M units, electronic air cleaners, humidifiers, barbe- cues, fireplaces, infrared heaters and unit heaters. -We satisfy the customier by doing a gond, efficient job," manager, Shelley Kidd said. Their showroom, open ail winter long and in the summer by appointment, displays a vaniety of Napolean barbecues and lireplaces. Both direct vent fireplaces for those lacking a chim- ney and inserts for masonry fireplaces are avail- able. Technicians employed by Bailey's have untier- C4-The Canadian Champion, Friday, Apnil 27, 2001 Ba ev l atn & Co i g m k s customers feel comiortable 1!Cusiomer" are neyer too bot or ioo colti aller gone schoolîng tor gas titing, oui humer lis Tu i 2001dealiîng wilh Baîley Heating & Cooling Ltd The refigeration mechanic"s inorder t0 pros company speuializes in numerous units geared at knowledgLethle services. Three technicians h~ making the living or workîng envîronmenl bren wiîh ihe company for 15 years dur m gf '1 8 Rpleasant. whicb lime have acquired respectl'or qua For over 40 years the company bas servîs.ed service andi dedicated care. As part of Bailey Heating & Cooling's cus- tomer dedication, warranties are offered on mosi units to include parts or parts and labour. Cusiomers also have the option of utilizing a yearly service plan available on most units under 20 yesrs old. A 24 hour emergency service is also available connecting clients to a live attendant. Bailey Healing & Cooling is located ut 103 Steeles Ave. Unils 6 & 7 905-8784821 Learning to dance is fun at Dance Elite Anyone can learn to dance, ail it takes is the proper training. That training can lie found with- in the studio walls of Dance Elite. Dance Elite, owned by Mamie Palmer, pro- vides the community wîth a positive and fun dance studio open to cbildren aged three right through to, adults. Students can train in ballet, tap, jazz, acrobat- ics, modem, lyrical, musical theatre, dramna and vocal. Teachers are qualified by the Canadian Dance Teachers Association and lIhe Dance Masters of Amnerica. Classes mun from September to May. The stu- dents begin preparing their choreography in December for their end of the term performance. The three hour show allows dancers to show off what they've learned at the Meadowvale Theatre. Students also have thse chance to, perform at community events tbroughout the year including Canada Day celebrations and the StrawberiY Festival. The dance school also, frequents Allendale. A student's objective mnay bie to learn dancing. but ai the same time they acquire other benelits. "Dancing works on building a great sense of confidence and self esteem in the dancer," Ms Palmer said. Students also develop a sense of poise and are in incredible physical shape. Presently, the dance school is preparing for their week long summer camps. Camps are available throughout the month of July for jun- iors, intermiediates, seniors (evenings) and a haîf day introduction camp for beginners. 'They'll get a full variety of dance classes," Ms Palmer said. "It's a fun tilled week." Dance Elite la located ait 550 Ontario St. Unit 7 (Pizza But Plaza) 905-878-5736 thanks Milton D Yinutire the De8t! We are honoured to be chosen as your favourite heating and cooling cont ractor for the second year in a row. We Iookforward to serving the Milton cornrunity with the saine efficient quality &friendly service which made us #1. Corne visit us at the Milton Showcase on lune 1, 2 & 3 at the Milton Mernorial Arena. Cali or Visit ou ~~ ~Units 6-7 ___ 103 Steeles Ave. f ide ave ing lity MaIÀ L BOXES ETc 1hawh yu fr «vottg us # ýFavouritc Print ShoY in the Milton~ chofo Awivawds To ail our loyal Customers, and our ncvw (ustonser. wc are ofcring.. XEROX COLOUR COPIES 79per copy 8 1/2xl1 i(Editing Extra) OFFER VAUD UNT1L MAY 12, 2001 We mlslt R sy for you by offsdng Illfe. seVke: M flcdvkq 8«Vkf Doam»mnSoevk CowWe Serviff. .244W m*ewà IcSb M wIU II U# Or&@lse copies Domeici" worldwid .=g&ali ub - Im*j ihfl mWmi yUS Fed .OgiP&UOWlCOki *Ol0IiCoIowPvIlifl, 4 0oooaoeCcego 0 Ud, 89 00 ocwirIW *FMx sording &ecoiMni .BuskneSb &ar81111190M *Word prooesdngrpofs, mens, eMo. -Okp w 420 MAIN ST. E., UNIT C, MILTON (905) 878-5955 NI B 'E,