday May 18, Saturday May 19. Price $75 per person, 7 p.m. Reservations are required. Don'tforget Mother's Day! Sanday, May 13 Fixedprice menu - cail to reserve reptite Popultattions SATURDAY, MAY 5 Volunteers Wanted yard, digging a garden, washing windows, cleaning up waterways, around town or the escarment.Community DayV The day will start with a Breakfast Barbecue at 8:00 arn at the Milton Comrnunity Resource Centre (MCRC), 540 Childs Drive (see rnap below) Need HeIp?!?! If you are unable to complete some of your spring clean-u jos.iuha ah n - î dows, painting, yard work, lifting, general clean-up... let your Neighbours Help" * Please cal! (905) 875-4636 or fax (905) 876-0430. GOOD NEIGH LAI Iig 'Sq

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