Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Apr 2001, p. 27

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Tire Canadian Champion. Fnidav. AprIl 27. 2001-27 ANNUAI, GIANT CRAFT SALIE OVF R 120'IABLIsS *Food and iksi.ragî.s asailahh. *Arts &ransifrm acreiss O0nario 'ACHILDREN FREE 10Uam -4 pm APRII 28 & 29 215 Ontaaio Street South, Milton, Ontario Ait pratia.ds va iv E.C. i)rery High Sa.hiiv Tî.hxiiiagy E-dxiativa Prvjii.ts Bucke &6 Doe -Wayne Par-hfil ILor, Tauber April 28/01 v OPM li So per Persen Mohawka Inn Canapbelivffle, 4oi &l Guaelphs Line * N-~-~le 1ig School ReunnPay Saturday April 28k, 2001 Milton District and E.C. Drury Between 1979 and 1987 Please corne out andjoin us at Hardball Cýafre Hwyv 25 North of the 401, Mfilton. 905-876-2582 www.hardballcafe.com For more information ca/k Ronnie @ 519-853-9477 3MDM Live on Stage, $5 cover YARD SALE 341 Wilson Drive #*42 Contents of Gifi Shop 1*44 Garage Sale Items SATURDAV 286-8 n-ni. GARAGE SALE At 111 Anne Blvd. Sait April 28 Froni 8:3Oam ta 1:30 pin Something for everyone GARAGE SALE Set April 28 Barri - Noon 30 Robert St MULT1 FAMILY GAAGE SALES Brookviiîe Estates APRIL 28, 8 AM - 1 PM Guelph Lino, North of 15 Slderoad TWO FAMILY GARAGE SALE SAT. APR. 28M1, nain or shine 8:OOam-12:00 pin, no enirly birde piene 119 Robinwood Grme. (near Anne & Bronto> YARD SALE 341 Wilson Drive 1*42 Contents of Gi Shoppe 1*44 Garage Sale Items SATIJRDAY 28 -8 ar. BONUS! i Al CIassified Ads M b appear at... wwwlmiltocandkàchmpion.com 145 145 'Jetterai ileip .0iieOd hUE.. w-e for 1ad Afternoon Shifi Supervîsor Part/FulI-time i Countier help mail 905-827-5200 Hairstyllsts - RT/PT BUSY LOCATIONS SUR1.-MIL.-WATERDOWN: CAL FO0OR E th Mionmmissi eV- dance IAuiNoas- upeen neededCî 905)39-t3155 DOMINOS PZZ P ixr n ow ing rvais. tMi have own vide.sa Als arequiord Mansidte Staff Evnguo aid wereke nd. plyn lr tow1 Wiilsn Dniver(at Mthacoe ofn MaiS. aendison., Mlitn safte 4a paltr4.M DRIVER, fsll-lîme, D-Z aid/or A-Z licence. Please caîl Doyle Horxe iTranxport (905)628- 1388 or fax (905)628- 1710 DRIVER: Fuit-lime, lo- cal work D-Z, G-Z aid/or A-Z licence. Please caîl Doyle Horse Transport (905)628- 1366 or fax (905)628- 1710 GENERAL laborer for bouse renoafions. Siait immediaiely for 2 monfirs. Somne lîiing Hours flexible. Caîl 2.5 466-3400 J.C.'S Tanks & Repai lnc. Sxbsidiary oi Tram- car mnc. Service Manag- er licensed trailer me- ciranic would be a defi- nute assai to supetvise oui ieam for a siainlesa steel iank traiter repair shop. Knowtede of wefding alan beneficial. Contact: JOC. Robllard. Phone 519î-e50-1440 Fax 519-650-1650. LANOSCAPE Coerirac- toi sow hiring. Expeni- enoe in landscape con- struction, DZ license, equipaieni operaiion are excellent asseis. Lead hand and labourer positions available. Fax ior Emrait resumne to 905- 629-7985 or tvz@az- tac-net.cm #1:* Production Labour: Ciremical Balch/ Rleniding, mechanical aptitude. Wi train. Gi. 12 min. #2: Driver/Shinner e F/T Days: olra Ontario aiea. Must have valid AZ/OZ drivesicne dlean ahotracl. updulvd medical, TDG drîvînig expert- once. Houîiy rte. #3: Lab Technicien Chm) Eoîry evvl position. Must hraae college diom FAX RESUMES ASAP TO: ControlChem Canada Ltd Fax: (905) 319-0438 DISTRIBUTORS To deliver a prestiglous publication and relataid flyers 3 times weekîy In Oakville. Ideal parltme opportunity to make extra cash. Seniors/ home makers/ boys and girls, if you love outdoors, meeting people, exercise and money, Please caîl Sal 905-469-1409 or 9054616-5388 Equestnian OELGIAN Cross, 13 yearo, temnale, 16H, his heen used for less- onsllomping. $2.00R Caîl Danny aOir-563- enca, havean excelle t rfsiona, tyen Rosi utai Stafus Frl an Fîart Paner aoiind prve r eto 2ncud Maepin StreesEtîi, accutnpro ceIfn nu cient a înciam ofia nsatss initcial- edce hav FanrlPar excellen fsinl 1stylw-up proclese and schedaln pofes apîan s.ra Peuse ftrepy wiv wusn. it orreuet Dfnrdoa Financial Glne n rouerpto Milu e ecp ion, ONie, tmLy 1P4 rt po e by Fianvicieui Ianr eel ele ainlaciad Naocse ainndcsaresian f apaay enspi & aeaus Maty na Trameve wihvu esum tIo:î fii areranaxit Finaca Grosupan ix vFrx:er05ng8a5 3ta4 Cetanîdaie ons in hdre eex i doei ixfeet aoee Fas înrharde retîalixgs sepe n neew e cna int hexpanty ai Pane sCini Fan har wrssie & ii 15 82 Manag7 ATinc Ch s ok fori cance yiîiiresaie in govii îna îîxay i anxe r@pipo ptora TTRU.C/ AIeR MECHN AEQi E ifis F ei oars. Benefit Package, Cinmpctiiive Wuges Truck Town Service mnc. 10862 Steeles Avenue W janaes Snow Milton, Ontario L9T 2X8 Tel: (905)878-6779 Fax: (905)878-4489 145 145 Wantd Wetgd WOODH AVE N EXPERIENCED WEEKEND HOSTESS/HO0ST For custom new home development in Oakvîlle. Must be peofessional, person- able and able to worir closely wîth the public; New home sales knowledge would ha an asset. Immediate placements. Please fax work experience & references: (905)257-7238 DISTRIBUTORS To deliver a prestigiaus publication and reîated flyers 3 limes weekly in Oakville. Ideal paritime opportunity lo make extra cash. Seniors! home makers/ boys and girls, if you love outdoors, meeting people, exorcise and money, Please Cali Sait 905-469-1409 or 905-616-5388 BURLINGTON'S TEST GROWING BAR/RESTAURANT IS LOOKING FOR "FIT Floor Manager "F/T Kitchen Manager 3 yearv mnaagemnt evperîerrce reiiieli Salaîy & bronnoes Oased on experrence Plue nd resme Afie: Randy Fergueon 531 Brnt Street Inrllngton ON L7R 2G6 or fax (905) 632-9120 P/T Lifeguard - Weekends 15 hrro/ eh $8 50/hr Siail Date: May 19 P/T Tennis Office Attendant 2T 015/ wk $8.5T/hi SîvOt Daie Muy 1 PURCMmimIATOll Procou United, v lire leadîng Canadian fessor oi specialiovd rail cars and services, lncaled vn West Oukaîlle Wv corienlf rave aii vpenîng in lire Pur- cirusîng bepadtmeol loi a Porcirasîng Admînîsîralvi This positîion iii ire responisîbivivi tire llvwng dues, " Piacessing aid dîstibulîna purcirase videis * Dala enltry on MRP Sysîvo and Sirop lnvenilviy Sysient " General office dues incl filînT, mail distrbutivon, answering lelepirones, lyping memos aid docuiments, runrîng reports, vider slalîonary anrd piodiicing graptis lvi lire Sirop locenloiR Turos " Olirer îeialed dulies as asirsgvvd Tire icumnei must ire delvîl orienlte and ire able Io manage multiple duies ici lOrs busy eviroienl Prelerence wili ire Brvo tv candidates wîirh comriolv expeiece vn Word and Exacel and some vaposuin ir a Poicirasî ng Pepadmeol envîrvvmviil Ressaie s oiiling educalion. experience and salaie isloîy sirould ire sutîmillvd Io Haman Resources Departmenl 2001 Speers Rd., Oakviiie. On L6J 5E1 Errail iabs@pracar.com Fax 905-827-7735 We lirane ail applicanro Tir ineir ifleiesl ini Pîrer(" coiaCleO for intervivew Fax Our Classified Department ntI 876-i2364 1-o book yours today! ACCOUNTING CLERK Fuilltime, report tii Ai.oiiting A'dmini.,trator tData inîput, A, t', p Y~ roi 1, reiofli 1 i at ion'. Fpre ad-hcet, *\cc Pac experience prelerreci Fax resumne to: 905-639-7955 Administrative Assistant This position requires versaiity in a multiple of administrative, and general office duties, sucir as correspondence (Word, e-mail, Excel), purchase order requisition and follow-up. Mail/Fax to: Zarpac lac. Afin: Personnel Deparimeni 476 Morden Ram Oakville, Ontario 165K 3W4 Fax: (905)-338-3521 Emal: zarpsc@znrpac.com INVOUCING Laadîng whofesaf e dîntrîbutor in Campbrell- ville iv accepfing resumes for their învoîc- ing department. Must have minimum 2 yrsý experience in computerized envirorimeni Offering competîtîve saiaiy / benefîts pack- age. Own transportation requîred. Fax resumne attn: Connie (905) 854-6104 Customer Service Representative A career vi ioruity, for lire poison who enoys wvrking dicclv elh cuoircs, supplivis and viii sidv sales reps, Tire peiso r selecled for tis de- mariding pos ion wili have a proli sonnal atitudelc a good aoîkrng knowledge of Microsoft Office cori ponduis, Word. Excel anid Acceso Thre abîlîiy Io woik vn bovi oliîe.al langoages would bc an assel Glo)bal Medicai Prodioclo a divtiubvi of vi rndicai equiprmeîri fi use ii tioviails iirrvrîghnri Canada Pionse (Gruau resns Il mail oely te: Global Medical Preducts lac. 5220 Souath Service Rd. Burllngton, ON L7L 51(2 F/T LEGAL SECRETARI required for busy Real Estate Practîce in Mississauga. Only those wih exp. need apply. Knowledge of E-REG & Teravîew a definîte assai. Must have knowladge of the Conveyancer & Microsoft Word. Please fax resume to. Holmes & Stewart (905) 607-0212 Attn: Human Resources. The Oaleville Club 56 Waler St., Oakville, ON L6J 2Y3 Afin: Jennifer Vice or Tel: 900-845-0231 exi 302 or Fax: 905-845-3186 ne Email: jeice@oakvilleciub.cem eoffer anufcturent wofrking eîrsment a TeI asanatiractihve campgrato1/ edctonfi hafer appcnis of5ar xe îtr in sami teha a essai ceefian b male ri fao hyruis adr Pluanic aner C and NC mchies i a dtinte nse - We offan xcelentwo idirnn Was Mîssasan stt augcmpatin N LSJ2M Faxa90)a22-23

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