MC2-The Canadian Champion, Fniday, Aphi 27, 200 'C .J Herbai Magie Provictes i44W~t4~ ~ ~ natural alternative pro ~~5keioicc fiphl ~s for voting US.. 6, FAVOURITENUTRITIONIT' FAVOURIfE HERBAI. SUPPLEMENTS STORE t-/Maie s Once again, we are overwhelmzed by the appreciation shown 10 us by our loyal customners & clientele. -We are proud of the fact ltat the people of Milton consider US to be #V! 15 Martin St. C CARUMAGO eau^"£ 905 6 39 9 orrams We've ail heard naturai's better - weii it's true. wiih clients to lace their probIems. Herbai Magic offerstihe support needed to "Ai programs are taiiored to the individuai to heip shed pounds and take advantage of beiter ensure healthy, consistent weighi loss," Ms health through their ail naturai alternative to, Foiey said. weight lots. Herbai Magic camres over 80 herbs, ail stan- Two years ago Maxine Stanley opened Herbai dardized and research grade quaiity with the Magic and bas since assisted over 150 men, ahiiity to treat a wide range of ailmenis includ- womien and children to, lose weight. Retail serv- ing digestive probiems and menopause. ices span over 200 clients. 'We're flot jusi about iosîng weight, we do Herbai Magic's focus is a lifestyle change, way more than that"- Ms Foiey said "We takea using reai foods in moderation with the assis- whoie body approach to heaith and weight ioss.' tance of herbai supplements to control cravings As a wellness centre, Herbai Magîc aiso and help increase the metabolic rate. addresses and treais behaviourai prohlims in "We don't offer a quick fix because there isn't children. one," said Kristen Foiey manger and head con- Empioyees are ail trained wih extensivi sultant. "You lose weight ihrough proper daiiy knowiedge of herbai suppiemenis and weigh eating habits, seven days a week." lots. The Herbai Magie consultants - Ms. Foiey, Ms Herbai Magie is located ai 15 Martin Si Stanley and Lita Zampieni - work one-on-one (Carniage Square compiex) 905-693-9594 Professional auto care provided at Bob's Auto Service Good car care professionais can be bard 10 find, so Miltonians iucked out when Bob's Auto Service decided ta open ils doors in 1978 under the ownership of Bob Wilson. The shop provides customers with "complete auto repairs, emissions tesiing and emtistion repaira," said Kevin Wilson, service manager. "We offer pretty much everything." Services range fromi basic oil change and lube, t0 tune ups, 10 more iniricate work on engines. steering and brakes. Finding an automotive repair shop that can do il ail is just the tirsi step in cuatomer satisfaction. The technicians play a large role in the lifetime of your vehicle but Mr. Wilson assures eus- tomera their cars are in the best hands. .One good thing la we have five Iicensed tech- nicians," Mr. Wilson said. 'Trhat guarantees only a iicensed technician wiii work on your car." The technicians are alto equipped wîth mod- em diagnostic and repaîr equipmeni in the fise- bay shop. This means customera do not have 10 be vehîcie-lesa for long. Mr. Wilson said staff do their besi to provide samne day service for tbeir customera. An estimated 100- 150 customers are satitfied weekiy. Bob's Auto Service was the lirai company in Ontario t0 be a part of AutoPLACE, a network of automotive repair professionals, now with around 50 membera across Ontario and Quehec. AutoPLACE aliows Bob's Auto Service 10 offer better service, and better credit. It alto gives the company an edge on obtaining bard 10 reach parts while guaranteeing ethical business. Bob's Auto Service is locaied ai 18 Commercial St. 905-878-7926 Thank You Milton C"Jmmunity Sf or choosing us as FAVOURIJE DAYCARE CENTRE Make it a Sa fer Sounder Start Auto BOBIS AUTC> loi, SERVICE WÈRE YOUR #1 AUTO REPAIR SHOP* ~afe and Sound Chlre ' Ce tr In 6620 Third Line, Milton 875-1955 8 Third Sideroad, Milton 875-1140 407 Pine Street, Milton 878-0537 Milton/Campbellville 875-2119 Serving Milton for 16 Years We Aim to Please